
Guo Xin, nankai student: Entrepreneurship accelerates the growth of life

author:Xinhuanet client

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, September 7 Title: Guo Xin, nankai student: Entrepreneurship accelerates the growth of life

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Jianxin and Lai Hongjie

Guo Xin, a 2015 graduate student at Nankai University Business School, is a Tibetan boy from Aba, Sichuan Province, who founded a number of companies during his undergraduate studies.

In the past five years, he has won the gold medal of the 2012 "Challenge Cup" China University Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, the 2012 Chinese University Student Person of the Year, and the 19th "Chinese Youth May Fourth Medal" and other honors. In 2015, as the only "post-90s" entrepreneurial youth, he attended and spoke at the Second World Internet Conference.

The starting point of entrepreneurship: to solve social pain points

In 2011, when Guo Xin was a freshman at university, he learned that a shayuan county nearest to Beijing had become a state-level poverty county due to the return of farmland to forest, and began to pay attention to China's environmental and ecological compensation.

Under the guidance of the school and teachers, he began to establish a "Chengxintong" cross-border agricultural products e-commerce platform to help farmers in areas where farmland was returned to forest to sell understory products and agricultural products. Later, this project was acquired by a well-known enterprise with a market value valuation of more than 100 million yuan.

In addition, Guo Xin also led the team to open up the first 2,000 acres of test field in Qiu County, Hebei Province, and the planted products reached 5 national standards that are conducive to soil development, water conservation, and climate improvement. The project was later promoted in more than 100 counties in 18 provinces and cities. Guo Xin earned the first bucket of gold for entrepreneurship.

"Our entrepreneurship aims to grasp social problems and solve social pain points." Guo Xin said.

Since then, Guo Xin has started a series of entrepreneurship: launching the innovative apartment project, the Luyuan biological project, the establishment of the "Mr. Chuang website" and the Gaowei Entrepreneurship Island...

Establish an "incubator": help upgrade traditional industries

Guo Xin believes that China's huge wave of manufacturing transformation and upgrading has provided opportunities for entrepreneurs.

The first incubator established by Gaowei Chuangye Island was in Tianjin. At that time, a large logistics park was facing transformation, hoping that truck drivers would undertake transportation business through the network platform. The platform initially attracted users by means of subsidies and concessions, but the effect was not ideal.

Guo Xin's team found that in the process of transportation transactions, the problem of invoicing for cargo owners has always plagued them, and the usual solution is to purchase invoices, but this is not compliant, the risk is high, the process is slow, and the payment is complicated.

"Participants in traditional industries should be included in the financial, taxation, and fiscal system, and these traditional industry participants should be given dignity and compliance." Under the leadership of Guo Xin, Gaowei Chuangye Island launched cooperation with the government to solve the compliance problem in the process of docking traditional industries with the Internet. They have cooperated with leading enterprises in many traditional industries such as coal, petroleum, construction, chemical and chemical industry, biologics, etc., so that traditional industries can grow rapidly in incubators, improve transaction efficiency and reduce industry costs.

Since the end of 2014, they have developed innovative incubators in 5 locations across the country, exporting incubator solutions for multiple traditional industries.

Entrepreneurship: Accelerate life growth

In the face of many honors, Guo Xin talked more about the shortcomings of life.

Parallel to entrepreneurship is continuous learning. The undergraduate political science major helped him redefine many concepts; years of systematic study of financial management gave him the opportunity to study more financial topics. He insists on reading every day and thinks about cases in combination with the company's actual situation.

Guo Xin does not agree with the view of "getting ready to start a business again", and he sees entrepreneurship as a process of accelerating the growth of life.

In addition to intense study and entrepreneurship, he will also slow down and spend a little time to communicate and discuss with people in the industry to make his "thinking clearer". What are the new models of industrial finance, how to cut into the Internet in the process of integration with the industry, how to do a good job in risk control... It's all about what he thinks.

Guo Xin, the "post-90s" who is flourishing, is walking on the road of entrepreneurship.

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