
Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

author:Shunko's simple diary

To be honest, as a temperamental person, watching the large-scale American drama "Spartacus" to the third season, many people can't bear to watch it. Why? On the one hand, it is facing the end, thinking about what to see next? On the other hand, it is unbearable, after all, as someone with some cultural attainments, we all know that the Spartacus uprising ended in failure.

Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

Since it was doomed to fail in the first place, what does it mean to look at such a series? In fact, I have also analyzed it before, mainly because this American drama looks too cool. Not dragging mud and water at all, simple and direct, simple and rough.

But the simple and rough Spartacus is not a reckless man, he has his own ideas and tactical accomplishments. Through his own unusual attacks, he quickly increased his strength after escaping from Kapua, and also seized a city.

Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

But the rapid expansion prevented him from forming an effective fighting force for the new recruits, and the rebel army was not as disciplined as the Roman army. The slaughter of the city after entering the city also caused Spartacus to fall into contradictions.

At the same time, Kress and Nivea showed hatred for the Romans, especially Spartacus's excessive protection of the Romans, which made Kress resentful, because in his view, all the suffering he had endured was brought by the Romans, especially the wounds on Nivea's body, which had to be revenge on the Romans.

Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

But Spartacus didn't want to turn himself into a killing machine like the Romans, he didn't want the killing to expand too much, otherwise he would become a cold-blooded monster himself.

In fact, Spartacus played a game of chess from the beginning, but how this game went, he did not say anything, but finally revealed to Elligan, which was his confidant. Then he let Gunnix know, and finally told the grumpy Kress. It turned out that these were all arranged by Spartacus, and even Kress's split was already thought out by Spartacus.

Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

These were smoke bombs released by Spartacus, which made the Romans think that there was a contradiction within the rebel army. In fact, he wanted to arrange for Kress to start from the path, climb over the cold mountains, and then surprise the rear of the Roman army. He led the remaining army by boat to bypass the enemy's main army and attack the granary of the Roman army, so that the war could be turned around and the unfavorable situation could be escaped.

But Spartacus made a mistake here, and he believed the pirates. We know that pirates are the least honest, and when the Roman lord gave Crassus a richer reward to the pirates plus the wife of the former consul, the pirates sold Spartacus.

Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

The ship that came was not a means of transport for Spartacus's surprise attack on Sicily, but became a Roman troop carrier. Spartacus was defenseless and was caught off guard. Caesar, who had long been mixed in the city, became the guide of the Roman army, and soon the city fell, and Spartacus was forced to flee to the cold mountains.

It is believed that the pirates inflicted heavy losses on Spartacus, and he even lost Gannix at one point, and if It were not for Gunnix's hard work, he would have died under the swords of the Romans.

Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

Spartacus and Crassus's duel was defeated step by step, and such an enemy was really terrible.

How long can the rebels hold out in the cold mountains next? Crassus had already built thick walls on Spartacus's push road to prevent escape, and Spartacus was about to be defeated?

Spartacus made a mistake, and failure was inevitable, though it was still glorious

We move on to the next episode, thanks for reading.

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