
Du Hongsheng inspected the epidemic prevention and control work in Nanping Town and visited the frontline staff

author:Information News
Du Hongsheng inspected the epidemic prevention and control work in Nanping Town and visited the frontline staff

On October 29, Du Hongsheng, secretary of the CPPCC party group of the county, went to Nanping Town to supervise the epidemic prevention and control work and visit the frontline workers.

Du Hongsheng and his party successively went deep into the town government organs, the Nanping Town Health Center, Suping Village, Shiping Village, Gaozhuang Village and other epidemic prevention and control testing points, listened to the town's epidemic prevention and control work reports, inspected the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control measures such as the layout, registration, temperature measurement, and code scanning of the checkpoints of the town organs and village communities, inquired about the implementation of key personnel mapping and control and grid management work, and expressed condolences to the frontline staff.

Du Hongsheng pointed out that Nanping Town is located in the combination of urban and rural areas, with a large foreign population and large mobility of personnel, and the situation facing the epidemic prevention and control work is more severe and the responsibility is more important. The whole town should further improve its political position, take the epidemic prevention and control as the most important task at present, strictly prevent imports, keep an eye on death, closely monitor and accurately implement policies to ensure that there are no problems in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the town. We must always maintain a state of combat, resolutely overcome paralysis, laxity, and luck, continue to carry forward the spirit of dedication that is not afraid of difficulties and hardships, and strictly guard the position of epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to strengthen grid management, do a solid job in the mapping and control of key personnel, do a clear job in the end, the situation is clear, and implement various epidemic prevention and control measures to the letter. It is necessary to strengthen duty duty, comprehensively do a good job in body temperature measurement, health code and itinerary code inspection, and information registration, so that every person must be checked, every car must be checked, and the requirements for external defense input are effectively implemented in detail. It is necessary to strengthen market supervision, maintain price stability, severely crack down on illegal acts such as hoarding materials and price gouging, and ensure to the greatest extent possible that the supply of daily necessities and medical supplies is sufficient to meet the daily needs of the masses.

The responsible persons of the county natural resources bureau and the commerce bureau jointly inspected and comforted.

Editor-in-charge: Yang Xuan Review: Yang Jianqiang

(Source: Pingliang Zhuanglang County People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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