
Proverbs of Life

author:Love Chinese Life Motto

1. Learning ability is the basis of thinking, without rich knowledge as the foundation, it is impossible to talk about the depth and breadth of thinking. Thinking is the continuation of learning ability, an important understanding link for analyzing, synthesizing, and comparing practical phenomena, exploring their essence and laws, and is the process of enlightenment after learning. Thinking is the sublimation of learning, and just learning without thinking is equal to not learning. Because you can't turn knowledge into wisdom and apply it to your life.

2. Do what you can do in order to do what you want to do.

3. A person must have confidence in himself, that is, must clearly recognize his strengths and weaknesses. In fact, the first step in changing one's shortcomings is to make oneself aware of its existence first.

4. When we do what we want to do autonomously and sincerely every day, life will be filled with infinite happiness.

5. Mature personality, rich personality, a sense of control, a greater ability synthesis, this is the ultimate goal of self-improvement.

6. No matter how brilliant other people's lives are, you can't feel any light and heat, and the brilliance of others has nothing to do with you. All you can do is endure loneliness, identify your own goals, and then step by step towards your own goals, and don't be blinded by the success of others.

7. What is the hardest thing in the world, know yourself and correct your weaknesses.

8. He who is persuaded, moved, and conquered by everything has the power to conquer all setbacks, pains, and misfortunes. So, be the master of your own emotions.

9. The only way to make yourself strong is to challenge yourself, overcome yourself, and surpass yourself.

10. Only by forcing yourself can you know how strong you are; only by forcing yourself, you know that success is not far away.

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