
A weed that grows in the swamps, it is called "hypnotic grass" by the villagers!

Every summer, the pond swamp in the countryside will produce a leaf-like circumference, its root is like a lotus strip, surprisingly, once people eat it will make people sleepy, so it is called "vegetable"; and this kind of wild grass that will make people sleepy is very rare in the plant kingdom, and some people say that it is "hypnotic grass".

A weed that grows in the swamps, it is called "hypnotic grass" by the villagers!

The scientific name of this dish is called sleeping cabbage, and most of it grows in swampy lands, next to ponds or on top of tatou dianzi, and can be used for water greening, river and pond edge decoration.

A weed that grows in the swamps, it is called "hypnotic grass" by the villagers!

The nightjar grows quickly, and its rhizome is very thick, with a high ability to absorb heavy metal contaminants, and is a very good choice as a remedial plant that pollutes wetlands.

A weed that grows in the swamps, it is called "hypnotic grass" by the villagers!

Nightcap has a healthy spleen and digestion; nourish the heart and calm the mind and clear the heat and diuresis of the major role, Guizhou folk often use this fresh rhizome stew meat to eat or decoction water to drink, northeast folk often use fresh sleeper root mash juice to take, is twice a day, for patients with elevated blood pressure.

A weed that grows in the swamps, it is called "hypnotic grass" by the villagers!

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