
Ministry of Commerce: China has fully fulfilled its WTO accession commitments

author:Bright Net
{"info":{"title":{"content":"商务部:中国已完全履行“入世”承诺","en":"Ministry of Commerce: China has fully fulfilled its WTO accession commitments"},"description":{"content":"新华社北京10月28日电(记者于佳欣)商务部副部长兼国际贸易谈判副代表王受文28日表示,中国已完全履行加入世贸组织(WT...","en":"Beijing, 28 Oct (Xinhua) -- Wang Shouwen, vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce and deputy representative of international trade negotiations, said on 28 October that China has fully fulfilled its accession to the World Trade Organization (WT)."}},"items":[]}

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