
The dune palace changed, and King Zhao Wuling was hungry enough to eat birds from trees, did he expect the rebels to retreat?

author:Saibei Shusheng

Fat Righteousness is not in vain courageous, but also quite scheming.

One day, he instructed Xin Zhi (also known as Gao Xin): "Recently, what Gongzi Zhang and Tian Bu did is really worrying. Whenever I think of this, I sleep at night, hungry and forget to eat. We must not prevent chaos. In the future, if anyone invites the new king, I must be present, and I will first go to meet him, and if there is no change, then let the new king appear. ”

In 295 BC, the State of Zhao gathered a large number of courtiers, and Zhao Zhang, the Prince of Anyang, also came to worship. Zhao Yong, the main father, asked the new king Zhao He to preside over the worship, while he secretly observed the manners of the courtiers and nobles of the clan from the side. When he saw that the eldest son, Zhao Zhang, was depressed and humiliated, and he went north to claim the title of subject, and fell in front of his younger brother Zhao He, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pity in his heart. Therefore, King Wuling of Zhao wanted to divide the Zhao Kingdom into two and make Zhao Zhang the Acting King.

This is a dangerous thought!

As the saying goes, "A mountain is difficult to tolerate two tigers"; Confucianism also says: "There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two kings in the country". Even if King Wuling of Zhao held absolute authority, he could temporarily suppress the two brothers to live in peace. However, friction between the two sides is inevitable after all, and the group of ministers must also think about how to stand in the right position, and the scourges planted are endless. After the death of King Wuling of Zhao, I am afraid that there will be no need for the Qin state to attack, the two brothers have already killed each other, and the country is destroyed.

Fortunately, King Zhao Wuling struck a stirring spirit and interrupted this thought.

After that, the main father Zhao Yong and the new king Zhao He went to the sand dunes to play, and after some happiness, they lived in two palaces.

This dune palace is located on the south side of Datai Village in Guangzong County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province. Originally a palace built by the King of Shang, the absurd farce of the famous "Jiuchi Meat Forest" in history was staged here.

The dune palace changed, and King Zhao Wuling was hungry enough to eat birds from trees, did he expect the rebels to retreat?

The "Hufu Riding and Shooting" square in the depths of the Yin Mountains

Seeing that the new king Zhao He had left the heavily guarded capital city of Handan, Zhao Zhang and Tian Buli, the princes of Anyang, thought that this was a godsend and immediately launched a rebellion.

They falsely passed on the orders of the Lord's Father and summoned the new king Zhao He to go. According to the previously agreed method, Xiangguo Feiyi first entered the palace to investigate the situation, and was killed as a result.

Seeing the crisis of the situation, Xinqi (Gao Xin) assisted the new king Zhao He and desperately resisted the rebels. At this time, Gongzi Cheng and Li Dui, who had already taken precautions, also came from the capital city of Handan to mobilize the army of nearby Siyi to suppress the rebellion. After all, Anyang Jun was far away from his old lair, lacking reinforcements, and after some fighting, Tian Buli was killed.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Zhang, the Prince of Anyang, had to flee to the palace of his main father Zhao Yong and seek refuge.

Gongzi Cheng and Li Dui led the pursuit of the troops, and then arrived, and without saying a word, killed Zhao Zhang, the Prince of Anyang.

Zhao Zhang and Tian Buli, the princes of Anyang, had been killed, and the rebellion had been quelled, but Gongzicheng and Li Dui had new worries. The two of them discussed: "Surround the Lord Father with the chapter; that is, disarm the troops, I belong to YiYi!" (Zizhi Tongjian (Vol. 4)

That is to say: because of the killing of Zhao Zhang, we besieged the main father; after the withdrawal of the troops, they will all be exterminated!

Simply, he gritted his teeth and continued to besiege the palace where the main father Zhao Yong was located. At the same time, he ordered the people in the palace to "exterminate all the clans that come out last." Hearing this threat, the people in the palace hurriedly fled outside, and in the blink of an eye, there was no one. The main father, Zhao Yong, also wanted to take the opportunity to leave the palace, but was politely stopped. Immediately, the palace door was firmly sealed.

Dune Palace, just a palace that provides pleasure, has very limited food reserves. Soon, King Zhao Wuling was so hungry that venus appeared in both eyes, so he had to climb up to the tree and dig up the chicks in the bird's nest to fill his hunger. However, there are not many nests in the palace, there are fewer chicks, and the food source is finally exhausted.

More than three months later, the door of the Dune Palace was opened again, and the corpse of King Zhao Wuling was already unbearable to see.

The once arrogant tyrant died in the civil strife of the court. Tragedies and lessons have attracted much discussion from later generations.

"Death before the master is successful, often making the hero cry."

Over the long years, there will always be some things diluted, and some things will be treasured.

Today, the Great Wall of Northern Zhao at the southern foot of the Yin Mountains has been eroded by wind and rain, leaving only an intermittent, hidden or present ridge. However, those heroic legends about the transformation and strengthening of the country and the expansion of the territory will always be written in the history books and forever engraved on the milestone of a nation's unremitting self-improvement...

Finally, attach the poem "DengDa Qingshan Visiting the Ruins of the Great Wall of Zhao" written by Mr. Zhai Bozan:

Riding and shooting Hu costume to defend the northern frontier, the hero is worthy of the King of Wuling.

The Song and Dance of Handan finally subsided, and the scenery of the river song was old and reckless.

There is no crane in the broken clouds, and there are eagles flying in the sky.

Two thousand hundred years ago, only the basil was left with the earthen wall.

(End of full story)

Author: Xu Maihan Daochang

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