
U.S. military killings of civilians in Afghanistan occur frequently Foreign Ministry: Urge the US side to thoroughly investigate the truth of the incident

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - International Channel Original draft

U.S. military killings of civilians in Afghanistan occur frequently Foreign Ministry: Urge the US side to thoroughly investigate the truth of the incident

Beijing, 23 Sep (People's Daily Online) According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian presided over today's regular press conference. The transcript of the press conference is as follows:

CCTV: Today, the G20 Foreign Ministers for Afghanistan held a video conference. Can you tell us about China's attendance at the meeting?

Zhao Lijian: On August 23, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended a video conference of the G20 foreign ministers on Afghanistan. Wang Yi said that as the main platform for international economic cooperation, the G20 should base itself on its own positioning and play a constructive role in the process of seeking peace, promoting development and building consensus in Afghanistan. The Chinese side put forward the following six-point proposal:

First, humanitarian assistance cannot be delayed. China has decided to provide relevant supplies worth 200 million yuan to Afghanistan, including donating the first batch of 3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine. China hopes that the countries responsible for the current situation in Afghanistan will seriously reflect on what they have done, do more practical things as soon as possible to alleviate the difficulties faced by the Afghan people, and perform their due duties.

Second, economic sanctions must stop. Unilateral sanctions or restrictions on Afghanistan should be lifted. Afghanistan's foreign exchange reserves are national property and cannot be used as a bargaining chip to exert political pressure on Afghanistan. China calls on G20 members to actively take practical measures to help Afghanistan alleviate the current pressure on mobility.

Third, interactive engagement is inclusive. The international community should support the Afghan people in their independent choice of a development path that suits their national circumstances, culminating in the formation of a broad and inclusive political framework that respects the fundamental rights of minorities, women and children and pursues a foreign policy of peace and friendship with all countries, especially with neighbours.

Fourth, counter-terrorism cooperation urgently needs to be deepened. The international community should stand on the high plane of a community with a shared future for mankind, build a united front against terrorism, oppose double standards and selective counter-terrorism, and prevent Afghanistan from once again becoming a breeding ground and sanctuary for terrorism.

Fifthly, the refugee problem should be treated both as a symptom and a cause. The United States and NATO countries bear primary responsibility for resolving the issue of Afghan refugees and migrants. The international community should also earnestly help Afghanistan to accelerate its economic reconstruction and radically reduce the emergence of refugee migrants.

Sixth, the synergy of various mechanisms. China supports the United Nations in maintaining peace and stability and humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan as the main channel, and urges UNAMA and UN agencies to earnestly fulfill their responsibilities. All Arab-related multilateral mechanisms are welcome to give full play to their respective advantages and form a joint force to aid Afghanistan.

Xinhua News Agency: On August 20, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) released the Global Innovation Index Report 2021, and China ranked 12th, up two places from 2020. The report also spoke highly of China's progress in innovation, emphasizing the importance of government decision-making and incentives in promoting innovation. What is China's comment on this?

Zhao Lijian: I have noted relevant reports. According to the report, China's ranking has steadily risen for nine consecutive years since 2013, ranking first among middle-income economies. China ranked first in nine indicators, including patent application, trademark application, industrial design, high-tech export, export of creative products and size of the domestic market. This fully confirms China's outstanding achievements in the field of scientific and technological innovation and intellectual property protection.

In recent years, the Chinese government has insisted on placing scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall development of the country, vigorously implemented the innovation-driven development strategy and intellectual property strategy, and continuously increased the intensity of scientific and technological innovation and intellectual property protection, and the innovation ability and awareness of intellectual property protection in the whole society have been significantly improved. Just yesterday, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Outline for the Construction of an Intellectual Property Power (2021-2035), which clearly proposed to accelerate the reform and development of intellectual property rights, comprehensively enhance China's intellectual property strength, adhere to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, plan and promote the reform and development of intellectual property rights from an international perspective, and promote the construction of open, inclusive, balanced and inclusive international rules for intellectual property rights, so that innovation and creation can benefit the people of all countries.

As an important force in global scientific and technological innovation and a major intellectual property power, China is willing to continue to work with other countries to seize the historic opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, create an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological development, tap the new momentum of post-epidemic economic growth, and work together to achieve leapfrog development.

CCTV: Today, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the unannounced permanent membership of the UN Security Council and met with the UN Secretary-General. Can you tell us about that?

Zhao Lijian: Today, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the un Security Council permanent foreign minister meeting with the UN Secretary-General in Beijing via video. State Councilor Wang Yi said that the international community has high expectations for the five permanent committees, especially the five permanent committees to strengthen unity and coordination and inject confidence and stability into the world.

First, the Five Permanent Standing Committees should perform their duties to safeguard world peace. The five permanents should be positive rather than negative factors of peace, and should be the solvers rather than the makers of problems. To resolve hotspot issues, we should abide by the CHARTER, make more use of good offices for mediation, make good use of peacekeeping operations, be cautious about using coercive sanctions, and not use force at any time.

Second, the Five Permanents should fulfill their responsibilities for practicing multilateralism. All parties attach importance to the US president's statement that he does not want to engage in a "new Cold War", and the key is to implement this statement into action. That is, abandon the Cold War mentality and not engage in zero-sum games; abandon ideological prejudices and do not engage in closed small circles; abandon the impulse of group confrontation and do not engage in geopolitical competition. Countries will wait and see.

Third, the five permanent members should take responsibility for promoting solidarity against the epidemic. We should take a clear stand against the attempt to politicize the epidemic, label the virus, and trace the source of the tool, and exclude all words and deeds that interfere with and undermine international anti-epidemic cooperation.

Fourth, the five permanent members should act to promote global cooperation. President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative in his speech at the general debate of the UN General Assembly, aiming to promote global synergy and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and welcomes the active participation of all parties. The P.5 permanent committees have made commitments to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change and should do what they say.

Agence France-Presse (AFP): On the issue of the Presidential Election in South Korea. One leading candidate said that if elected, he would urge the United States to deploy tactical nuclear weapons when South Korea is threatened by North Korea. What is China's position on the redeployment of nuclear weapons by the United States in the ROK?

Zhao Lijian: China's position on the Korean Peninsula issue and related nuclear issues is clear and consistent. It is not a responsible act for relevant ROK politicians to talk about the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.

Global Times: Recently, during the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, a dialogue was held with the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery. Many countries have expressed concern about human trafficking and forced labor in the United States. Can you introduce China's relevant position?

Zhao Lijian: China is concerned about human trafficking and forced labor in the United States. The United States has historically practiced slavery and the slave trade, and genocide the Indians. At present, the United States is still the hardest hit area of human trafficking and forced labor.

Here I would like to share with you a few sets of data. Over the past five years, as many as 100,000 people have been trafficked to the United States each year for forced labor, half of whom have been sold to "sweatshops" or subjected to domestic slavery. There are still about 500,000 child laborers in the United States who work in agriculture, many of whom are under the age of 10, working up to 72 hours a week. Between 240,000 and 325,000 women and children in the United States are sexually enslaved, and children survive sex trafficking for an average of only 7 years. Behind these figures are human tragedies, broken families, and the trampling of the basic rights of living people.

The problem of human trafficking and forced labor in the United States has repeatedly fermented, which is closely related to the deliberate disregard and inaction of the US government. The United States is the only country in the world that has not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Nor has the United States ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

The United States should take immediate action to ratify the relevant human rights conventions, vigorously combat the crimes of trafficking in human beings and forced labor, rescue innocent women and children, and bring perpetrators to justice. The international community will continue to raise concerns about human trafficking and forced labor in the United States. Mechanisms such as the United Nations Human Rights Council should continue to pay attention to this and take the necessary action.

Kyodo News Agency: Yesterday, the Taiwan authorities announced their application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). In that year Chinese mainland and Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization at the same time. What is your view on the position of the Taiwan authorities?

Zhao Lijian: There is only one China in the world, the Taiwan region is an inalienable part of China, and the one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations and the universal consensus of the international community. We resolutely oppose official exchanges between any country and Taiwan and resolutely oppose the Taiwan region's accession to any agreements and organizations of an official nature. China's position is clear.

People's Daily: According to reports, recently, China's COVID-19 vaccines have arrived in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya and other African countries, and Cambodia, Cuba and other countries have also received medical supplies from China. So far, how many vaccines has China provided to many countries in total?

Zhao Lijian: So far, China has provided 1.2 billion doses of vaccines and stock solutions to more than 100 countries and international organizations, and provided anti-epidemic material assistance to more than 150 countries and 14 international organizations. We also actively support UN agencies in playing their due role in the fight against the epidemic. This is not only a powerful testimony of China's friendly relations and deep friendship with other countries in the world, but also a true portrayal of us working together with all parties to help each other and overcome difficulties together. Relevant countries and international organizations said that the vaccines and materials aided by China are like "timely rain", which plays a positive and important role in fighting the epidemic and protecting people's health.

At the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Xi Jinping pointed out that to regard vaccines as a global public good and ensure the accessibility and affordability of developing countries, it is imperative to distribute vaccines fairly and reasonably on a global scale. China will strive to provide 2 billion doses of vaccines to the outside world throughout the year, and on top of donating US$100 million to the COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation Plan, it will donate another 100 million doses of vaccines to developing countries free of charge during the year.

As long as the COVID-19 epidemic does not end every day, China's pace of international cooperation against the epidemic will not stop, and our efforts and contributions will continue. We will do our best to promote the fair access of vaccines in developing countries, and we also call on countries in a position to do so to support and help developing countries to obtain vaccines and necessary anti-epidemic materials with practical actions as soon as possible, so as to contribute to the early global victory over the epidemic and economic recovery.

Kyodo News Agency: I would like to ask a question about Australia's nuclear submarines. Yesterday, the Foreign Office expressed its opposition to Australia's development of nuclear submarines. But as far as I know, the Chinese People's Liberation Army also has a lot of nuclear submarines. Does the Foreign Ministry mean that China will not build new nuclear submarines in the future?

Zhao Lijian: Regarding the question you mentioned, I remember that yesterday I answered three questions. China's position is very clear.

Australia is a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and a party to the South Pacific Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty. Australia has introduced nuclear submarine technology of strategic military value, and the international community, including China, has reason to question Australia's sincerity in abiding by its nuclear non-proliferation commitments. As a nuclear-weapon State under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, whether China will build new nuclear submarines is a fundamentally different question from Australia.1

Beijing Daily: During the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Australia's gross human rights violations were widely criticized. Can you further introduce China's position on relevant issues?

Zhao Lijian: Australia's offshore detention centers have long detained a large number of refugee immigrants, and detainees have been physically and mentally devastated for a long time, and unnatural deaths occur from time to time. Detention centres are outsourced to private security companies and the conditions of survival are poor. The Australian government has failed to effectively regulate and seriously violates the human rights of refugee migrants.

Historically, Australia has committed genocide against Indigenous peoples, forcibly removing 100,000 Indigenous children from their families and inflicting permanent pain on the "stolen generation". Today, the average life expectancy of Aboriginal Australians is 8.2 years lower than that of whites. Australian Aborigines make up only 3.3 per cent of Australia's population, but 28 per cent of Australia's prison population. Indigenous Australians continue to suffer grossly unfair treatment in areas such as living conditions, law enforcement and justice.

Between 2012 and 2013, Australian soldiers shot and killed prisoners and even civilians in Afghanistan between 2012 and 2013. My colleagues and I have repeatedly introduced and condemned the atrocities committed by Australian soldiers. The truth has long since been revealed, but justice has not yet been heard. These Australian servicemen have committed serious war crimes but remain at large. The lives of the Afghan people are also lives. Australia owes an account to the people of the world!

Bloomberg: Chinese Taipei is a member of the World Trade Organization. Could there be a similar arrangement for the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)?

Zhao Lijian: I have just explained China's position very clearly.

China News Service: Frank Mackenzie, commander of the US Central Command, recently announced that the fatal drone attack on a car launched by the US military in Kabul at the end of August killed 10 civilians, including 7 children, and the youngest victim was only 2 years old. The vehicles and personnel attacked were not linked to the Islamic State's Hurosan branch (ISIS-K) and did not pose a direct threat to U.S. forces. MacKenzie called the attack "a tragic mistake." What is China's comment on this?

Zhao Lijian: China believes that the use of any weapon, including armed drones, should comply with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international humanitarian law. The United States has abused drones to carry out strikes without accurate verification, ruthlessly taking the lives of 10 innocent Afghan civilians, including children, seriously violating international humanitarian law, being an irresponsible use of force, and even more a naked crime.

Public reports show that the United States uses drones to kill civilians in Afghanistan frequently. A former U.S. soldier and drone operator said in testimony to the U.N. expert committee that the U.S. drone attack was purely "killing for the sake of killing." The death toll of Afghan civilians caused by U.S. airstrikes far exceeds official U.S. government statistics. China urges the US side to thoroughly investigate the truth of the incident, severely punish those responsible and the perpetrators, give a responsible explanation to the Afghan people and the international community, and avoid repeating such human tragedies.

Beijing Radio and Television Station: According to reports, representatives of the ROK and Japanese governments clashed at the 65th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency on The 21st over Japan's plan to drain contaminated water from the sea. The South Korean side criticized Japan for unilaterally making a decision to drain the sea without consulting its neighbors and urged Japan to reconsider. The Japanese argued that the plan was technically "feasible." What is China's comment on this?

Zhao Lijian: The Japanese side claims that its sea drainage plan is technically "feasible", but reports of TEPCO's irresponsibility and unprofessionalism are not uncommon. For example, just last week, the media exposed that 24 of the 25 filters used by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company of Japan to purify nuclear contaminated water were damaged, and only 1 was good. In addition, the fukushima nuclear plant's nuclear waste container has leaked three times since March this year. The international community has sufficient reasons to suspect that with such technology and such supervision, coupled with TEPCO's repeated tampering with data, concealing accidents and failing to report accidents, what confidence does the Japanese representative have to say that his sea drainage plan is technically "feasible"?

On the issue of the Japanese government's unilateral decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the ocean, in addition to South Korea, China, Russia, Pacific island countries and other Pacific coastal countries have the same concerns and doubts. The Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Forum recently said that the basic concerns of the members of the Forum about Japan's decision to drain the sea have not been answered and resolved. The Japanese side insisted on going its own way and forcibly promoted the preparations for the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, in an attempt to impose its own mistakes on the international community. This extremely irresponsible approach is totally unacceptable.

What the Japanese government should do is not to find one or another excuse for its own wrong decision to discharge nuclearly polluted water into the ocean, but to face up to the serious harm that this move will cause to the global marine environment, seriously reflect on it, earnestly assume responsibility, and win the trust of neighboring countries and the international community with practical actions. Until full consultation and agreement with stakeholders and relevant international agencies, the Japanese side shall not initiate the discharge of nuclear contaminated water to the sea without authorization.

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