
The Big Bang Theory voice actress Carol Anna Sue died of cancer at the age of 62

author:All-media news News

Beijing time on November 12 news, according to foreign media reports, American drama actress Carol Ann Susi recently died of illness at the age of 62. Carol has long starred in the hit American drama "Big Bang Theory", voiced the mother of the character Howard Wolowitz.

In this play, the most mysterious thing is that Mrs. Volowitz, who has always heard only his voice and not seen him, often treats Howard as a child, and always talks to him about all his "school" and "children". It has not yet appeared, only its sharp and rude voice is impressive.

The mother, whose real name is Carol Anna Sue, who has never appeared in the play, is an experienced American drama actor who has guest starred in American dramas such as "Seinfeld" and "Ugly Betty". After passing away from cancer on Tuesday local time, viewers who like the show will never be able to hear her voice on the show, and those fans of the American drama who are looking forward to seeing her in the seventh season are a lifelong regret.

It's unclear what impact Carol's death will have on the next episodes, but the absence of such an important role is indeed regrettable and saddened by the actor's death, hoping that she will continue to bring laughter to others in heaven.

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