
The Nazi female guards, whose appearance is overwhelming, kill people like hemp and cruel means, and specially select beautiful female prisoners

author:Lao Chen talks about history

Bai Juyi has a poem that "it is difficult to give up on herself by being born beautiful", describing a woman who is born beautiful like a flower and refuses to be easily handed down, but in the Nazi German army, there is a female soldier who looks like a country, who actually gives up the nurse profession to act as a female guard in a concentration camp, killing people like hemp.

The Nazi female guards, whose appearance is overwhelming, kill people like hemp and cruel means, and specially select beautiful female prisoners

This Nazi female soldier named Irma Glazer, her original profession was a nurse, is a beautiful profession known as the "angel in white", but she chose to act as a demon, according to statistics, during the German Nazi regime, more than 2 million German women were seduced by it.

More than 6,000 young women chose to be the female guards of concentration camps and extermination camps, and Glazer was one of them, and from the appearance of it, Glazer was a stunning beauty, and even the prisoners in the concentration camp thought she had a beautiful appearance.

But she had a scorpion heart, and she regarded torturing and killing others as a pleasure and a means of receiving commendations, and at the age of eighteen or nineteen she received the Iron Cross, the highest honor among soldiers, and was promoted to the position of warden of a concentration camp for female prisoners before the age of 20.

The beautiful-looking Glazer naturally has no shortage of suitors, and the same Nazi Dr. Menger becomes her husband, but the two soon part ways, each with a new suitor, Glazer took a fancy to the commander of the men's camp, Clamo, and the two hooked up.

The bad style of life is not a crime, but she regards killing as fun, and the torture of female prisoners as entertainment, especially the beautiful female prisoners, who are unlucky when they meet her, perhaps out of jealousy, but all beautiful female prisoners, Glazer has to torture herself.

The Nazi female guards, whose appearance is overwhelming, kill people like hemp and cruel means, and specially select beautiful female prisoners

One day in the autumn of 1943, more than 3,000 Dutch Jews were sent to concentration camps, and the doctor Menger examined their bodies and walked past the doctors one by one, when a Jewish beauty with long hair and a shawl suddenly knelt down and begged Menger for help.

The Jewish beauty said, "Benevolent doctor, I'm only 23 years old!" This scene was seen by Glazer not far away, and suddenly Glazer appeared in front of the Jewish beauty, and involuntarily picked up the whip and drew it in the face of the Jewish beauty, cursing ugly dirty words while sobbing.

After a few lashes, the girl's face was already covered with blood, and it was not enough, and Glazer ordered two female guards to grab the girl's hands, beat her chest, and finally fired three shots at the girl, and finally the girl's flesh and blood blurred on the ground and did not move.

Not only will the good-looking female prisoner be tortured by Glazer, but even the pregnant women she will not let go, once it is found that a Jewish woman is pregnant, the light will be aimed at the pregnant woman's abdomen, and the heavy will be sent to the gas chamber, because the pregnant woman can not work, it will be disposed of.

Selecting these female prisoners who could not work was an important task for Glazer, and the slightest unpleasant ones would be selected by her and then sent to the gas chamber, and sometimes she only needed to sign the list of women who were sent to the gas chamber, no matter how many people, she would not hesitate to sign.

The Nazi female guards, whose appearance is overwhelming, kill people like hemp and cruel means, and specially select beautiful female prisoners

The demonic Glazer did not escape trial until she was sent to the defendant, Sigrets, who pleaded with the judge, "I'm only 22 years old!" "Imitating the girl she killed, but no one of the kindest will forgive her, and in the end Glazer is sentenced to death."

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