
Junnuo Panshi Du Xing Zhiyuan - Interview with Zhang Ling, Entrepreneurial Partner of Junnuo Intelligence

author:3W space

Retired servicemen are an important force in national defense construction when they are in service, and after retiring from retirement and returning home, they are a new force for consolidating grass-roots construction. Many retired soldiers have not left the party, retired from the army, and have not faded, and after returning to the locality, they have acted as the "vanguard" of rural revitalization and injected vitality into rural development. Yantai Junnuo Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is an electronic military enterprise created by such a special group.

Since its inception, Junnuo Intelligent has been adhering to the core culture of "military commitment should be as hard as a rock, pay attention to the unity of knowledge and action can go far" and constantly strive for research and development and innovation, and won the first prize in the second Yantai Veterans Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. After the end of the schedule, the co-organizer 3W Space reporter interviewed Zhang Ling, a partner of Junnuo Intelligent Venture.

Junnuo Panshi Du Xing Zhiyuan - Interview with Zhang Ling, Entrepreneurial Partner of Junnuo Intelligence

During this interview, Zhang Ling shared a lot of information about the development status and future planning of junnuo intelligent industry, and also expressed the social responsibility and responsibility of veterans, and expressed his sincere gratitude to the government, society and 3W space for their help and support.

Q: Hello! As we all know, the essence of this entrepreneurship and innovation competition is to promote the entrepreneurship and innovation of veterans, so as a contestant, do you have some feelings to share with your comrades-in-arms?

A: Here, first of all, I would like to thank the Yantai Veterans Affairs Bureau and the Yantai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for jointly building this exhibition platform for veterans, this entrepreneurship and innovation competition can not only broaden our horizons, but also exchange ideas with players from all walks of life, learn their entrepreneurial ideas and innovative methods, and also let more comrades-in-arms see the different style of veterans returning to the locality, so as to encourage more people to participate in this innovation and entrepreneurship activities, I hope that there will be more similar platforms in the future. It can give more comrades-in-arms the opportunity to display their talents, so that the group of retired soldiers can really play a role and help social development.

Q: As a veteran, did you feel disconnected from society in the early days of retirement, and what made you get through that stage?

A: There is indeed such a situation, when I chose the government to resettle, I was very entangled, on the one hand, I thought that I could start my own business and give full play to the residual heat of retired soldiers, on the other hand, I was worried that there would be many adaptations when I returned to the local area. After all, as a 21-year veteran, he has long been educated and managed by the army, and his interaction and connection with the local area are relatively weak. It turns out that when I first returned to the local area, this feeling of disconnection from society was still very strong. At that time, I was engaged in the insurance industry, whether it was the mastery of business knowledge, or interpersonal communication, views, attitudes, etc., there was a great contrast with the army, and it may be because of a sentence and an expression that the work could not be carried out smoothly, but it was also the tempering of that half year and the spirit of not giving up inherited from the army that made me quickly pass through this stage of disconnection with social development.

Q: "Ordinary people can also walk out of the extraordinary road", you shoulder the responsibility of a retired soldier to participate, do you feel the warmth and help brought to you by this activity?

A: I gained a lot from this activity, I really felt the great warmth and help given by the government to the retired soldiers, so many comrades-in-arms gathered together in the activity, let us all relive the team life in the army again, and once again feel the combat quality of "advancing and retreating together, sharing honor and disgrace, retiring from the army does not fade, retiring without retiring", and stimulating the military temperament and spirit of the retired soldiers.

Q: From the roadshow, it can be seen that Junnuo Intelligent's control of technology and quality requirements is extremely strict, so how much do you think there is still a difference between your products and your desired goals?

A: As far as the current situation is concerned, the R&D direction of Junnuo Intelligent and the assessment and prediction of the future development of the product market are very clear and clear, and our team has also given high hopes to it and carried out a three-year development plan: the first generation of products has been successfully developed and tested, and the effect is good after testing; the second year is combined with the actual environment of the troops to iteratively upgrade the products, making greater contributions to the training, combat and support of the troops; the third year will optimize and improve the products, strive to achieve the standards of the installation, and meet the actual combat requirements of the troops. Nowadays, the first year plan of the enterprise has been successfully completed, and there is no problem with the core technology of the first generation of products and the second generation of products, and it is necessary to repeatedly test and match the stereotype according to the actual use, and it is estimated that it will take one year to complete the test.

Q: That is to say, our technology is ready, the second and third years need to be constantly tested and improved, and the technical aspect should not need to be iterated and overcome, right? In addition, the judges said that the visual light bandwidth of a competitor is higher than that of our project, is this a challenge to our project technology? Or is there a technical barrier between the other party?

A: Yes, there is no threshold for technology, mainly in terms of use, considering how to match the battlefield environment. Visible light is mainly a problem of bandwidth, we are now doing voice communication, the current requirements for bandwidth are not very high, but based on what kind of needs to develop what kind of products, visible light channel transmission is no problem, follow-up needs, the company will also increase efforts to invest in research and development. If you increase bandwidth, there are challenges to the hardware, but the challenge is not large, there is no technical barrier, visible light is mainly related to hardware and transmission media, now we are all mentioning smart cities, visible light in this area of application development and imagination space is very large, I hope that the future can be accessed.

Junnuo Panshi Du Xing Zhiyuan - Interview with Zhang Ling, Entrepreneurial Partner of Junnuo Intelligence

Q: According to your roadshow, you can see that junnuo intelligent market positioning is very clear and clear, so can you use the swot analysis method to analyze the company's own positioning here?

A: The advantage of the enterprise is mainly that we are doing what we are good at, the direction of selection is accurate, the vertical field can be developed in depth, the customer object, customer demand is clear, the customer communication is barrier-free, the confidence in technology research and development and the future goals of the enterprise have a clear and clear plan, can be targeted; the biggest disadvantage of the enterprise is the pressure of capital demand, the product research and development is too restrictive, but the corresponding preferential policies of the government and subsidies for talents, patents, taxes and other subsidies have given us subsidies and support in all aspects. Greatly alleviated the pressure and technology shortage problem, but also let all the staff of the team deeply feel the warmth of the country; the opportunity for the enterprise is that the state's investment in the army at this stage is increasing, the requirements for national defense are also constantly improving, and the in-depth development of military-civilian integration and collaborative innovation have always been vigorously promoted, providing a fertile "soil" for our enterprises; in fact, the biggest threat in development is still due to the problem of the capital chain, but we believe that the "support plan" of the state and the government will inject strong impetus into our entrepreneurial and innovative population.

Q: There are five veterans in the middle and above of the company, how do you think this will help and benefit your business development?

A: Soldiers have the characteristics of soldiers, retired and retired soldiers are relatively strong in execution, unity awareness, collective consciousness, discipline awareness, obedience awareness, everyone promotes the development of the enterprise with the same goal, each other can be twisted into a rope, for the development of the company and work together, which is very beneficial to the development of any enterprise.

Q: Okay, thank you very much for participating in this post-game interview in our 3W space in a busy time, and I wish Junnuo Intelligent a prosperous future and step by step!

A: Thank you! The road is long and its repair is far away, and the military promise intelligence will keep in mind the original mission, in line with the concept of "one promise and a thousand gold", constantly seek innovation, enhance the spirit of the officers to start a business, step by step, really grasp the work, go far, give full play to the residual heat of retired soldiers, and contribute a modest force to the cause of the motherland's military industry.

Author: Li Guanghui, Tang Chuchun, Jiang Xueqing