
Shi Hai Hook Shen: The eighth route army's strongest sharpshooter pistol was killed, and watching TV dramas in his later years thought it was too fake!

author:First military intelligence

First Military Intelligence Author: Lighter

Speaking of the world's recognized sharpshooters in the world in the 20th century, it is inevitable to mention these people, Simon Haye of Finland, Pavlyuchenko of the Soviet Union, Chuck Maweni of the United States, etc., but in terms of the accuracy of shooting, these people are slightly inferior to our army alone.

Shi Hai Hook Shen: The eighth route army's strongest sharpshooter pistol was killed, and watching TV dramas in his later years thought it was too fake!

The strongest "sharpshooter" of our army, named Wei Laiguo, was born in Rongcheng, Shandong Province in November 1925 and joined the Eighth Route Army in 1942. In 1945, he was transferred to the Tokai Teaching Team for three months of shooting training, during which time his shooting skills were greatly improved. He was later transferred to the 4th Company of the 8th Regiment of the 4th Brigade of the Security Brigade as a platoon leader.

In 1946, two American equipment regiments of Chiang Kai-shek's 54th Army invaded Jimo County, Shandong Province, and they attacked Nanquan Station along Jiaoji Road. At that time, the 4th Company of Wei Laiguo was ordered to guard the position of East Langezhuang. In the face of the enemy's two infantry companies armed to the teeth and fierce shelling, Wei Laiguo responded heavily to the attack, and he himself took advantage of the gap time of the enemy's shelling to defend a cemetery alone with a three-eight large cover, he specifically looked for trouble for the enemy commander, and put more than 40 enemies in a blink of an eye. The two enemy companies attacking Nanquan Station were seriously frustrated, and the morale of the whole platoon was greatly shaken. This battle fought from 5 a.m. to dusk, repelling 5 crazy enemy attacks. He fired 120 rounds in one go, killing 110 enemies.

Shi Hai Hook Shen: The eighth route army's strongest sharpshooter pistol was killed, and watching TV dramas in his later years thought it was too fake!

After the Nanquan Blockade Battle was over, Chairman Mao, after hearing about this incident, praised it: "One person can destroy the enemy and one company. After that, the whole army began a campaign to learn from Wei Laiguo. When everyone asked him for shooting tips, some people said that Wei Laiguotian had a pair of eagle eyes, and he could see far away. After Listening, Wei Laiguo explained: "The battlefield is different from shooting targets, no one is born with the ability, as long as you are brave enough, not afraid of death, any difficulties are not a problem, but the light can not shoot the enemy, some people usually train to shoot very accurately, but when they arrive on the battlefield, they are inevitably flustered, and they cannot play at a normal level, mainly because they are not calm and calm enough when shooting." Under the intentional training of Wei Laiguo, his company was not afraid of hardship, no fear of death, brave and tenacious fighting spirit, in just over ten days, 2 Zhu De shooters, 6 special shooters, and 27 ordinary shooters emerged.

In 1947, Chiang Kai-shek launched a key offensive against the Shandong Liberated Area with 80 brigades. The East China Field Army ordered the 8th Regiment to hold Baima Guang, southwest of Mengyang County, Shandong. The white horse light terrain is dangerous, with high mountains on the left and right, only a road in the middle, and the Black Mountain as a barrier in front. Wei Laiguo received the combat task of blocking the enemy at 9 mountains such as Black Mountain, Marble Mountain, and Tiantai. At that time, the company had just finished the Battle of Laiwu and had not yet rested well. After receiving the order from their superiors, they set off overnight, and the rapid march remained above 130 miles per day, arriving in Mengyin County one day earlier than the 10 days in the order.

Shi Hai Hook Shen: The eighth route army's strongest sharpshooter pistol was killed, and watching TV dramas in his later years thought it was too fake!

After arriving at the destination, Quan Lian did not care about eating and resting, and immediately climbed up the hill to dig earth to build fortifications. The enemy never expected that the Wei Laiguo Company had quickly occupied the roof, and the next morning sent a company to swing up the mountain, only to encounter a head-on blow from the Wei Laiguo Company, and the beaten head-hugging rat flew around, and did not dare to go up the mountain for a while. The two sides confronted each other for a whole day. However, Jiang Jun, who could not understand the details, sent additional aircraft cannons to bombard and bomb indiscriminately. After a second attack, Wei Laiguo responded calmly, and he ordered a few people to observe the enemy situation in front of the observation post, while the rest hid under the cliff. When the enemy artillery extended to charge, the fighters quickly rushed to the forward position to shoot. Wei Laiguo, on the other hand, occupied a hill alone, blocked a small ditch with a rifle, and as the muzzle of his gun pointed, the enemy fell down in response to the sound, killing 58 enemy people in one breath.

At that time, Wei Laiguo's company faced 60 times the enemy, and the face did not change color to play the true color of the sharpshooter company, and the whole company repelled 4 enemy attacks, at this time, the superior transferred 5 companies to replace 4 companies to go down the mountain to rest. As a result, in less than two hours, 5 companies lost all 9 hills. The regimental headquarters urgently ordered the 4th Company to quickly go up the hill to retake the lost positions. After Wei Laiguo's 4th connection to the order, everyone's eyes were red, fatigue suddenly subsided, and the whole company ran up the mountain to fight to retake the position. After a hard battle, the lost hill was back in the hands of the 4th Company.

In order to hold on to the position of the lost and regained position, the whole company issued the slogan: "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the white horse pass cannot be lost." Under the crazy attack of the enemy, they insisted on 7 days and 7 nights, repelled 7 enemy attacks, and annihilated more than 500 enemy troops. Wei Laiguo was wounded on the 4th day when he recaptured the mountain that had been lost in 5 consecutive days. The soldiers said that the company commander had a heavy machine gun on top of one of his rifles. According to post-war statistics, Wei Laiguo killed 34 enemy people and killed 92 enemies with 132 bullets twice, creating another amazing record.

Shi Hai Hook Shen: The eighth route army's strongest sharpshooter pistol was killed, and watching TV dramas in his later years thought it was too fake!

In view of the outstanding performance of the 4th Company in this Battle of Baima Pass, in 1948 it was awarded the Model Company of the Battle of Baima Pass by its superiors. The whole company was awarded the first class of collective merit. It was named "Model Company of Repeated Battles and Repeated Victories". In these two battles, Wei Laiguo killed 202 enemy people with 265 bullets and won the honorary title of Shandong Shooting Hero.

Shi Hai Hook Shen: The eighth route army's strongest sharpshooter pistol was killed, and watching TV dramas in his later years thought it was too fake!

Until his later years, Wei Laiguo still remembered these two battles, and in 1985, Wei Laiguo left for retirement at the rank of deputy army. After leaving Wei Laiguo, he still maintained his military demeanor, blowing out the lights at 9:30 every night, and his clothes and beds were always neatly folded. Later, according to Wei Laiguo's son, his father liked to watch war movies very much in his later years, but after watching them every time, he was very angry, why? Because these TV series have no military common sense at all. For example, in the rapid march at night, there were soldiers on the TV who put the flashlight on their chests to play cool, Wei Laiguo saw the anger and scolded: "Such a flashlight, has long been killed by a shot from the enemy, you have to straighten your arms horizontally, far away from the body!" The combat hero and revolutionary predecessor died in Shanghai at 16:01:01 on May 2014 at the age of 90 due to ineffective medical treatment.

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