
Interview with Yang Zhen, whistleblower of Meike Home Manipulation Door: Supplementary materials to the Securities Regulatory Commission Deny drunken bragging

author:Beijing News

Recently, a document "Dr. Yang Zhen's real-name report on Xu Yafei's team suspected of manipulating Meike's home and bribery of the social security fund" was circulated in the market. The report includes that Xu Yafei's team has manipulated a number of stocks over the years and recently received a deposit from Meike Home, which has now controlled more than 10%. In the trading, Xu Yafei's team also paid bribes to individual fund managers, including the National Social Security Fund and Huaxia Life Insurance Company, and invited them to lock positions.

In this regard, the listed company Meike Home furnishing denied it, saying that the content of the online article was purely subjective and that the company had never participated in stock manipulation.

On June 1, the two parties involved in the case, Yang Zhen and Xu Yafei, responded. Xu Yafei publicly said that he only played the role of a broker between the matters and earned a little intermediary fee. And Yang Zhen himself is a thief shouting to catch a thief, and at the beginning it was Yang Zhen who found himself to do the stock allocation business. Moreover, the suspected stock manipulation of Meike Home reported by Yang Zhen is bragging about after he is drunk.

Yang Zhen himself accepted an interview with a reporter from the Beijing News and replied to the corresponding incident. Yang Zhen said that he went to the CSRC on May 24 to submit materials, and on may 31, he added materials again. "I have spent six months preparing a full chain of clues and evidence."

In response to Xu Yafei's own drunken remarks, Yang Zhen said that he usually did not drink alcohol, and within 90 minutes from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on May 15, he negotiated with the lawyer he entrusted with Xu Yafei and the partner surnamed Huang, at that time Xu Yafei personally exposed the content; after the negotiation, he did not leave them to eat.

Beijing News Shell Finance: How did the connection with Xu Yafei begin?

Yang Zhen: The fact is that I have a creditor-debtor relationship with Xu Yafei, and he owes me 40 million yuan.

There are many rumors about the creditor-debtor relationship between the two of us on the Internet, and even about me personally, but it is a civil act, has nothing to do with this case, and is not within my concern at all, and Markor Home is not within my concern.

I only focus on two things, first, Xu Yafei is suspected of manipulating Meike Home stocks; second, Xu Yafei's team paid bribes of tens of millions of yuan to the social security fund and relevant personnel of the insurance company, and took the money from the social security fund to take over the market.

Beijing News Shell Finance: Xu Yafei publicly said that manipulating Meike Home is his own drunken bragging, and said that you are sitting behind the scenes, how do you think about this?

Yang Zhen: Lies are always lies. It was a formal conversation between us, and on May 15, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., he and a partner surnamed Huang negotiated with me and my lawyer in my office, and during those 90 minutes, he personally said the words.

What kind of wine do I go to at 10 a.m.? Since I revealed that there was no time to drink during that time, and I Yang Zhen usually did not drink.

General civil cases need to talk about evidence, but for "sitting on the zhuang" case, it follows the industry standard of anti-reconnaissance and anti-audit. Therefore, after reporting, I have an obligation to keep the evidence confidential. I have a little worry now, when I talk about this matter, I may put forward some of my evidence and disclose it to the society. In fact, the best way is for Xu Yafei to report me and let the China Securities Regulatory Commission conduct an audit of me. The doors of the CSRC's Whistleblowing Center are open to all citizens.

Beijing News Shell Finance: Why should we use the media to attract attention?

Yang Zhen: I served as the deputy director of the Coordination Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, specializing in spot checks and clues related to witness testimony in cases of more than 500,000 yuan nationwide, and then handing over the package to the public security.

Judging by my profession, what he told me in 90 minutes was just the tip of the iceberg. I have spent six months preparing a full chain of clues and evidence. At present, this evidence cannot be said, and if the investigation is completed in the future, the public security organs may make this case public.

This is also the fundamental reason why until now, they have only dared to stigmatize me and dare not say" "I did not do it".

In late May, my lawyer and I went to the China Securities Regulatory Commission's Petition and Reporting Center to make a real-name report. If it is an ordinary case and it is only suspected of manipulation, the CSRC will have prescribed actions to operate. However, when state property suffers heavy losses, it can be promoted by the media.

He was going to take the money from the Social Security Fund at the end of the month, and I was afraid it would be too late. The content of the report may prevent the extremely serious infringement of the social security fund, and for this reason, I can't wait for the regular process.

I stress once again that for all real-name reports, individuals are willing to bear full legal responsibility.

Beijing News Shell Finance: Which program has entered at present?

Yang Zhen: After I reported to the CSRC in real name, in order to ensure that the case could be actively and prudently filed and handled, I consulted and argued with legal experts with my lawyers, including Professor Chen Xingliang of Peking University, Professor Liu Mingxiang of Renmin University, Professor Zhao Xudong of China University of Political Science and Law, Professor Long Yifei of the National People's Congress, Professor Liu Kaixiang of Peking University, and Professor Shi Yan'an of the National People's Congress.

Up to now, the relevant legal advice has been sent. I went to the SFC on the 24th (May) to submit the materials, and on the 31st (May) to supplement the materials.

Beijing News Shell Finance: Did you still have contact with Xu Yafei in the later period?

Yang Zhen: No. At this point, I only contact the media and the relevant departments. If there are new clues and developments in this incident, I will still disclose information in a timely manner, to be precise, there is a lot of material in my hand.

Beijing News Shell Finance: How to explain the manipulation of the changes in the stock price of Meike Home?

Yang Zhen: How much is the stock price pulling up, and 4 cents is enough? I tell you, 4 mao is 10%, for them, this small pull up is very powerful, 1 billion funds, pull a wave up to the point, three waves down all out. The stock price of Meike Home has been pulled from more than four to more than six, as long as it can ship 50%, about half a billion will be in hand.

Beijing News Shell Finance: From more than four to six more is the stock price manipulation period?

Yang Zhen: None of this is my concern. Why? Too much, such a big market, I used to hand over hundreds of cases in the previous year, I only focused on one, is there any suspicion of stock price manipulation? Can the social security fund take over the market? This is a particularly serious and vicious case.

Beijing News Shell Finance: Now freelancing?

Yang Zhen: In this matter, I am a person. I am a doctor of economics from Renmin University, and I served as the host of the China Social Science Foundation project; I was a postdoctoral fellow in economics at the Institute of Scientific Research of the Ministry of Finance in 2004, and a postdoctoral student in civil and commercial law at Renmin University in 2006.

I have more than a dozen companies myself, but this matter has nothing to do with the company. I now have a team of lawyers, a relatively large number of people, and everyone checks from all angles in various fields, so I am very careful in everything I do, and I am responsible for every word I say.

I will now say that in the future, there will be further work under the supervision of the Securities Regulatory Commission and the investigation by the Ministry of Public Security. In the current big data environment, any illegal details and truths can be restored, and all hidden and covered up behaviors will eventually leave traces.

Xu Yafei's public response is attached below:

Dr. Yang Zhen, a former official at the China Securities Regulatory Commission, manipulated stocks to defame fund intermediaries – a statement about Yang Zhen's personal attacks on me on the Internet

1. Fund intermediary Xu Yafei

My name is Xu Yafei, I am a North Drifter, and I have been engaged in capital intermediary business in Beijing for many years. Dr. Yang Zhen said that I am the actual controller of the criminal gang, I do not have any company equity under my name, I do not have any real estate, just because I know many people, there are often funds demanders come to me, collect intermediary fees to seek a living.

2. The thief shouts to catch the thief

I met Dr. Zhen Yang in March 2020 through a friend's introduction. Yang Zhen contacted me because of the stock allocation business at that time, saying that they were going to make a restructured stock, hoping to enlarge the leverage and make more money, but the stock was not the subject matter of margin financing, and the formal channels could not do it.

He said that he hoped to be able to use 90 million yuan of funds to raise about 400 million yuan to do a restructuring stock of Zhuang, and asked me if I could do it. According to the common rules of the capital allocation industry, the general single stock can do 1 to 3, I asked the friends around, they all think that a single stock position can not be too much, so our side of the contact customer only did one-third, that is, Dr. Yang Zhen and I contacted the capital side signed a contract, Yang Zhen contributed 30 million yuan, I contacted the capital side to contribute 90 million yuan, of course, in the end Yang Zhen only sent me to contact the capital side of 24 million yuan, the remaining 6 million yuan, has not been in place.

At that time, in this matter, Dr. Yang Zhen found many people in the allocation circle. We finally learned through the people in the capital allocation circle that the boss behind Yang Zhen made a total of 90 million yuan to Yang Zhen, but Yang Zhen actually only gave 64 million to the investor. Because Yang Zhen took 26 million of the boss's funds behind the scenes for his own use, he could not settle the account, worried that the matter would be exposed, in order to cover up his fund loopholes, he set up a false accusation to frame me and let me carry a pot.

Regarding Yang Zhen's manipulation of the stock of Zazhuang xx Technology, I will personally report it to the SECURITIES Regulatory Commission under my real name.

He and I have been in good communication. Until last month, they still ate and drank together. Because I have no defenses, drink too much wine and love to brag, I will often say things about some listed companies in order to do business convenience, which is also a tacit fact in the circle, but also to attract more business. This time, he just wanted to frame me and the listed company and cause a huge bad impact. (I have a record of his capital contributions and all the trading records of manipulating stock prices).)

3. My Affirmation

In the middle of this matter, I only played the role of a broker, and I earned a little intermediary fee. As for Yang Zhen saying that I threatened his family, let me clarify: when I knew that he was slandered on the Internet, I contacted him for the first time, he directly blocked my phone, and I found his home through the address on his ID card in a very anxious situation. He didn't live there, only his sister and brother-in-law lived there, and I said very sincerely, asking his sister to notify him to contact me immediately, only 3 minutes before and after.

Beijing News shell financial reporter Hu Meng Editor Chen Li Proofreader Chen Diyan

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