
Liu Weinan: I tell the story of China's poverty alleviation in Gaowu

author:No. 81 Industrial Hall
{"info":{"title":{"content":"【决战两江 见证变迁】刘伟男:我在高武讲述中国扶贫故事","en":"Liu Weinan: I tell the story of China's poverty alleviation in Gaowu"},"description":{"content":"“我的力量很小,每天捡垃圾也改变不了高武,我的野心很大,想要将中国的脱贫故事与世界分享。”初冬的黄昏,与“决战两江见证变...","en":"\"My strength is very small, picking up garbage every day can not change Gao Wu, I have great ambitions, I want to share China's poverty alleviation story with the world.\" The dusk of early winter, with the \"decisive battle of the two rivers to witness the change ..."}},"items":[]}

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