
23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

author:Heavenly Punishment 17

#Find the True Knowledge Faction##National Defense Science ##历史冷故事 #

At that time, in the Eighth Division of Jizhong Province, the regional situation has also been fundamentally improved. According to incomplete statistics, the battles directly organized by only 37 regional teams during this period killed and wounded more than 200 enemy people, captured more than 1100 enemy people, and revolted more than 100 people anyway. 4 Japanese soldiers were captured, and a type 92 heavy machine gun, three light machine guns, three grenadiers, 600 or 700 long and short guns, as well as ammunition cloth, other materials and horses were captured.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

However, such a huge victory has been won, and our army has suffered a lot of losses, especially because the leading cadres are in the front, the casualty rate is very high. The victims included one county brigade leader (first-class combat hero Huang Lirong martyr 1918.5-1944.10), one squad leader of the ninth district (the name of the martyr Xiaobian Tianxing 17 was not found, please ask friends to advise), three company and platoon-level cadres.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

At that time, most of the base areas were already under the control of our army, and the Japanese puppet army could only shrink in the county town and panic for a long time.

The First and Eighth Route Army re-ke Anping County and ambushed the enemy many times.

When the time came to 1945, the enemy was even more grasshoppers after the autumn, and it could not be more than a few days. Our army did not rest, but began to take the initiative again.

1. The Eighth Route Army zaike Anping County

On the day of January 4, the troops of the Seventh Sub-district of our army disregarded the cold and attacked the county town of Anping again at night. The morale of the Japanese puppet army in this battle was low, and they gave full play to the spirit of "dead friends do not die poor roads", because at night they did not dare to go out of the gate of the artillery tower, so the enemy's bunkers in this battle were each sweeping the snow in front of their own doors, and they did not reinforce each other at all.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

Taking this opportunity, our army began to sweep away the enemy's strongholds one by one, and this constant use of absolute superiority in troop strength to fight more and less, and the war situation was completely one-sided. At dawn, our army completely occupied the enemy bunkers in the east and north cities, and after collecting the spoils of war, we burned all these bunkers and retreated safely with our prisoners. In this battle, more than 10 Japanese puppet troops were killed and wounded, 35 puppet soldiers were captured, and 32 rifles and other supplies were captured.

2. Ambush battle in Yanjia Village

On January 9, the main force of the Eighth Sub-district of our army, the 37th Regional Detachment, with the cooperation of local guerrillas, ambushed more than 20 Japanese troops and more than 50 puppet troops dispatched from the Cuierzhuang stronghold near Yanjia Village, more than 60 miles west of Cangxian County. In this battle, our army had an absolute superiority in firepower, wrapped the enemy in dumplings, killed and captured more than 60 Japanese puppet troops, captured two light machine guns, one grenade launcher, 9 rifles, and 28 bicycles.

2. Durham, a U.S. military observer who participated in tunnel warfare

Under the continuous great victories, our army has continued to make unremitting efforts to attack. On January 21, Ace Lee, a member of the U.S. Military Observation Group who came to Jizhong from Yan'an, was forced to do so. Durham, inspected the Ninth Division. The focus of his work this time was to go to Baiyangdian to investigate the ice, to determine whether the plane could be stopped on the lake when it was frozen in winter, and to see if it could be used as a forced landing site for the Air Force to bomb Japan.

Unfortunately, because Durham's physical features are too prominent, his whereabouts are reported by traitors. Under the strict orders of the Japanese North China Front, the Japanese puppet army, which had been shrinking for many days, rushed out to prepare to raid our army's escort team and capture or kill Durham alive. On the morning of January 23, when our army escorted his march to the village of Renchupiri, it was suddenly attacked by more than 1,000 puppet troops. Caught off guard, our army immediately hid Durham in the tunnels, and then held the village to negotiate with the enemy.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

At that time, although our army was absolutely inferior in terms of military strength and firepower, the morale was strong and the terrain was familiar, and the village of Piri had a complete multi-layer three-dimensional tunnel fortification! Under the leadership of the villagers in this village, our army constantly went up and down through the tunnels, constantly attacking the enemy through various bunkers, gun holes, firing holes, and bomb mouths, but the enemy could not find our position.

Annoyed and angry, the Japanese puppet army tried to excavate the tunnel entrance and destroy the tunnel, but because the tunnel in Pili Village was an upgraded new generation of tunnel, the tunnel mouth concealed the truth and showed falsehood, and the internal multiple organ fortifications, as well as smoke, waterproof, and anti-poison functions, made the enemy helpless.

From beginning to end, these thousands of days of puppet troops were like the wild cattle that were constantly beaten, wandering around the village and being beaten in all kinds. After a day of fighting, after our reinforcements were gradually gathered from all directions, the enemy was afraid of being surrounded by a steady stream of reinforcements from us in the dark of night, and finally had to retreat.

In the evening, after Durham drilled out of the tunnel, he exclaimed in praise of the heroic struggle of my soldiers and civilians: "Great. Great". He also proudly extended his thumbs up to praise himself, saying: "Tunnel warfare, I am the first participant in the American military." "Therefore, the Eighth Route Army did repel the attack of thousands of Japanese puppet troops with absolutely inferior troops by relying on tunnels and absolutely inferior troops." This is not an anti-Japanese drama, but the fact that American soldiers personally participated in the war. Isn't this tunnel battle in The Village of Piri, which has been submerged in the river of history, worthy of vigorous publicity?

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

After many days of field investigation, Mr. Durham, an observer of the US military at that time, was admired by the personality charm and actual combat spirit of our Eighth Route Army, and sincerely admired the Eighth Route Army. When he returned to the military region and was again received by Commander Yang Chengwu, he gave a thumbs up and said: "The Japanese army will be defeated, and the Eighth Route Army will be victorious." ”

A few days later, when we introduced him to the scene of Baiyangdian and provided him with the situation of the enemy airfield in Baoding, and the photos of the airport that the scouts personally went to take, he realized the danger in it, and after taking the photos with both hands, he said in a heartfelt voice: "Hero of the Eighth Route Army, hero of the Eighth Route Army!" ”

Some of the historical nihilists who question tunnel warfare, do you know that in history, tunnel warfare involved not only Chinese soldiers and civilians, but also American soldiers? Do you know that in history, even proud American soldiers have admired the true mainstay of the War of Resistance, the Eighth Route Army?

I remember a film in which a fictional story of Soviet female soldiers fighting devils with us. But why bother? If you really want to publicize Sino-foreign cooperation in the War of Resistance, this American soldier Mr. Durham, obviously fought with our army, ah, this history excavation to write a script, is not it good to see?

Third, our large-scale production and river control movement

Food is the basis for war. At the same time as taking the initiative to attack, the Jizhong Military Region also held a large-scale production meeting, and by the end of March, it had arranged for the whole region to carry out large-scale production campaigns and river control work. It is proposed to earnestly respond to the slogan of cultivating three more than one, calling on the people to organize, implement mutual assistance to save manpower, and strive to do everything possible to get more grain. At that time, the production targets for grain and cotton in each division were stipulated, and the issue of the participation of organ personnel in production was particularly emphasized.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

At that time, the military region proposed that all personnel of the rear organs should also participate in labor, independently solve some of the daily necessities, and lighten the people's burdens. At that time, in the Jizhong Military Region, a very conspicuous feature was that the combat troops concentrated on training troops, and the ordinary people concentrated on production. In addition to their normal work, the personnel of the organs also have to go to the countryside to work and solve some of their own rations. This practice of cadres in the rear personally participating in labor is close to the distance between our party and the people, and it is really a very good thing.

In addition, at that time, the tasks were also decomposed, requiring all rear departments at all levels to implement a division of labor responsibility system, each of which must personally lead a key unit, starting from investigation and study to understand the basic situation, making a breakthrough to learn from experience, and finally giving comprehensive guidance. At that time, the work process was refined, and specific requirements were put forward for all the work that must be completed in the spring ploughing stage, and governments at all levels quickly set up production committees to discuss how to implement the resolution.

Then, with the vigorous development of the large-scale production movement in various counties, in terms of agricultural production, we expanded the cultivated land area in the base areas, filled in the blockade ditches, selected model workers, and rewarded advanced production units and individuals. In addition, in the area of industry and commerce, county cooperatives and trade organizations have also been set up, which not only enlivened the rural economy, but also waged economic struggle against the enemy and thoroughly knocked the enemy's economic black hand out of the base area.

In order to increase grain production, we must first build water conservancy. In addition to the large-scale production campaign, the Jizhong Military Region also carried out a campaign to control the river at the same time. At that time, the focus of river management was the Tuotuo River, which was often flooded. After the meeting, the large-scale production movement and the work of controlling the river were vigorously carried out. At that time, the number of people involved in the management of the river was organized, and more than 2 million people were successively organized. Before the arrival of spring sowing, the task of controlling the river was successfully completed, ensuring the production of spring ploughing.

Fourth, the enemy opened the dam and flooded the base area in an attempt to starve our soldiers and civilians to death

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

However, the road to victory is tortuous, and where there is victory, there will be sacrifice. At that time, the most rampant in Hebei was the "white-necked" puppet army led by Wang Fenggang (with a white towel tied around their necks), who were so arrogant that they even dared to go far and deep into the MaTa camp inside our base area to hunt down and kill more than 30 cadres and fighters, including Chen Lin, the governor of our district.

On January 5, when Yin Jingfen, secretary of the Xinze County Party Committee of the Tenth Sub-district, was inspecting the work in Jiaoqu Village, Xincheng County, his whereabouts were betrayed by the enemy's liaison officers, and Wang Fenggang immediately ordered his close associate Wang Xiushan to surround the village with more than 100 pseudo-policemen.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

Wang Fenggang, this big traitor, can be described as a heinous crime! At that time, the district chief Yang Tie was hidden in the Wushu camp, was betrayed by bad people, and was arrested and killed by him. This scheming Wang Fenggang also repeatedly ordered his subordinates to impersonate the "Eighth Road" and sneak into our guerrilla area at night to arrest cadres, progressives, and ordinary people from our village. At that time, Gao Shun, Wen Tunhe, and Xie Zijiu of Liang Gezhuang, as well as Li Yunshu, Song Jingyun, Liu Mao, and Xiao Wang of Gaoqiao and Beifa Shangli Villages were all arrested and killed by him.

His bad deeds, we will mention later. This hardcore traitor not only had a lot of blood debts, killed countless anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, and insulted and abused countless innocent people of mine, but even in the last stage of 1945, at the behest of the Japanese devils, in order to sabotage the spring ploughing work in our base areas, he also deliberately dug a dam and flooded our base area in an attempt to starve us to death!

At that time, he colluded with Pei Hongyuan, a traitor in Qiu County, and in early April 1945, together with the Japanese army, he rushed to attack Mijiawu, Zanggang and other places in an attempt to encircle and suppress the leading organs of our Tenth Sub-district, but as a result, he was ambushed by our army and suffered great losses. This old Wang Fenggang was ashamed and angry, accepted Xie Daqian's poisonous plan, and used the method of replacing the soldiers with water to block the Shilipu Bridge in Xincheng, open the Golden Gate Gate Gate of the Yongding River, and divert the Yongding River into the Baigou River. When the water level rose, he dug the embankment on the west side of the river in shuangputou, and the rolling flood immediately flooded a large area of farmland and crops!

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

On April 8th, he sent troops to the Tangjia camp and then opened the embankment to the east, creating a man-made flood! And even more heinously, he also ambushed the ambush near the duel in advance. When our military and civilian organizations went to block the mouth and provide disaster relief, in order to prevent the common people from plugging the gap, he shot and ambushed the team that we went to rescue the flood, killing and injuring many of our soldiers and civilians!

Before, we knew that the traitor was bad, but this kind of big traitor with sores on the top of his head, pus on the soles of his feet, and bad to the bone, we hadn't seen it before, right? But no one would think of doing this, would they? This inhumane act is simply heinous! Wang Fenggang, Pei Hongyuan, and Xie Daqian, the three traitors, should be forever nailed to the pillar of shame in history! No matter how many years have passed, Xiaobian Tianjian 17 must also remind everyone that we must not forget the heinous crimes of the Japanese puppet army!

Fifth, the man-made evil consequences of the great flood disaster of the Japanese puppet army

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

At that time, this man-made flood turned dozens of villages north of the new city into a vast ocean, and the adobe houses of the common people collapsed countless times. The fish ponds west of the Daqing River were all destroyed, and the accumulation of thousands of ordinary people for generations was destroyed! More than 80 villages in the Langouwa area, accumulating more than 15,000 acres of wheat, were all submerged and destroyed! More than 100 villages in the northeast of Dongxiong County, Daqinghe, have completely become water countries, and countless ordinary people are soaked in the flood, dragging their children and daughters to cry! Because it was in a state of war at that time, the number of deaths and injuries caused by this man-made flood could not be counted, and the cumulative area flooded reached millions of acres, and the property losses of the people were countless, and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people had no food and clothing.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

At that time, our military and civilians were filled with indignation and vowed to repay this bloody revenge! The troops of the Tenth Division mobilized the main force of the military region to deploy near the decisive entrance, repelled this ferocious puppet army, and the main force has been stationed nearby, armed to defend the blockade work.

After several days and nights of emergency repairs by our military and people, the last life was to rely on manpower to block the breach and introduce this torrential flood into the Juma River and the Lusang River, so that the above-mentioned flooded areas could be restored, and timely replanting was made to ensure some basic rations.

23rd Regiment Thirty-one: The Americans participated in tunnel warfare, and the Japanese puppet army flooded the base area with water instead of soldiers

We must remember the blood debt of this Japanese devil and a hardcore traitor! However, Wang Fenggang, a heinous traitor, finally turned into a major general in the Nationalist army after the victory of the War of Resistance, and even "Wang Fenggang Fortifications and Chen Mingren's Defense Line" once became the two treasures of the Nationalist army's defensive war.

At that time, after the Japanese and puppet armies flooded the base areas, the leaders of our military region were greatly angered, and directly mobilized the main forces of the 6th Division, the 7th Division, and the 8th Division, launching an unprecedented large-scale military siege against the enemy, and our spring counteroffensive began!

Recently, something happened, resulting in a bit late update, Xiaobian Tianxing 17 hereby apologizes. And offer a large chapter to feed readers, sell a cute here, trouble everyone to like and pay attention to it ^_^


"Concentrating Materials on the People's Anti-Japanese Struggle"

Memorabilia of the People's Anti-Japanese Struggle in Central Hebei

《Chronicle of Raoyang County》

"Wang Fenggang And His People"

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