
Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

author:Scourge to the world

This is a friend's message to the small disaster a few days ago, when the small disaster did not pay attention, only today to see.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

The friend asks Why Superman in the comics was able to resist the atomic bomb explosion, but was killed by the mother box in the movie.

In fact, this problem can be explained in one sentence, that is, these two supermen are in different parallel universes.

But explaining why Superman behaves differently in different parallel universes is more complicated.

Some friends may say "the director let it", "the screenwriter let it" or "the author let it", but in fact, these are all meaningless nonsense. Whether it is DC or Marvel, all major American comic book companies have a strict review system, creators can not be free to create at will, whether it is characters or events must be within the framework given by the comic book company, this framework is called setting, that is to say, the creator's work can not violate the setting.

Status among American comic book creators such as "King" Jack. Bryant also had to follow this rule, which gave birth to the category of indie comics, which was described in detail in an article titled "Why Three Characters Belonging to Two Different Companies, Darkseid/Thanos/Mongo Are So Similar" was introduced in detail.

Legendary cartoonist Frank. Miller also left Marvel to join DC because many of his works could not be published without review, and the little evil "Frank. Miller: Saved the Night Devil, created Erica, and changed DC's comic book style.

The same is true for movies, so we often see news that a CERTAIN DC or Marvel movie will have "XXX in the original script", because this version of the script has not passed the company's review.

Therefore, the character traits or events that appear in the works that we can see are in line with the requirements of the company, that is, in line with the setting.

The superhuman hard-resistance nuclear bomb mentioned in the friend's question and being blown up by the mother box are both in line with the setting. So why is it that the same performance is different in line with the setting? This also starts with DC's parallel universe.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > characteristics of DC's parallel universe</h1>

Let's first talk about the characteristics of Marvel's parallel universe. Marvel's parallel universes are divided into two types, one is an alternative universe and the other is a backup universe.

The backup universe was originally the same as the main universe, but a divergence occurred during one event, leading to the birth of different parallel universes, usually caused by time travel.

The most famous and representative alternate universes are Earth-3515, where the Lord Thor event is located, and Earth-61112, where the Age of Ultron is located.

The "Age of Ultron" event is that Ultron ruled the world, killed most of the heroes, and the surviving heroes formed an underground resistance army, hiding in Tibet, and living in fear every day.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

Ultron defeats all the heroes

The Resistance sent Wolverine to travel back in time several times, unsuccessfully trying to change history, culminating in the past by Ultron inventor "Ant-Man" Hank. Pym created and uploaded a virus that suppressed Ultron, who was defeated and the world returned to normal.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

Ant-Man uploaded the virus Ultron was defeated

There is also a kind of backup universe that is in the future, which is a development trend of the current universe, and the world where the elderly Thor in "Thor: God of Thunder" and the world where the elderly Thanos in the "Thanos Victory" story line are alternate universes. They are a development trend of the current main universe and have a causal relationship with the current main universe.

In the "Thanos Victory" storyline, Thanos of the main universe does not agree with the future elder than Thanos, so he returns to the current main universe and deliberately lets Gomora kill himself, erasing the timeline of the elder Thanos.

Usually the alternate universe appears in one-off stories, rarely in other stories, and is less described. The alternative universe is different, the alternative universe is more grand, and the worldview is more complete.

The alternative universe is completely different from the Marvel main universe from birth to destruction, but there may be similar factors. MC2, Earth X, and the Ultimate Universe are all representatives of the alternative universe. The Ultimate Universe was even once thought to eventually replace Earth-616 as Marvel's new main universe.

The Alternative Universe can be similar or completely different from the Main Universe, for example, in the Ultimate Universe, Nick Fury is a black man, completely different from the white man in the Main Universe, and the Black Widow of the Ultimate Universe is not a hero, she married Iron Man in order to let her organization defeat the United States to rule the world. Because of the Black Widow, she led to the death of Hawkeye's wife and children, and was eventually killed by Hawkeye.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

Nick Fury of the Ultimate Universe

After talking about Marvel and then going back to DC, DC does not have two parallel universes like Marvel, but only one, and the parallel universe of DC is marvel's alternative universe.

In DC's parallel universe, the elements can be very similar to the main universe, or they can be completely different and unrelated.

For example, the Golden Age DC Universe, which we now call Earth Two, has "The Flash" but is not the barry we are familiar with. Allen or Wally. West, but Jay. Garrick. Similarly Earth 2's Green Lantern is not Hal. Jordan, Guy. Gardner or Kyle. Rayner, but Alain. Scott.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

Earth Two's superheroes

And Earth 3 is more exaggerated, not only are the heroes different people, but even the heroes of the main universe are all evil villains in Earth 3. In this world Lex. Luthor was the hero.

The above parallel universes are quite similar to the DC main universe, and then look at the Silver Age Earth-C, which is now Earth 26, all the heroes in this universe are cartoon animal images, and the DC main universe is completely incompatible.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

Earth 26

The same parallel universes such as Earth 4, Earth 6, and Earth 7 cannot see a trace of the DC main universe at all.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe
Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

A parallel universe without traces of the main universe

In the DC Universe, there have also been times like the "Age of Ultron" that have changed history through time, but parallel universes have not been formed.

One of DC's most famous traversal events was the 2011 event "Flashpoint", in which "The Flash" Barry. Alan runs through time to save his mother who was killed when he was a child, only to erase the "New Earth" and turn the world into a "Flashpoint World". After Barry. Ellen runs again to stop the self who saved his mother, thus erasing the "Flashpoint World" and forming the "New 52 Universe".

That is to say, DC travels through time to change history only replaces the old universe with a newly formed universe, not a parallel universe.

Whether it is DC or Marvel Parallel Universe, it does not only exist in comics, all movies, animations, games, and novels are parallel universes.

Marvel's cinematic universe is called Marvel Cinematic Universe for short, and parallel universes are numbered Earth-199999. The DC Cinematic Universe is generally referred to as the DC Extended Universe for short, the DCEU.

Having said all this, I just want to make it clear that DC's parallel universe can be similar to the main universe, or even infinitely close to the main universe, but it can also be completely different. The Cinematic Universe belongs to a parallel universe in DC that can be similar or different from the main universe.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > superhuman in the DC multiverse</h1>

Let's take a look at a picture from the 2005 comic book event Infinite Crisis.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

In Infinite Crisis, Luthor Jr. created a multiverse of instability and collapse, which is a manifestation of Superman in different parallel universes when the universe collapses. That is to say, everyone on this journey is a superman in his parallel universe.

It can be seen that the superman in the universe in this picture is very similar to the main cosmic superman, some are completely different, for example, the third black bald man in the robe on the left, he is the superman of Earth 9, his name is Harvey. Dent.

Harvey Dent is not a Kryptonian but an ordinary Earthling, once he fell from the tallest building on Earth, fell to the ground and found that only a little bruise appeared, he gained superpowers because of this fall, became Superman.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

Earth 9 Superman

Let's look at another image from the 2009 DC event Final Crisis, in which Superman commissioned Shazam of Earth 5 to assemble all the superheroes in parallel universes to form a multiverse superman army. The reason why Shazam commissioned Earth 5 is because shazam on Earth 5 is superman. Most of the Supermans in this chart bear no resemblance to the Main Cosmic Superman, and the Superman in this chart is only a small group of members of the Multiverse Superman Legion.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

The Legion of Supermen

Looking at the above mentioned Superman of Earth 26, Superman of Earth 26 is a cartoon rabbit called Captain Carrot, with cartoon characteristics, here is not to expand the difference between cartoons and comics, Captain Carrot's head is flattened can be restored to its original state, all fatal injuries are not fatal to Captain Carrot, as long as he eats the cosmic carrot can be restored.

The above are all completely different examples from the main universe superman, and here is a similar example. Superman is known to have been born in 1938, and this Superman is now classified as The Superman of Earth II. Did you know that although this Earth II Superman is a Kryptonian, his abilities do not come from the yellow sun, but from the natural evolution of the Kryptonian race, the biological energy in their bodies?

Therefore, the superman of Earth Two does not have the weakness of the Red Sun, and the sources of ability are different, and the ability is naturally different. Although Earth II's Superman looks very similar to the current Superman.

Returning to this friend's message, superman in the comics carried the nuclear bomb unscathed, and the movie was killed by the mother box, because they belonged to different parallel universes, but their appearance and identity were similar, and their abilities were completely different.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > superhuman resistance in parallel universes</h1>

Here to talk about the hard anti-nuclear bomb Superman, about this friend said that Superman hard to carry 700 times the nuclear bomb, the small disaster does not know the source, in the main universe of the comic superman does have a strong anti-nuclear bomb performance, but only two.

In the 1994 comic strip Superman/Day of Destruction: Hunter/Prey, Superman carries the explosion of two nuclear bombs unscathed.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

Superman resisted two nuclear bombs

But this is not the strongest manifestation of the resistance of supermans in the main universe, the Silver Age superman not only resisted nuclear bomb explosions, but also experienced planetary explosions and even supernova explosions. In the New Earth era before the "flashpoint", the 2007 manga "Action Comics" #847中超人在50倍的超新星爆炸中毫发无伤.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

50x supernova explosion

The explosive yield of a nuclear bomb ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions of tons, which is almost negligible relative to supernova explosions.

The 10-second explosion of the Great Magellanic Cloud's SN1987A produces 10 seconds of energy equivalent to 1,000 times the energy released by the Sun over 4.5 billion years.

So in the comics, the nuclear bomb is useless to Superman in the main universe.

The Dark Knight Returns is a landmark comic about Batman, belonging to the parallel universe Earth-31, in which Superman was ordered by the U.S. government to stop Batman and was defeated by Batman's green arrow who had broken an arm, in large part because Superman was hit by two nuclear bombs before that, suffered a lot of damage, and his ability was weakened a lot.

Why is Superman able to resist nuclear bombs in the comics, but is killed by the mother box in the movie? Characteristics of dc company parallel universes Superman resistance performance in the DC multiverse superman parallel universe

The Earth-31 Superman was seriously injured by a nuclear bomb

Therefore, the Earth-31 Superman will not be killed by a nuclear bomb, but it will still cause a lot of damage.

Let's talk about Superman in the DC Cinematic Universe, the death of Superman in the movie by the mother box occurred in Zach Schneider's version of the movie "Justice League", although this movie does not belong to the DC Cinematic Universe, but it is in the same vein as the Cinematic Universe, and the Superman of the Cinematic Universe here can be regarded as a person.

Superman was also hit by a nuclear bomb in Batman v Superman, also directed by Zach Schneider in the DC Cinematic Universe, and in order to ensure that the nuclear bomb hit Doom Day, he held Doom Day with his body, so that he was hit by the bomb with Doom Day.

Not only did the Day of Destruction not only not take any damage, but it also evolved and increased its strength.

Superman, on the other hand, almost died in this nuclear explosion, his body turned into a dry corpse, thanks to the timely appearance of the sun, the yellow sun saved Superman and revived him. The superman damage caused by a nuclear bomb to the cinematic universe is far greater than that of Superman on Earth-31, and may even be fatal.

So Superman in the Cinematic Universe not only can kill Superman with a mother box explosion, but a large-yield nuclear bomb can also kill him.

In summary, Superman in the comics can resist nuclear bombs hard, and in the movie, they will be killed by the explosion of the mother box, because they belong to different parallel universes, although the background, ability and other aspects of the two are very similar, but the strength is completely different.

Superman in the comic book main universe is far stronger than Superman in the movie universe.