
Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

Recently, in the poverty alleviation public welfare concert with the theme of "The Same Song" held in Shicheng County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Malaysian singer Tang Jingjin was invited to sing songs such as "Dawn" and "If the wine is dry and sold without", which once again caused the audience to be shocked.

Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

Tang Jingjin is a post-zero, 13-year-old, and is of Malaysian Chinese descent. In 15 years, he participated in the "Third Season of China New Sound Generation" and sang songs such as "If the Wine Is Dry and Sells Nothing", "The Sky Is Dawn", "Lighthouse", "Lukang Town" and other songs that have been widely praised. She uses the natural transformation of the magnetic children's voice falsetto of the micro-sand, the over-age singing skills, the different concentration, and even the audience can feel the natural haunting across the TV screen.

Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

A song by Teacher Han Hong's "Dawn" sang Tan Weiwei. It is said that at that time, Tan Weiwei went to Changsha to participate in the rehearsal of "China's New Sound Generation", and as soon as she arrived at the studio, she went straight to the contestants' rest area to find Tang Jingjin and wanted to meet this confidant. After listening to the singing, Tan Weiwei excitedly clapped on the spot: "I must let Teacher Han Hong listen to this version of "Dawn", it is fantastic, you are so young, how can you sing so well? ”

Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

In order to appeal to everyone to cherish the time with their parents, Tang Jingjin, with the help of Teacher Shan He, the director of music teaching, made a bold adaptation of Su Rui's "If The Wine Is Dry and Sells Nothing", and integrated the enthusiastic fast-paced rock style into the middle part, so that the singing scene was quickly ignited, the parents were moved to tears, and the host Wei Jia and the audience were shocked.

Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

In fact, she is not only good at singing, her acting ability is also very good, and she is also well-known in Malaysia, and has been rated as a "song elf" by the Malaysian media. At present, the youth growth education series micro-film "Children's Heart Premiere" jointly produced by Golden Eagle Tv and Hunan Yi Orange Film and Television has invited Tang Jingjin to join the performance.

Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

Tang Jingjin would hum "Little Star" by herself when she was 1 year old and could not speak, showing her talent in music. Later, her mother sent her to a music school to study music, and she changed teachers many times during the shift. Tang Jingjin thought about giving up because she was tired when she studied music for more than three years, but under the encouragement and patience of her mother, she rekindled her love for music.

Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

In order to support her career, her mother became a full-time mother, and Tang Jingjin in life is also filial piety and lovely, enthusiastic about public welfare. I hope that Tang Jingjin's journey will be smooth and new works will be introduced continuously.

Tan Weiwei, who sang a song "Dawn", was accepted as an apprentice, and Tang Jingjin, a 13-year-old girl from Malaysia, took a recent photo of her life

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