
Is arrhythmia heart disease? Why? Do you need treatment? The article is clear

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

Often patients start to worry after the ECG, they see the words sinus rhythm or arrhythmia on the examination report, and they wonder if they have heart disease. Often at this time, I will tell them, first don't scare yourself, arrhythmia may not be as serious as you think, with no treatment, to judge according to the specific situation of the individual, the following I will talk to you about the problem of arrhythmia.

First of all, we must understand the question, is arrhythmia the same as heart rate?

Although only one word difference, but the heart rate and heart rhythm is not exactly the same, the human heart rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute in a quiet state, under normal circumstances, it is 60-100 times per minute, affected by occupation, age and other factors, for different people There will be a certain difference in heart rate, and the heart rate of professional athletes will be a little slower than that of ordinary people. The heart rhythm refers to the rhythm of the heart beating, normal words are generally uniform, if the tachycardia or slow, it is called arrhythmia.

Why do Arrhythmias occur?

Is arrhythmia heart disease? Why? Do you need treatment? The article is clear

According to the frequency of heart beats, arrhythmias have rapid and slow types, atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature beats, etc. are rapid arrhythmias, and sick sinus syndrome is a common slow arrhythmia. When the heart rhythm is irregular, people generally have dizziness, fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath, blurred vision, syncope, bloating and other symptoms, different types, performance is also different.

There are physiological reasons for arrhythmias, there are also pathological causes, let's talk about physiological reasons first:

Large emotional fluctuations - I believe that many friends have such a feeling: when they are particularly angry, nervous or excited, they can obviously feel that their heartbeat is faster than usual, the heart rate at this time may be irregular, and the emotional fluctuations will also affect the central nervous system of the brain, making it adjust abnormally, which in turn causes arrhythmias. This reason is more common in emotionally unstable people and stressed office workers.

Position change - when the person's position changes, the hemodynamics of the body will also change, such as the initial position, and then become a recumbent position, and people with poor regulation ability may have temporary arrhythmias.

Dietary factors - often a lot of smoking, alcoholism, easy to stimulate the human autonomic nerves, not only easy to cause arrhythmias, but also may affect blood pressure, is not conducive to vascular health. The harmful substances contained in tobacco and alcohol can cause strong irritation to cardiomyocytes.

Is arrhythmia heart disease? Why? Do you need treatment? The article is clear

Drug factors - some drugs are easy to affect the rhythm of the heart beat, easy to cause uneven heart rate, for long-term medication, more common.

For the arrhythmia caused by these physiological factors, in general, there is no need for special treatment, and everyone does not have to worry too much. Change your lifestyle in time, maintain a stable mood, don't put yourself in a state of high pressure, and eat a reasonable daily diet. It should be reminded that without special treatment, it does not mean that it can be ignored, because even if there is no obvious discomfort at the beginning, if it is ignored, as the time is prolonged, symptoms may appear and heart function will be affected.

Arrhythmias ≠ heart disease

Arrhythmias can be caused by heart disease, and in terms of pathological factors, heart disease such as myocarditis, congenital heart disease, and valvular heart disease may cause arrhythmias, but the reverse is not true. If it is arrhythmia caused by disease factors, it needs to be treated in time, because arrhythmia will affect normal blood circulation, which in turn will cause patients with renal ischemia, and even increase the risk of sudden death, if not taken seriously, it may bring irreversible consequences.

[Emphasis] Arrhythmia is not heart disease, but if you have heart disease is indeed easy to cause arrhythmia, if it is a physiological factor, no special treatment, if it is a pathological factor, you must actively treat it.

Is arrhythmia heart disease? Why? Do you need treatment? The article is clear

Some people stay up late and find that their hearts suddenly cluck, sometimes accompanied by chest tightness, and then they get better, worried that they have a heart attack.

In fact, this phenomenon is called premature heartbeat, the sinoatrial node has not yet issued a command, the heart muscle cells began to beat, so you will feel the heart suddenly clucking. If there is no heart-related disease itself, the premature beat of the heart caused by staying up late is generally accidental, without special treatment, but it is advisable to do it regularly in the future and not to stay up late. However, if you continue to stay up late and stay up late for a long time, you may develop atrial tachycardia, and in the long run, the harm to the heart will become greater, and the probability of sudden death will increase.

In short, the importance of the heart is self-evident, for arrhythmias, we should pay attention to, it is recommended that people with arrhythmias regularly do an electrocardiogram, if necessary, you can do a holter electrocardiogram, more convenient to evaluate. If you want to prevent arrhythmias, please be sure to develop good living habits, maintain a good mood, and prevent diseases that cause arrhythmias.

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