
"Little Girl Fishing"

author:Firmly believe that the road is getting wider and wider

She hoped that anything that passed through her hands would become better, that there was nothing in the world that deserved to be wasted.

"Little Girl Fish" is a collection of short and medium stories by Yan Geling, but it is named after one of them.

"Little Girl Fishing"

In fact, there are twelve articles of different lengths in the table of contents, which I read in less than five days (two days off in between, and I didn't read much at home).

"Little Girl Fishing"

After reading the table of contents, I feel that every impression is very deep, but I don't look at the table of contents, it seems that I can't remember exactly what each article wrote, so when I read, I will write down the name of each article and the name of the character, while reading and remembering, so that I can recall the content of the article when I see the name of the character inside. "Girl Xiaoyu" this impression is still quite profound, because it was made into a movie, Liu Ruoying is the heroine, the content introduction is that the twenty-two-year-old nurse Xiaoyu and her boyfriend worked abroad, in order to stabilize for a long time, fake marriage with a foreigner, and then what happened, from the beginning of mutual resistance, defense, to become friends, but all this attracted boyfriend Jiang Wei's jealousy and incomprehension, Xiaoyu ostensibly everything listened to Jiang Wei, but in the face of major events or insisted on his own principles. Other impressive ones are "Wu Chuan is a Yellow Girl" and "Whisperer"! In the process of watching, you will feel that you can't understand and understand what the author wants to express and what kind of meaning you want to tell the reader, but the attraction of the storyline is still very large, and people can't stop, want to read it all in one breath, and see the final ending. This book is all about overseas novels, and the stories are all about Chinese in a foreign country and some stories that happened with foreigners. Emotional entanglement, hardship and helplessness in life... They are all vividly expressed, the ugly face of human nature, and doing something against their will under the pressure of life. Some of them I really can't understand, but one thing is very clear, that is, all these people living abroad are not so perfect, the level of life is not so high, some even live very miserable, these days I am very depressed. Whether these phenomena are magnified or artistic, there may be various reasons, because art comes from life and is higher than life. In fact, no matter where people live, they must do their best, do their own thing, set a correct life goal, work hard down-to-earth, and strive for their dreams.

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