
Cat Diary: How to remove tear marks from cats

author:Who doesn't love cats?

When a cat has tear marks, you can gently wipe it off at the corner of your eye with a pet wipe to wipe off excess tears and secretions. But this method can only be maintained for a while, and soon it will emerge again, requiring the owner to wipe it repeatedly. Therefore, in order to be able to better deal with the phenomenon of tear marks, it is best to deal with the causes of tear marks, and let's take a look at the following common points.

Cat Diary: How to remove tear marks from cats

1. Food problems

In terms of diet, if the owner often feeds the cat some more heavy food words, then the cat's body will be on fire, and tears will appear, and tear marks will slowly form in the long run, therefore, the owner should pay attention to lightness in the diet, it is recommended that the owner feed the cat some millet porridge, soup, goat milk powder, etc., and mix such nutrients in the food to help the cat reduce the eye condition.

Cat Diary: How to remove tear marks from cats

2, did not do a good job of cleaning care

If the pet owner has not cleaned the secretions of the cat's corners of the eyes, it is easy to make the cat's eyes infected over time. Then, the owner needs to help the cat clean the eyes every day, keep the eyes clean and dry, use warm water to moisten the hair, and then use a wet towel to wipe some of the condensed secretions clean. At the same time, use some cat eye drops to help maintain a good eye cleanliness.

Cat Diary: How to remove tear marks from cats

3. Caused by inverted eyelashes

In addition, if the cat has inverted eyelashes, it is also one of the reasons why the cat often shed tears and form tear marks. The owner can carefully check whether the cat's eyelashes are growing inward, and if so, it is recommended to take them to the pet hospital and let the veterinarian pull out the excess inverted eyelashes.

Cat Diary: How to remove tear marks from cats

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