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author:Dao Heng College

  In the "Records of baisha academy in Yuexiu Mountain" written by Zhan Ruoshui, a disciple of Mr. Baisha, it is said:

  Or: The way of the gentleman, and the reason why the servant is fist and fist, what is the heart?

  Ganquan Zi yue: The way of Mr. Zhou is the way of Zhou Cheng, the way of Zhou Cheng is the way of Mencius, the way of Mencius is the way of Confucius, the way of Confucius is the way of Wen, Wu, Yu, and Tang, and the way of Wen, Wu, Yu, and Tang is the way of Yao and Shun.

  A: Where is Daowu?

  A: The Tao is born in the heart.

  "The Book" said: The heart of heaven and earth for all. Therefore, the universe of the four directions above and below, the universe of the past and the present, the same heaven and earth, the same qi, and the same heart. It is the heart of Gu Yao and Shun that is the heart of Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu, the heart of Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu is the heart of Confucius, the heart of Confucius is the heart of Mencius, the heart of Mencius is the heart of Zhou and Cheng, the heart of Zhou and Cheng is the heart of Mr. Baisha, and the heart of Mr. Baisha is the heart of Wu Jun (Wu Lin zi Yunxiang, Mr. Baisha's teacher). There is no second mind at the beginning, there is no duality in the beginning, and the ear that exists in the consciousness is there. Otherwise, after decades of life, thousands of miles away, Hu Wei has this heart?

  Texts of Enlightenment:

  This chapter is only intended to illustrate one thing, that is, the inheritance of the sages is the imprint of the heart, not the words and the form.


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  Yue: Dare to ask Mr. Baisha the way of the heart, which is in line with the heart of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Kong, Meng, Zhou, and Cheng, who lives?

  Mr. Shui Shui said: Throughout the ages, only Mencius did not help and did not forget, did not commit means, it is said that there is no presence and nowhere, and those who take nature as the sect are also the right moments in heaven and earth.

  Those who cling to the world have thought that they have done it, and those who are empty of mud think that they are not enough, is it enough to know the way of the right mind? The heart of the husband is also the heart of heaven and earth; the tao is also the truth of heaven and earth. The principle of heaven and earth is not him, that is, the righteous and pure essence in my heart.

  The principle of heaven and earth will not change for ten thousand years! Move to show its shape, static to show its energy!


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  It is therefore known as Zhongzhong, Yueji, Yue Consistent, Ren Yi Li Zhi, Yue Kong Yan Le, Yue Huanran and all things in heaven and earth as one, all of which are heavenly reason, and all are exhausted.

  Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu's so-called "only the essence is the only one" and the so-called "impartiality and no party", that is, Confucius's so-called "respect"; Confucius's so-called "respect", that is, Mencius's so-called "do not forget and do not help" also; Mencius's so-called "one" and the so-called "do not forget and do not help between the right place, without the slightest manpower", that is, Mr. Baisha's so-called "nature" is also "the reason of the body and the heavens".

  Reverence is the Dharma, which manifests its form; its core is the "one" of the ten thousand, or the "one" of the ten thousand miles. Benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom are only for the four ends of man; living beings only exist in one or three of them, and they do not have the four ends of the dharma.

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  Fu "The natural one, the reason of heaven also", so as for nature, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Kong, Meng, Zhou, and Cheng's way is exhausted. Wouldn't it be great to expand the path of the first saint to establish a heart for the heavens and the earth, to establish a destiny for the people, to continue to learn from the saints, and to open up peace for all the worlds! Later generations wanted scholars from Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Kong, Meng, Zhou, and Cheng, and Mr. Baisha could also be sought. Mr. Non-Seeking, because of Mr. Shu's words, all seek self-realization of the self-possessed nature of my mind. The path of the Thousand Saints and Thousand Sages is inherent, and the hearts of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Kong, Meng, Zhou, and Cheng, and the hearts of fu shi yu Zuoxing, are immortal.

  The natural one is the sect, almost Taoist. The principle of Taoism is that the Tao takes nature as the law, and treats the world with nothing as a means of doing things, and has achieved all things and the self. Its righteousness can be described as simple but so profound.

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  Nature and inaction are two doctrinal terms that are both different and closely related. The so-called nature, the Tao Te Ching says: "Man's law, earth law, heaven, heaven's law, and the tao's nature." Kagami's note: "Taoism is natural, and there is no way to do anything." It shows that the nature of the Tao is nature, and that the natural laws of the Tao are imitated by both heaven and earth. The highest law of human life in heaven and earth should also be to imitate the laws of Taoist nature. Nature, without any fixed pattern, the Tao biochemistry of all things, all things grow naturally according to their respective natures, without waiting, there is no imposed factor, thus ensuring the harmony of nature. And when people cultivate the True Tao, they should imitate the natural nature of the Tao, conform to the laws of natural change in heaven and earth, respect the characteristics of all life in nature, and devote themselves to maintaining harmony in nature. For everything in the world, do not demand it, but conform to the natural law of the occurrence and development of things. It is necessary to be content, to know, to know, so that the mind is at peace and the spirit is sublimated.

  However, in order to truly enter or reach the realm of "nature", it is necessary to practice the "non-action" method of dealing with the world. The Tao Te Ching says, "The saints do nothing and do what they don't say."

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  But in life, there are always some expectations for honor and honor, chinese clothes and food, treasures and treasures, and sound goods, but if you want to go beyond the laws of natural inaction, there will be all kinds of harmful harms and transform them into greed. In addition to adhering to the doctrine of quiet and widowhood, cultivators should also maintain a simple and inactive attitude towards life. To eliminate greed, to be indifferent to mingzhi, not to be forced, basically to not deviate from social reality, to take the whole body cultivation as the goal, but to be in danger of blame, and finally reach the state of forgetting its form, clinging to nothing, and naturally doing nothing.

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In this regard, the "Seven Signatures of Yundi" also explained from two aspects: First, we should avoid harm first. Far from suspicious, far away, far away, far away. Be careful with your mouth, be careful with your tongue, be careful with your troubles, and be careful with your strength. Always think about mistakes, change to good. Second, it is necessary to be able to understand astronomy, geography, and personnel affairs; to understand ghosts and gods, and to understand timing. On the basis of actively understanding nature, society, and interpersonal relationships, we should better learn the Tao.