
The "Nightcrawl" yellow-mouthed owl appeared in Jimei

author:Bright Net

This newspaper news (text/reporter Yan Meili photo/Lin Owl) "Look! Take a look! It's a yellow-mouthed owl! Just stand on that branch! Recently, at about 10 p.m., during the night viewing of the Jimei Xiaolongtan Reservoir, the "owl" member of the Municipal Bird Watching Association accidentally found the yellow-mouthed owl. Afraid of disturbing the birds in the trees, she lowered her voice and excitedly called her husband, Lin Owl, to come and watch the birds. Lin Owl, secretary general of the Municipal Bird Watching Association, said excitedly: "Bird watching has been going on for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have recorded the yellow-mouthed owl in Xiamen."

The yellow-horned owl is a national second-class protected animal, and the birds in the order Owl are also known as owls. The yellow-billed owl is a small bird with a body length of 18–21 cm. From the photos taken by the forest owl, it can be seen that the feathers on the yellow-mouthed owl are mostly tan, accompanied by some black transverse spots. The most eye-catching thing is the eye: the large yellow eyes are round and round, and the small pupils in the middle are black, which look like staring eyes from a distance, cute and fierce.

How did you find the yellow-mouthed owl? At that time, Lin Owl and his wife went to jimei Xiaolongtan Reservoir, originally planned to watch nocturnal insects or snakes at night, when the light of the flashlight swept through a tree on the side of the road, they accidentally saw a yellow-mouthed owl parked on a branch. "I was so excited to see the yellow-mouthed owl at that moment, so excited that I was afraid that it would fly away before I could take pictures." Fortunately, the yellow-mouthed owl was very "cooperative", standing quietly on the branch and letting the forest owl shoot enough.

According to the forest owl, the yellow-mouthed owl mainly inhabits the mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest and mixed forest below 2000 meters above sea level, and preys on large insects, lizards, rats, etc. at night, and its habits are relatively secretive and difficult to meet in the wild. In the mountainous areas of Fujian, they can often only hear their voices and do not see their bodies. The yellow-billed owl is a nocturnal bird whose song is a two-syllable whistle that reverberates through the valley when it chirps, making it difficult to locate it even when it is heard.

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bird Watching Association that the yellow-mouthed owl became the 409th wild bird recorded in Xiamen, and also the tenth species of owl recorded in Xiamen, the first nine species were grass owl, collared owl, red horned owl, eagle owl, collared owl, spotted owl, northern eagle owl, long-eared owl, short-eared owl.

Source: Xiamen Evening News