
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the remarks made by the chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council on both sides of the strait: Confusing right and wrong and reversing black and white

author:Beijing News

According to overseas network sources, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, answered reporters' questions on hot issues related to Taiwan on 29 July.

Question: On 29 July, Qiu Taisan, chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan, made remarks on cross-strait relations, distorting the facts and attacking and slandering the mainland. Any comments on this?

Answer: Qiu Taisan's relevant remarks continue to sell the "two-state theory," continue to confuse right and wrong, reverse black and white, and vainly attempt to deceive the people on the island, mislead the international community, and shirk the responsibility of the DPP authorities for plotting "independence" provocations.

Democracy is an important concept that the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people unswervingly adhere to. Our people's democracy in the whole process not only has complete institutional procedures, but also has complete participation in practice, which provides a reliable guarantee for the prosperity and progress of the motherland and continuously satisfies the people's yearning for a better life, which is true democracy. The DPP authorities' use of "green terror" to suppress dissidents, divide society, create ethnic antagonism, and harm the vital interests of the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots for the sake of seeking the selfish interests of one party. What face and qualifications do they have to talk about democracy? The "democracy" that the DPP authorities put on their lips is nothing more than a "soul-calling banner" that attempts to seek "independence" provocations and a "fig leaf" for trying to deceive the international community.

The DPP authorities' malicious attack on the mainland and their exaggeration of the mainland's "threat" are completely shameless rumors that reverse black and white, submit "letters of surrender" to external anti-China forces, and beg external forces to provocate and confront them and support and cheer up the country. The two sides of the strait belong to the same China, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and our necessary actions to crack down on and contain "Taiwan independence" have never been aimed at the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots, but at the DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and their separatist activities. The DPP authorities' attempt to provoke "independence" and collude with external forces to undermine peace in the Taiwan Strait is only a coercion of the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots and a damage to the fundamental interests of all Chinese people.

On the major issues of right and wrong in cross-strait relations, there are only "two adherences": upholding the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus", and persisting in opposing "Taiwan independence." The so-called "four insistences" are naked adherence to the "two-state theory."; the so-called "promise remains unchanged" means that the promise to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces has not changed, which will inevitably lead to tension and turmoil in the Taiwan Strait, will inevitably seriously damage the security interests and people's livelihood and well-being of the Taiwan compatriots, will inevitably be spurned by compatriots on both sides of the strait and all the sons and daughters of China, and will inevitably end in complete failure.

Edited by Jia Congcong

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