
Teach you to make a bowl of pea chowder cover noodles, you don't know how delicious it is, the method is easy to learn

author:A meal in the garden

Hello everyone, I am a small garden a meal love to make home cooking attention to me to share food tips.

Today to share with you a home-cooked dish, pea miscellaneous sauce cover noodles, especially regional characteristics, the taste is fresh and refreshing, the sauce is thick and delicious.

The first step, the production of the cover noodles is very exquisite, especially the japanese noodles, to achieve "three lights", hand light, basin light, face light. We take a basin, add flour, add a little salt, stir first into a flocculent shape, and then knead into a ball. Cover and wake up for an hour. Rub it twice more halfway through, which is more intense.

In the second step, select a piece of pork belly and slice it first, then chop it into a minced meat filling for later. Finely chop the ginger, slice the garlic and chop the green onion and set aside. Soybean paste to taste, peppercorns, star anise, a small piece of cinnamon, dried chili peppers for later. The peas are cooked and set aside.

In the third step, heat the pan with oil, heat the oil 50% and add the peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon and fry until fragrant, and then fish out without use. When the oil temperature rises, put in the onion, ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, add the meat filling and stir-fry to change color, put in the soybean sauce and stir well, add the old soy sauce color, soy sauce, a little salt and a little cooking wine from the side of the pot, put in the boiled peas, add the right amount of boiling water and simmer for five minutes, the purpose of this step is to make the meat filling mature. Wait until the sauce is viscous and pour out and set aside.

In the fourth step, add water to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, wake up the dough, pull out a palm-sized piece with your hands, pull up and down left and right into a dough sheet, the thickness is determined according to your preferences. Then put it in the pot, cook for three minutes, put it in a bowl, pour the sauce you just made, and finally add the chili oil to make it more refreshing. Stir well and serve. In some places, meat such as beef, fatty intestines, and chicken intestines has evolved into beef cover noodles, etc., and the taste is more flavorful.

Tips to share: The noodles must be woken up well, so that they have the strength to rub it several times in the middle of waking up.

Add chili oil to your liking.

I am a small garden meal love to make home cooking attention I share food tips.

Teach you to make a bowl of pea chowder cover noodles, you don't know how delicious it is, the method is easy to learn