
Things gather people in groups to toast storms

author:Quiet to far away 8990

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, due to the inconvenience of transportation, people could not go too far, and they had not yet invented electricity, there was no TV mobile phone KTV and other entertainment, people only lay in bed at night, and there was nothing to do, so they thought about it, so they produced a lot of thinkers and philosophers, hundreds of schools of thought, talents, and the most active academic atmosphere in Chinese history. Qi Guochun recommended seven sages to King Qi Xuan within a day, and King Qi Xuan said, Are there so many sages in the world, besides, there are, do you all know? Chun Yu Jie said a passage, the birds of the same kind always gather together to fly, chai hu and orange stems always grow on the back of the mountain rather than the puddle, and later evolved into the famous saying of the ages: things are clustered, and people are divided by groups.

Things gather people in groups to toast storms

I remember that many years ago, my alma mater held a school celebration, and our class also had a small gathering. At lunchtime, a classmate proposed, come, we have been in the class to pay tribute to the teacher for a cup, and then take the lead and get up and go. Suddenly, I was hesitating, what was the football captain of my class, whether to get up and go with me. One of the students was eating a lot at the time, should not have heard clearly, saw someone get up to toast, wiped the corners of his mouth and hurriedly took the cup and followed. On the way, the student who proposed to look back and find him, felt strange, stopped and asked him, yes, you also go, have you been a class? The old man understood the meaning of the toast, but he also reacted quickly, saying, "I have been a member of the labor committee." The initiative student frowned and thought about it, asking, when is the matter? The old man said that once during labor, the labor commissar was sick and asked me to help me get the key to open the door of the tool room! By the way, we have to go toast a glass of wine together!

Since then, whenever the classmates gather, this matter will definitely be mentioned, and the two parties will also touch each other's cups, laughing and hating! [Sneak laugh] [Sneak laugh] [Sneak laugh]

Things gather people in groups to toast storms

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