
Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

author:Xinqi eight
Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

Huawei's second princess Yao Anna's debut in the TV series "Ice Hunting" sparked heated discussions

Recently, a TV series called "Ice Hunting" has sparked heated discussions online. This drama not only has a gripping anti-drug storyline, but what is more interesting is that its heroine Yao Anna is actually the youngest daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei.

As the "second princess of Huawei", Yao Anna, since her debut as a singer in 2021, her every move has attracted much attention from the outside world. This time she challenged the heroine for the first time in "Ice Hunting", and her performance naturally became the focus.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

As soon as the broadcast started, Yao Anna was complained and questioned by many netizens. Some people think that her acting skills are blunt and artificial, lacking expression changes, and do not quite match the character setting. For example, in a scene of a gun manhunt, her movements appear very stiff, as if she is playing some kind of shooting online game, which makes people feel very unnatural.

Some netizens bluntly said that the reason why Yao Anna was able to get this heroine position was probably because she "brought money into the group". As the daughter of Huawei's founder, her family background is illustrious, and her background is not simple, perhaps it is with this relationship that she can become an instant hit.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

In the face of these doubts, Gao Qunshu, the director of "Ice Hunting", responded. He denied that Yao Anna was selected for capital reasons, but because she had no acting training, and her image and temperament were very suitable for playing the role of a policeman. Gao Qunshu also revealed that the production process of the whole drama was very difficult and the budget was very limited, so many details were done roughly.

Gao Qunshu believes that this rustic style can show a sense of documentary more. He also praised Yao Anna for being simple and able to endure hardships, and when filming and arresting drug dealers, all the actions were done by herself, without using a stand-in.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

On the other hand, there are also many netizens who are upset with Yao Anna. They believe that although Yao Anna has a prominent family background, she is a rookie actor after all, and it is inevitable that there will be some rustiness and shortcomings in challenging such an important role for the first time. We should not be too harsh, but give her more tolerance and encouragement.

Yao Anna's performance became the main point of controversy in the show. It is these controversies and heated discussions that have also made more people interested in this show, which has brought it considerable ratings.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

Perhaps for Yao Anna, although there are some shortcomings in this performance, it is also a valuable opportunity to exercise. As long as she studies modestly and works hard, she will definitely be able to go further and further on the road of acting in the future. She's just taken her first step, and there's still a long way to go!

Yao Anna's acting controversy continues to ferment, and netizens are hotly discussing her prospects

After the broadcast of "Ice Hunting", Yao Anna's acting skills have always been a hot topic. Some netizens bluntly said that her performance was too blunt and artificial, and it was far from the setting of the role.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

"In this posture of raising the gun, it looks like playing a game of chicken. A netizen joked, accompanied by a clip of Yao Anna searching at gunpoint in the play. Soon, this meme went viral on the Internet, and everyone imitated her stiff and exaggerated movements, which was full of playfulness.

Some people believe that the reason why Yao Anna's acting skills are so poor is probably because she has never received professional acting training. As a rookie actor, her understanding and control of the role is obviously still lacking.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

There are also netizens who are upset for her. This is Yao Anna's first TV series starring work, and it is not easy for a newcomer. We should not be too harsh, but more tolerant and encouraging.

"She at least works hard, and many action scenes are fought in person, falling and beating, without any idol baggage. A netizen said, "Although the acting skills are indeed average, this kind of hard work is worthy of recognition." "

At the beginning of the broadcast of "Ice Hunting", Yao Anna's acting skills have caused a lot of controversy. Some people questioned whether she "brought capital into the group" and whether she got this opportunity by virtue of her family background.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

In this regard, director Gao Qunshu responded on social media many times. He denied that Yao Anna was selected for capital reasons, but because she had no acting training, and her image and temperament were very suitable for playing a fledgling female policeman.

Gao Qunshu also revealed that in order to allow Yao Anna to better control the role, he specially invited professionals to train her, starting from the most basic standing posture, gun holding and other actions.

"When Yao Anna was filming the arrest of drug dealers, all the actions were done by herself, and the professional male stand-in was not as fast as her. Gao Qunshu said.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

Despite this, Yao Anna's performance still disappointed many viewers. Some people think that her presence is simply "polluting" the quality of the whole show.

In the face of such fierce criticism, Yao Anna has always remained silent. It wasn't until the series was completed that she posted a response on social platforms, saying that she would "accept well-intentioned criticism and suggestions, and respect all likes and dislikes".

How far can Yao Anna's acting career go? In this regard, netizens also have mixed reviews.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

Some people believe that with her family background, even if Yao Anna's acting skills are average, the resources are enough for her to continue to develop in the entertainment industry. As long as you work hard, you may be able to become an excellent actor in the future.

But there are also people who hold the opposite view, thinking that Yao Anna's acting skills are too poor and she is not suitable for the acting industry at all. She might as well go back to work in her father's business, which is where she belongs.

"Huawei is so big, why can't she find a job for her? A netizen said, "It's a pity that she has to be an ordinary person in the entertainment industry." "

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

What is the future of Yao Anna, it is still difficult to say. But it is undeniable that she has won enough attention through this drama, and she can be regarded as initially opening up her fame in the entertainment industry.

Whether she can continue to hone her acting skills and finally gain the recognition of the audience remains to be seen. But this experience was a valuable opportunity and inspiration for her.

Yao Anna's acting career still needs to be sharpened, and the future can be expected

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

Although Yao Anna's performance in "Ice Hunting" is insufficient, this is also reasonable for a rookie actor. We should not be too harsh, but give her more tolerance and encouragement. This is just the beginning of her acting career, and there is still a long way to go.

There is no shortage of actors from the "rich second generation" in the entertainment industry. For example, He Chaoyi, the daughter of gambling king Stanley Ho, was also questioned when she first entered the entertainment industry, but finally won many nominations for the Academy Awards and Golden Horse Awards for her outstanding acting skills. Yao Anna has every chance to make a breakthrough on the road of performance in the future.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

The important thing is that Yao Anna herself must have an open-minded attitude to learn. As director Gao Qunshu said, she needs to treat herself as a non-professional actor and start learning from the most basic things. Becoming a great actor doesn't happen overnight, it takes a long time to hone and a deep understanding of the role.

Take Zhang Songwen as an example, he also worked a variety of jobs before he became famous, and lived a very poor life. But it was these life experiences that gave him a deeper understanding of the characters, which allowed him to show impressive detail in his performances.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

Yao Anna obviously lacks this accumulation. Through this exercise, she has initially realized the difficulty of being an actor. During the filming, she not only completed all the action scenes herself, but also experienced the life of a policewoman at the local police station and did her homework for the role.

This conscientious and responsible attitude is worthy of recognition, and it also makes people look forward to her future development. As long as she continues to maintain this motivation and work hard, she will definitely be able to go further and further on the road of performance.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

In addition to her own efforts, Yao Anna also needs to get more opportunities to practice and exercise. The growth of an actor is inseparable from the right role challenges. Perhaps in the next period of time, she can start with some small works and gradually accumulate experience.

She also has the humility to learn from her predecessors and absorb their performance wisdom. At the filming site of "Ice Hunting", Yao Anna was fortunate to cooperate with a senior actor like Zhang Songwen. If she can seize the opportunity to ask Zhang Songwen for some acting skills, it will definitely be of great benefit to her growth.

Huawei's "second princess" Yao Anna attended Huawei's press conference, starring in the new drama and was questioned for her poor acting skills

Although Yao Anna's performance is a little regrettable, we must also see her potential and hard work. As a newcomer, she has already shown great courage and determination. I believe that as long as she continues to maintain this enthusiasm and study diligently under the guidance of her mentor and seniors, she will definitely be able to make great progress on the road of performance in the future and win the recognition of more audiences.

Success never comes overnight, it requires perseverance and perseverance in the pursuit of dreams. Let's wait and see, looking forward to Yao Anna's better performance in future performances and conquering the hearts of more audiences with her superb acting skills!

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