
Careful cultivation, waiting for the flowers to bloom! The story of Guo Xin, the third-year fourth class teacher of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City

author:Ji Pao investigation

"Every child is a seed, but the flowering period is different, some bloom brilliantly at the beginning, and some need a long wait, don't worry, wait for the flowers to bloom." In the eyes of Guo Xin, the class teacher of the 3rd year 4th class of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City, selfless love is the best cultivation. The 46-year-old Guo Xin has been teaching for 26 years, and over the years, she has given all her love to successive students, and dedicated all her love to her beloved three-foot podium.

Careful cultivation, waiting for the flowers to bloom! The story of Guo Xin, the third-year fourth class teacher of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City

In Guo Xin's eyes, there is no flower in the world that is not beautiful, there is no child who is not cute, and love and respect are the core of education. There was once a child with insufficient intelligence in her class, and her parents longed for their children to be integrated into the class like normal people, so Guo Xin held hands with a small hand, and one hand was six years. In class, Ms. Guo always creates opportunities for her to answer questions like her classmates, and whenever this child makes a little progress, she always encourages her classmates to give the warmest applause. After class, I often saw Ms. Guo chatting and playing games with her, and also guided the classmates to communicate with her and make good friends with her. Once a classmate bullied her, and the discriminatory language hit the child and said that she would not come to school. After Teacher Guo knew, he first found the bullying student to talk to, let her learn to think in a different position, fundamentally corrected her wrong views, and then took her to find the child together, and the two children sincerely opened their hearts and untied all the knots. After class, she also found opportunities to visit her home and work with parents to do a good job of psychological counseling for her children and solve various problems in her learning and psychology. Under Guo Xin's unremitting efforts and perseverance, this child grew up healthy and happy and entered junior high school normally.

Careful cultivation, waiting for the flowers to bloom! The story of Guo Xin, the third-year fourth class teacher of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City

Guo Xin once brought a student from a particularly poor family, and the child lived with his grandmother. As soon as she enrolled, Guo Xin actively communicated with the child's grandmother to understand the situation, and then reported to the school, reduced the tuition and miscellaneous fees, and helped her apply for the special hardship subsidy. In her daily life, when she saw that her children's school supplies and necessities were lacking, she always bought them at her own expense and gave them to her. In order to avoid her inferiority complex, she often talks to her children and brings her good food. The child's grandmother said that the teacher was really warm like the mother.

Guo Xin Primary School graduated from Chuanying No. 25 Primary School, and returned to his alma mater to teach after graduating from normal school. Years of teaching experience have allowed her to explore a unique set of teaching methods. When teaching mathematics, she does not limit the students' thinking, so that students can draw correct conclusions through continuous thinking and exploration. When teaching Chinese, she lets the students prepare in advance, find out the problems, and then follow the teacher's ideas in the classroom.

Careful cultivation, waiting for the flowers to bloom! The story of Guo Xin, the third-year fourth class teacher of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City

Guo Xin always said that primary school is the stage of consolidating the foundation, and developing good habits is more important than a good result. Under her decades-long persistence and subtle influence, the students are all small experts and writers who are "familiar with reading three hundred Tang poems, and can't compose poems and can also chant". In the "Poetry Style rhyme" poetry contest organized by the school, Mr. Guo's children won the first place, and in the ring competition of "Meeting Friends with Poetry and Swimming in the Sea of Poetry", the students won the best results, and the students also won the best results in various composition competitions organized by the school, the boat camp area, and even the whole country.

At the end of 2019, Teacher Guo was diagnosed with breast cancer and needed further examination to confirm the diagnosis. She didn't tell anyone, but quietly used the morning and noon time to go to the hospital and then return to school to continue classes for the students. After the puncture, she was wrapped in a thick bandage, and the doctor asked her to go home to rest, but she returned to school and stood on the podium without hesitation. Because she said: "At the end of the semester, the students still have one lesson to finish..." In this way, she insisted on finishing the last class of the semester before undergoing breast cancer resection.

Careful cultivation, waiting for the flowers to bloom! The story of Guo Xin, the third-year fourth class teacher of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City

In 2020, a sudden epidemic disrupted the lives of people across the country, and all schools required online teaching. At this time, Teacher Guo was in the chemotherapy stage after cancer surgery, and the pain and suffering was very bearable, and people around her advised her to give up online classes, and she once again chose to stand in front of the screen and start online classes without hesitation. The chemotherapy response was severe, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and decreased white blood cells, but in this case, she still insisted on memorizing classes. The lesson plan on the screen is densely written with annotations, and the sound coming from the screen is still beautiful and pleasant, but who would think that she behind the screen has long been tired and sweaty like rain, and she really can't stand it and stop, sit down when she can't stand, often sweat after a class, tired and collapsed on the bed.

Careful cultivation, waiting for the flowers to bloom! The story of Guo Xin, the third-year fourth class teacher of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City

The torment of illness cannot withstand the smiling faces of children. During the entire epidemic period, watching her students leave no class behind and no one left behind, her heart was sincerely relieved and satisfied. At the beginning of the new semester, school leaders, colleagues and relatives and friends were worried about her health and persuaded her to give up her job as a class teacher, but she stubbornly insisted: "These more than 50 students are my children, I promised them that I would always accompany them to grow up, watching them enter junior high school, I can't throw them halfway." "On the day of the school year, the students and parents were very worried. When Teacher Guo wore a heavy wig and dragged his weak body after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but stood on the podium with great energy, many colleagues, parents and classmates could not help but blush.

Careful cultivation, waiting for the flowers to bloom! The story of Guo Xin, the third-year fourth class teacher of the 25th Primary School in Chuanying District, Jilin City

Guo Xin said that people will encounter various difficulties and problems in their lives, and only by strengthening their faith and crossing obstacles can they appreciate the true meaning of seeing the rainbow after the wind and rain. She wants to let the children see what is strong and optimistic, no matter what kind of ups and downs they encounter, they must be full of confidence in the future.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planner: Jiang Zhongxiao

Author: Jilin Daily all-media reporter Wu Ming

Editor: Ma He

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