
Cat Diaries: How to deal with cat tear marks

author:Who doesn't love cats?

Cat tear marks, is a kind of cat eye secretion too much, will form in the eye traces, tear marks will affect the cat's facial beauty, and cats have tear marks for a long time, there is also a certain harm to the body. In this regard, if the pet owner finds that his cat has tear marks, he must take some measures in time to help the cat deal with it. Let's share some specific measures.

Cat Diaries: How to deal with cat tear marks

1. Adjust your diet

In terms of diet, if the owner often feeds the cat some more heavy food words, then the cat's body will be on fire, and tears will appear, and tear marks will be formed in the long run, therefore, the owner should pay attention to lightness in the diet, it is recommended that the owner feed the cat some millet porridge, soup, goat milk powder, etc., which are good, and mix such nutrients in the food to help the cat reduce the situation of the eyes.

Cat Diaries: How to deal with cat tear marks

2. Pay attention to cleanliness

If the cat's eyes are stimulated, it will continue to cry, resulting in tear marks, generally caused by foreign bodies in the eyes and hair rubbing against the eyes, which is not a big problem. Remove the foreign body from the cat's eyes, cut the hair around the cat's eyes, clean the tear marks with a cotton swab, and then give the cat a cat eye drops to care for the eyes. If the eyelashes are irritated, the cat needs to be trimmed regularly.

Cat Diaries: How to deal with cat tear marks

3. Pay attention to the blockage of the lacrimal glands

Some cats are blocked because the cat's tear glands are blocked, the membrane of the eyes is closed, the tears cannot flow smoothly into the nose, and the tears stay in the eyes, and the amount flows out of the corners of the eyes. Over time, there are tear marks that are seen, and the tear marks caused by this reason can only be solved by going to the pet hospital through surgery.

Cat Diaries: How to deal with cat tear marks

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