
How much do you know about marshmallows?

author:Fang Zhi Sichuan

How much do you know about marshmallows?

The Ming Dynasty painter Tang Yin had a fan called "Hollyhock Diagram", which had an inscription on it: "Duanyang wind objects are the most Qingjia, and the scarlet rong sunflowers are chaotic with flowers." Male yellow is more disturbing calamus wine, and the cup is clearly a piece of Xia. ”

"Hollyhock Diagram Fan" by Tang Yin (Shanghai Museum Collection)

Rong sunflower is hollyhock, Duanyang descended, Chengdu in May, hollyhock flowers bloom in full bloom, there are red, yellow, purple, pink, black and other countless colors, flowers bloom into pieces, brilliant clouds, like a fairy dressed in neon clothes.

The marshmallows of the valley of flowers

Hollyhock is the only flower named after Shu. During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, Chen Shuzi, a native of Zhejiang, wrote a book "Flower Mirror" by the West Lake at the age of 77. This widely circulated work on the cultivation of flowers and trees introduces hollyhocks: "Hollyhocks, yangcao also ... From the Western Shu, there are now all of them."

Hollyhock is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Marshmallow in the family Mallow family. It is generally believed that the origin of hollyhock is Sichuan, and the word "Shu" in the name proves its genetic origin.

In recent years, the Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology has found a seed of the genus Mallow in the Shang zhou strata of the Boluo Village site in Pidu District, Chengdu, which is a close relative of the genus Mallow and Hollyhock, and belongs to the mallow family under the mallow family, and the mallow family under the mallow family, but the genus is different. It is likely that as early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, hollyhocks had bloomed in large areas on the Chengdu Plain.

In the oldest Chinese dictionary, Erya, hollyhocks are referred to as "菺" and "Rongkui". Erya Yun: "Ling, Rong Kui." In ancient times, the people in the west were called "Xi Rong", and the name of "Rong Kui" indicates that the origin of this plant is "Xi Rong". The ancient Shu state was located in southwest China.

Fu Xuan of the Jin Dynasty wrote in an article entitled "Hollyhock Endowment": "Hollyhocks, whose seedlings are like melons, taste the seeds, and one of them leads to the seedlings and is born, and after the spring of the second year, it is hairy." It shows that at least in the Jin Dynasty, the name of hollyhocks has been called open.

In the folk, many people are a little unfamiliar with the name of hollyhock, but the hollyhock flower is very familiar, she has a lot of "soil names", the most called is "chessboard flower" "Yizhang red", she is also called Rong Kui, Wu Kui, Hu Kui, Wattle, Tang Kui, Standing Sunflower, Flower Sunflower, Red Flower, Big Flower, Qian Qian, A Piece of Red, Single Piece Of Red, Plum Rain Sunflower, Ripe Season Flower, Shu Season Flower, Shu Qi Flower... Hollyhock is one of the most commonly known and otherwise commonly known flowers in China.


Speaking of the name "Aoi Weizu", there is also a famous allusion. According to the Analects, Fan Chi asked Confucius: "Bao Jun is a Prince of Qi, and he is indomitable in ruling, which can be described as loyal, and the King is loyal." Is it the darkest?" Confucius said: "Those who are ancient scholars, the state-owned Tao is loyal to supplement it, and if there is no Tao, they retreat to avoid it." Now Bao Zhuangzi eats in the period of fornication, does not measure the light and darkness of the Lord, in order to be punished, is the wisdom is not as good as Aoi, Aoi can defend his feet. ”

"Zuo Chuan Cheng Gong Seventeen Years": "Zhongni Yue: 'Bao Zhuangzi's knowledge is not as good as Aoi's, and Aoi can defend his feet.'" Du pre-notes: "The sunflower leaves tilt toward the sun to cover its roots."

Some people think that the allusion to the sunflower is pointing to the sunflower, in fact, the sunflower is an exotic flower, native to South America, belongs to the Asteraceae family, and marshmallows and other ancient Chinese plants actually have the characteristics of the sun.

Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty who grew up in Sichuan, also wrote a poem "Liu Ye Lang Title Kui Ye" based on this allusion: "Shame Jun can defend his feet, sigh I move far away from the roots." During the day, it is like a divided photo, and it is also returned to the old garden. Li Bai was exiled to Yelang in his later years, and with this poem, he expressed his envy for the hollyhocks left behind in the old garden by the Jinjiang River.

A sea of hollyhock flowers in the Valley of Flowers

In fact, hollyhock is a very adaptable plant, both can withstand the cold, but also can withstand the heat, in china's vast land, everywhere can see the figure of hollyhock. Hollyhock also appeared in Dunhuang murals, and was introduced to South Asia, the Middle East and European countries through the three Silk Roads of the north, south and sea, and was one of the earliest Chinese flowers introduced to Europe. Today, hollyhocks can be seen in many gardens around the world. Hollyhocks also appear in the masterpieces of famous Western painters such as Dürer, Cabachio, Titian, Rubens, Boucher, Bouquet, Bouquet, Bouquel, Delacro, Leiden, Corro, Pissarro, Cézanne, Monet, Renoir, Repin, van Gogh.

In Chinese history, hollyhocks have been a protagonist in the imperial gardens of past dynasties. From the Shanglin Garden of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Tongquetai of Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms, the Xiangdong Garden of the Liang Yuan Emperor of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Luoyang West Garden of the Sui Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty, the Dongdu Garden of tang Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the Huayang Palace of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and the Yuanmingyuan of the Qing Dynasty, there are all the shadows of marshmallows. From the five generations of flower and bird painters Zhou Wenjue, to the Northern Song Dynasty's Zhao Chang, the Southern Song Dynasty's Li Song, Mao Yi, Lu Zonggui, The Yuan Dynasty's Qian Xuan, Tang Di, the Ming Dynasty's Dai Jin, Wen Jia, Lü Ji, Wang Yuan, Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, the Qing Dynasty's Wang Wu, Yun Shouping, Jiang Tingxi, Ma Quan, Yu Xi, Li Kun, Xi Gang, Zhai Jichang, Zhang Xiong, and even the modern painters Sha Fu, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Cheng Yaosheng, Chen Banding, Chen Shizeng, Xu Beihong, Pan Tianshou, Zhang Daqian, Li Kuchan, Jiang Hanting, Hu Yunqing, Chen Zizhuang, Yu Zhizhen, Cheng Shifa, etc. They have created many paintings showing the beauty of hollyhock flowers.

Since 2013, the Flower Valley founded by Zhou Xiaolin, a Chengdu native, has worked closely with the Chengdu Botanical Garden to cultivate 300 acres of hollyhocks in Jintang County, which is currently the world's largest and most diverse sea of hollyhock flowers, including 390 varieties, and has also cultivated new varieties such as Poetry Rhyme, Red Pink Lady, and Tianzhu Maiden. At the same time, Chengdu Botanical Garden and Flower Valley are far ahead in the world in the collection and protection of Chinese hollyhock germplasm resources, new variety breeding, horticultural applications, and hollyhock culture research, and jointly established the China Hollyhythorn Research Center to jointly complete the compilation of the world's first detailed introduction to Chinese hollyhocks.

As a native flower, hollyhock appeared in ancient Chinese poetry very early. In the Psalms, there is a flower called "荍", which is a close relative of the hollyhock. "Chen Feng Dongmen Zhi Fang" chanted: "The fang of the East Gate, like the life of the hill." The son of Zi Zhong, the son of a son. Yu Dan Yu Cha, the origin of the South. If it doesn't work, the city is also sloppy. Yu Dan died, and the more he passed, the more he stepped forward. See er like a thorn, muttch me hold the pepper. In this poem, the "thorn" is obviously a very beautiful flower plant in people's minds.

One of the most famous poems about hollyhocks, "The Song of Hollyhock Flowers", was written by cen Shan, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty: "Yesterday a flower bloomed, today a flower bloomed; Today's flowers are just right, yesterday's flowers are old. I know that people are not as old as flowers, but it is a pity that the flowers fall to Mosao; Life can not grow young, do not hesitate to sell wine money at the head of the bed. Please Jun has money to the restaurant, Jun is not seen, hollyhock flowers. This poem, borrowing hollyhocks, laments the passing of years and exhorts people to live a short life and cherish time.

Hollyhocks are extremely easy to cultivate, even if sown on barren land can take root, sprout, flower, large areas of growth, her characteristics are also quipped by poets, Tang Dynasty poet Chen Biaoyong "Hollyhocks" said:

Helpless hollyhocks in front of him, light purple and crimson hundreds of knots.

Can fight for a few peonies together, only because of the many people who are suspicious.

The poem says that hollyhocks are brilliant in color and can compete with peonies, but they grow too luxuriantly.

Sima Guang of the Song Dynasty also expressed this meaning in the poem "Hechangyan Guanshe Ten Titles • Hollyhocks", he wrote:

White is like a first break, red as Yan Gu.

Sitting on the suspicious immortals strictly, the buildings are full of chaos.

The physical nature is constant, and the human feelings are light.

Calamus day show, throw away not to throw.

Hollyhock flowers are as beautiful as fairies, but because they are too common, they are not cherished by people.

The Ming Dynasty painter Tang Bohu wrote in the song "Chuan Po Zhuo": "The sea durian is half spitting, and the hollyhocks are like a brocade", which describes the flourishing scene of the hollyhock flowers blooming like a brocade in early summer.

The "height" of the hollyhock also attracted the attention of the poet, the hollyhock can be as high as Zhangxu, because its flowers are mostly red, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas known as "Yizhang red". According to the "Miscellaneous Records of Xishu", during the Ming Dynasty, a Japanese emissary came to China, saw the hollyhock flowers in front of the column, did not know, asked people to understand, and then inscribed a poem: "The flowers are similar to hibiscus flowers, and the leaves are more like hibiscus leaves." The five-foot railing is inexhaustible, and half of it is still left with people to see. The poem says that the flowers and leaves of the hollyhock are nothing special, but their height is amazing.

"Hollyhocks" by Xu Beihong

Marshmallow, as a native of Chengdu, entered the world garden from the bank of Jinshui and entered the famous paintings of artists around the world.