
Spring Wind and Rain 丨 Wang Yaping participated in the founding of "Summer Escape Record" to make friends with famous artists

author:Al Jazeera

Peninsula all-media reporter Zhang Wenyan

Everyone is obsessed with lingering in Qingdao in the summer,

Like a baby thrown into a comfortable cradle,

She can gently shake you to sleep,

Forget all worries in a sweet dream.

The wind of dusk blows cool from the strange heat,

The boundless sea surrounds the green mountains,

The green forest reveals beautiful pavilions,

A window, a tile, is enough for you to enjoy playing.

- "Farewell to Qingdao in the Summer"

Spring Wind and Rain 丨 Wang Yaping participated in the founding of "Summer Escape Record" to make friends with famous artists

Another famous activity of Wang Yaping in Qingdao was his participation in the founding of the supplement "Summer Escape". This must start from Wang Yaping's interaction with Wang Tongzhao. Wang Tongzhao (1897-1957) was the leader of many literary youths. Mr. Liu Zengren, former director of the Department of Chinese of Qingdao University and professor, told the Peninsula All-Media Reporter: "Lao She and Wang Tongzhao have a very good relationship, Lao She often goes to the Wang family to eat, and Zang Kejia and Wu Boxi, these young people also often go. After Wu Bozhen came to Qingdao, he also studied with Wang Tongzhao and consulted. The poet Wang Yaping met Wang Tongzhao when he went to Qingdao to teach, and he also regarded him as his new poetry leader." Therefore, at that time, we could see that Wang Yaping often brought his own poems to Wang Tongzhao's home to consult.

It was also based on this relationship that Wang Yaping participated in a short-lived but well-known supplement "organization": the group of writers of "SummerTime".

In the summer of 1935, a group of writers gathered in Qingdao: Wang Yuqi, Wang Tongzhao, Wang Yaping, Lao She, Du Yu, Li Tongyu, Wu Boxi, Meng Chao, Hong Shen, Zhao Shaohou, Zang Kejia, Liu Simon and 12 others. They are in Qingdao, either for long-term careers, or for short-term tasks, all for the right thing, none of them are real idlers, and none of them are specially invited to Qingdao to escape the summer. (Hong Shen's "Publication Speech")

Wang Yaping also introduced the founding of "Summer Escape" in the reminiscence article of "Lao She And": "In the summer of 1935, the scenery of Qingdao was beautiful, the climate was pleasant, although Jiaozhou Bay would always have wild waves, but it was indeed a summer resort", "Qingdao at that time, known as desert islands." Lao She said humorously: 'We live on a desert island, we have to do something, we can't go down in the waste!' Several people, with his encouragement, said to go and discussed a short-term literary journal."

Spring Wind and Rain 丨 Wang Yaping participated in the founding of "Summer Escape Record" to make friends with famous artists

From the launch of the issue on July 14, 1935 to the final issue on September 15, it lasted for two months, one issue per week, and the retail ocean was 3 minutes, with a total of 10 issues. The name of "Summer Escape" Hong Shen was explained in the publication as "summer escape", but Zang Kejia revealed the mystery behind it: "Mr. Hong Shen humorously explained the summer escape: summer avoiders, avoid the Yan Wei ye of the Kuomintang officials and masters". Lao She explained to the title of the journal: "In the Song Dynasty, there was a Liu Mengde, Bo Gu Tongjin, who wrote a lot of treatises, and this "Summer Escape Record" is also his writing, which is two volumes, and has recorded some things that have verifiable value. We took this title, and we wanted to use the summer vacation to write short poems. ”

For the title of the journal created by Mr. Lao She, "Summer Retreat", Wang Yaping was very impressed, "If it were not for the large number of books and wide knowledge, it would be difficult to come up with such an exact title."

"Although the supplement of "Summer Escape" is small, the lineup is not weak. Lao She's prose, full of humor in kindness, makes you listen to the most familiar friend to make careless whispers, and sing the warmth and bitterness of life with him. Hong Shen is left and right to open the bow, while paying attention to drama, but also creating, but also researching. Meng Chao, Yaping, and Tongyu wrote poems, Wu Boxi wrote prose, and Wang Yuqi serialized his notes "A Stranger in Qingdao", liu Zengren described.

Spring Wind and Rain 丨 Wang Yaping participated in the founding of "Summer Escape Record" to make friends with famous artists

Including the publication notes, the "Summer Escape Record" published 67 poems, in addition to Hong Shen and Lao She 9 each, Meng Chao 9, Wang Tongzhao 7, Wang Yaping 5, Wu Boxi 4, Du Yu 5, Li Tongyu 4, Liu Simon 4, Zang Kejia 3, Zhao Shaohou 3, Wang Yuqi 1. In addition, there is 1 article of "breath", 2 articles of ice and 1 article of ice height. Wang Yaping's poems include "The Girl Who Sells Vegetables", "Farewell to Qingdao in the Summer", "Two Chapters of Poetry", "Twilight in the Countryside", and "Stream". Among them, "The Vegetable Seller" describes: "She was born unwilling to surrender to the iron face of fate, / but she was full of bad luck wounds, / Since the torrent of hunger pushed her out of her homeland, / She gave her life to helpless deeds ..."

From the last issue of "Yu Bai", we can see that the readers of this supplement are not limited to Qingdao, "as far as Hong Kong and Sichuan, there are also subscribers", in addition to Qingdao's desert island bookstore, Pingyuan Bookstore, Shanghai, Beiping, Tianjin, Jinan, Suiyuan, Taiyuan have sellers, which shows the breadth of its influence. Wang Yaping also said, "Since the publication of "Summer Escape", it has played a role in breaking the silence in the literary and art circles of desert islands. At this time, although we edited the large poetry magazine "Poetry Quarterly" here, we did not do public activities because of the environment. What has attracted the attention of young literature lovers is that there are veterans of the literary circles since May Fourth who have written articles in this journal."

They persisted until September 15, and finally lost their intention to escape the summer because "the heat has passed", "those who escaped the summer left, those who stayed on the desert island all began their own work, and the "Summer Escape Record" was naturally discontinued."