
A shepherd is a Collie, is this logic right or wrong?

author:Listen to the pet doctor

The three words of The Collie dog, for most of the dog owners, or more familiar, because the dog of this dog breed has a defect, that is, they will be allergic to mite needles, but many pet owners do not know what breeds of The Collie dog is, so often all the shepherd dogs or pointed-nosed dogs are called The Collie, is this correct?

A shepherd is a Collie, is this logic right or wrong?

In fact, these two statements are not completely correct, why?

For example, the shepherd is the Collie, of which the more common real Curries are: Scottish Shepherd, Hilti, Border Collie, these 3 breeds of dogs we can also see from the name, they are indeed shepherds, but for example, the German Shepherd that has been misunderstood is not a Curly.

In fact, sheepdogs are a working name for dogs, many dogs have this attribute, and this skill many dogs can learn through late training, such as people now use wolf green dogs to shepherd sheep, use horse dogs to shepherd sheep, we can also call them sheepdogs, but they are not Colly dogs.

A shepherd is a Collie, is this logic right or wrong?

We're looking at long-nosed dogs, such as the Rabbit Whippet, which also has a pointed nose, but they are not Curly dogs, such as the Corky, a sheepdog with a pointed nose, which is also not a Collie.

So these two statements are not true, and the Collie is actually our most common border collie and Scottish shepherd and Hilti, in fact, there are not many Sogra Shepherds and Hiltis now.

A shepherd is a Collie, is this logic right or wrong?

Can't Collie really get a mite needle?

Collie dogs really can not use ivermectin this mite needle, because they are physiological defects in the body does not have the multi-drug resistance gene MDR-1 gene, give them ivermectin this mite needle, will make them poisoned, all the macrolide mite needles, will make the Colly dog poisoned, such as avermectin, serraminin and so on.

Therefore, if the Collie dog has mite skin disease, it is not possible to use these drugs, and the owner needs to pay attention!

Ancient shepherd dogs of this breed, it is best not to use mite needles, because ancient sheepdogs that are not purebred will have Collie's pedigree, so they will also be allergic to macrolide mite needles.

So what drugs can colleeines use to treat mites?

In fact, now the treatment of Collie's mite drugs have been very rich, the current market is a little better in vitro deworming drugs, can kill mites, so can treat mites, ear mites, scabies mites, demodex mites can be, but use these topical repellents to treat mites, the price will be more expensive than ivermectin.

A shepherd is a Collie, is this logic right or wrong?

Pet Doctor Tips:

When the Collie dog bathes on weekdays, be sure to blow dry their hair, do not use human shower gel, do not give them too salty to eat, and regularly deworm them inside and outside the body.

Whether it is the breed of dog that is raised, the owner should not use mite needles for the dog himself, should let the pet doctor operate, this drug is not easy to inject, but also easy to pack, and the dosage and the requirements for the breed are very high.

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