
Sandalwood does not remember a dream, life is like a dream

author:Come on a hundred thousand
Sandalwood does not remember a dream, life is like a dream

As the saying goes, "It's not your dish, don't lift the lid". Usually, the books I read are generally more fresh and elegant in style, like Li Shutong's "Don't Laugh at Fireworks, Only Laugh at Zen" and the like, passing away with leisure, and by the way, cultivating the mind, nourishing sex, no better.

I don't know whether it is the ghost that makes God send, or Whether it is suddenly confused by the words "China's first Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan's masterpiece" that suddenly appeared in writing, or remembering Cai Kangyong's "reading, that is, in addition to everything known, to reserve a chance to surpass yourself, but if you only look at books that meet your own tastes, then you can only know what you already know", in short, go around the entire library, find a few favorite books, and then take it by the hand, so you know what is called "don't look and don't know, I was shocked to see it."

- Written in front

Sandalwood punishment, as the name suggests, is a cruel ancient torture, is a sharpened sandalwood stick along the spine from the bottom (valley road) to the top (mouth) nails, the tortured person will not die immediately, the pain lasts a long time, let people survive can not ask for death can not be a punishment.

The story is mainly based on the Construction of the Jiaoji Railway by the Germans in Shandong, Yuan Shikai's suppression of the Shandong Boxer Rebellion, the Eight-Nation Alliance's capture of Beijing, and the escape of Emperor Cixi in a hurry, telling the story of a military and chaotic movement, a horrific torture, and a thrilling legend that occurred in the "Gaomi Northeast Township".

The article adopts the structural mode of "crest - pork belly - leopard tail", and opens the plot with the tone of several main characters.

Let me first briefly describe the characters and plots in the book: the main characters of the novel are: old Zhao Jia, who kills people without blinking, Zhao Xiaojia, a crazy and crazy fool, Qian Dingqian, a parent official who asks for the people's life, Qian Dingqian, a grand-sounding official, Sun Meiniang, a prodigal filial piety woman, and a hardcore hero, a true Han. Their five main characters are interwoven throughout the novel, making the content full and vivid.

Sandalwood does not remember a dream, life is like a dream

The general relationship between the characters is like this, Mei Niang is the daughter-in-law of Zhao Jia's son Zhao Xiaojia, the daughter of Sun Bing, the daughter of Sun Bing, and the titular dry daughter of Qian Ding, the governor of Gaomi County, who is actually good.

The storyline can be summarized as: the father commits a crime, the father catches the father, and the father kills the father. To say, the things in this story, say yes, say no is not, afraid to take it seriously. However, it is said that reading can change people's mood, and it is also the best way to temporarily detach from reality, pick up a thick or thin book, a few pages down, the time and space of life will be synchronized with the novel, and then with the protagonist, sad and happy. How can it be not true?

It is said that in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Jia, who had been an executioner in the prison detention department of the imperial court for more than forty years, returned to her hometown after "achieving fame and success", and happened to meet her relatives, sun Bing, the father of her daughter-in-law Sun Meiniang, who led the Boxer Rebellion against German aggression and was arrested, and she was entrusted by the imperial court with a heavy responsibility, and inflicted the most cruel punishment on her own relatives in history - sandalwood punishment.

Sandalwood does not remember a dream, life is like a dream

According to his own boasting, there were a total of 987 heads that had landed under his command, including Qian Xiongfei, who had beheaded Kuding and Ling Chi's assassination of Yuan Shikai, who had given the eunuch who stole the emperor's seven-star shotgun, "Yama King's Bolt", and beheaded the six gentlemen of the Penghu Reform Law. What he was most proud of was that he was introduced by Yuan Shikai, an important minister of the imperial court, received by the empress dowager and the emperor, and received sandalwood Buddha beads rewarded by Lafayette and a sandalwood taishi chair that the emperor sat on.

According to his words (in fact, the empress dowager said), he is the leader of the executioner's cold industry, in his eyes, there is only national law, no human feelings, and no benevolence and morality. The emperor's reception became the reason for his loyalty to the imperial court, and he even regarded each murder work as a performance of his own.

Therefore, he personally invented the sandalwood punishment, so that his relatives could not die after being punished, and they could not live and could not live, and played a role in "making an example" for the imperial court and even the invaders. Such a cruel thing seemed to him to be a mission that made him extremely honorable.

In the book, Master Mo Yan uses a large amount of pen and ink to describe in detail the sandalwood punishment of Zhao Jialing Chi Qian Xiongfei and Sun Bing. Let people marvel at the author's rich imagination and psychological endurance, these two passages of torture are described as bloody as vivid as people visiting the scene, after watching, the bloody scenes continue to emerge in front of their eyes like a movie, so that people are disgusting enough to eat, and they are horrified to sleep.

The only execution that made me feel the temperature of Zhao Jia and some people was that in order to thank Liu Guangdi, one of the six gentlemen, for his kindness in the execution of the beheading, he moved a sense of compassion when executing the beheading, in order to make Liu Less guilty, he wanted to do as much as possible to sharpen the knife, and it took a long time to sharpen the knife and let the other five people also follow the light. To be honest, after reading this article, I wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote. There are a lot of shocking plots, I really don't want to describe it again, and I hope to forget it as soon as possible. However, I always feel unhappy not to say it. Therefore, I write wherever I think, and I don't know what to do.

Sandalwood does not remember a dream, life is like a dream

Wang Meng said that writing novels in a way similar to the original appearance of life is a kind of happiness, a wandering of temperament, a laying out of feelings, the blooming of imaginary flowers, and even, teasing you.

I hope that there is no such original appearance in life, but Master Mo is teasing us.

Finally, a friendly reminder, after reading my vague writing, unlike the sense of reading after reading, do not have curiosity, sandalwood punishment, cowards cautiously.

Thank you!

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