
Goodbye 007, goodbye Daniel

author:There's no paper to play with

Finally finished watching the last "NO TIME TO DIE" of Daniel's version of 007 spanning 15 years, as the shortest, ugliest and most fierce-looking 007 male protagonist in history, Daniel . Craig's version of the 007 series of movies is my favorite series, compared to the previous few mainly tourists, ditch girls by the way to complete the task, Daniel's version of 007 is more grounded, more like a real "workplace employee", there are impulsive, there are reckless, there is escape, there is a mess needs to be endorsed by the boss, there is a beloved woman after the death of discouraged resignation letters, there is a system distrust and choose to lie flat, this is a more real human emotion, the previous 007 male protagonist is more dashing enough, money enough to spend, 5 star hotel casually stay, see the beautiful women casually flutter cool film. And from the plot point of view, Daniel's 5 films get rid of the Cold War mentality instilled in the previous 007 series, no longer highlight the various superiority of the British Empire and the various bad behaviors of the negative countries, and focus more on 007 and MI6.

Remember to watch Daniel's first 007 movie "Casino Royale" or the Spring Festival of 2006, the HD version found on the Internet [Yaya], I think the Spring Festival Gala is ugly to watch 007 on the computer, the result is quickly attracted, a second without delaying the complete watching. From the timeline to see that "Casino Royale" is the first part of the 007 series, Bond was upgraded to a 00-level agent, the first few missions were not completed smoothly, and even ran to the embassy of the enemy country to shoot the villain to leave a mess left in the place to clean up, like a little white who first entered the workplace, at that time, I thought that this 007 was completely different from the previous one, good. Wait for Eva. After Green's heroine appeared, she found that the style of bond groove women was also changing, no longer the heroine's various punches, but bond and the heroine's various tit-for-tat confrontations in the initial stage + looking at each other unfavorably, and even after Bond lost chips because of recklessness + inexperience, the heroine refused to provide spare funds and waited for Bond's mission to fail (is it possible to find a similar plot in reality [naughty]). The transformation of the relationship between the two occurred after the heroine killed and cried under the faucet in the bathroom, and Bond sat next to him and began to operate in a rage: one by one, he sucked the heroine's fingers, and sucked the blood on the heroine's killer's hand in the name. I have to say that no matter how to change the style, the routine of the Bond Gou woman will always make the heroine unable to refuse, and put on Bond, sucking the heroine's fingers looks like a mess + affection, and Xu Jinjiang sucks Shu Qi's foot fingers, it seems that only obscenity + pornography is left. The later plot is a routine operation, get the anti-angle, hug the heroine, but Bond is still kidnapped because of the intentional harm to the heroine, he was also arrested, sitting on a rattan chair to enjoy the iron egg torture, after being inexplicably saved, he can't wait to start writing the "Special Post-Practice Evaluation Report on the Impact of Iron Egg Torture on the Important Function of the Male Protagonist", which fully reflects the immaturity of the rookie Bond, the CONSIDERATION of QQQ is not careful, not as perfect as the previous Bond, but it is more real, and Bond is really moved by the feelings of the heroine. No longer like the previous Bond just walking the kidney, showing a more three-dimensional character image, so Bond was angry after finding out that the heroine betrayed, but desperate to save the heroine, when the heroine was afraid of affecting Bond and gave up the hope of escape and died, Bond even sent a resignation report to Mrs. M. Such a 007 movie that highlights Bond's emotional drama is indeed rare, Eva. Green was also the only Bond girl who left an impression on me, and the overall performance was amazing, no longer the vase next to Bond, and played a key role in the promotion of the whole plot. After "accidentally" found Eva. Green starred in "Dream of Paris", which is even more stunning, haha [sneaky laugh]. Overall, Casino Royale kicked off a new style of Daniel's version of 007, giving Daniel a good start to his Bond career, and in my heart it was Daniel's best 007.

Because of Casino Royale, the 007 movies after Daniel I went to the cinema to see it, support it. But the second "Quantum of Solace" is indeed a little sorry for the movie ticket price, the old-fashioned plot has nothing new, and listen to the name Quantum of Crisis, it feels very tall, the result is a competition for water, this gap is like someone taking you to the food street in Chongqing, you are ready to eat a big meal, and finally ordered a bean flower rice on the side of the road stall like [decay], the gap is too big, bad reviews.

The third "Heavenly Curtain Killing Machine" is the best evaluation in the film critics, thinking that it highlights the various struggles between people and the system, but in fact, the reflection on the system, many movies have it, which is not unusual. I think the best people in this play are Mrs. M and the villain. Judy's Image of Mrs. M from Pierce. Brosnan's version of 007 began, but there has not been much sense of existence, that is, issuing orders to walk through the process, occasionally wiping Bond's ass, and in "Skyfall", as Judy's last 007 movie, the role has increased significantly, including the crisis of trust between the front and Bond, the cold determination in the face of the villain, and the helplessness in the face of the inspection team's investigation, leaving a "big picture" Mrs. M image. And the villain is more like a sparring partner on bond's training road, and he has experienced all kinds of things that Bond has experienced, so when he rebels against Mrs. M, it is more like venting after being wronged, including finally holding Mrs. M and preparing to die together, which makes people feel that it is not so bad, and even a little sympathetic.

The fourth "Ghost Party", belongs to the norms, like the tempering of Bond, the first few Bond experienced lover betrayal, system distrust, this part again tried the betrayal of family affection, so Daniel's 007 is also the most tragic 007, but also to explain why Bond later so ruthless, so mercurial, this "Ghost Party" made the plot of the first few parts of the series, feel that this ghost party is a wisdom in the middle, control the actions of the front-end villains, issue orders, Play the function of production scheduling, but the villain's performance is not good enough, I feel that I want to express a lot, but which is not expressed well, especially the villain as the biological son of Bond's adoptive father, Bond's righteous brother, the entanglement of family affection can obviously do some articles, but it is point to the end, and finally inexplicably died of the villain's words, some regrets, but also let the evaluation of the whole movie is not too high. If the highlight of this movie is the oldest Bang girl in history, I don't know if Daniel will imagine the image of Bellucci in "The Beautiful Legend of Sissi" when he shoots the intimate scene, so that he may be helpful to his performance.

The fifth step "NO TIME TO DIE", look at the title is a bit unclear, the domestic translation is no time to die, but in fact, from the movie, the meaning expressed should be that Bond has to do a lot, there is no time to slowly grow old and wait for the feeling of death. Speaking of NO TIME, this movie did drag on long enough, the last "Ghost Party" was released in 2015, I have not yet gone abroad, and as a result I have been stationed abroad for 5 years, I have come back, this movie has not been released, it is indeed NO TIME. (Slight spoilers below) As Daniel's last 007 movie, the whole movie is full of sadness and parting atmosphere, as well as the hero's twilight, like a very human to middle-aged man, the agent can not escape this law! Bond's image is even more unexpected, feeling that he has to change from a playboy to a good man, mourning his ex-girlfriend and saying goodbye to his previous feelings, confessing affectionately to the heroine of this part, taking his daughter to stage "Where Did Daddy 007 Go" on the island, and the final farewell to the heroine at the end of the film, completely subverting the image of Bond before, especially when Bond lived a retired and reclusive life in Jamaica, he was actually a person, and there was no "night and night as a groom, and the village has a mother-in-law". The leisure way is actually the most frigid fishing, (or fishing?) )。 If you have to talk about the gap between the best and the best men, it may be that Bond wears a waist and holds a spatula to bring his own cooking to the heroine that "the most high-end food is often the most simple way of cooking." At the end of the film, although Bond once again saved the world, he was also seriously injured and could not leave the island, watching the missile fall next to him, Bond actually died??!! It was so unexpected, so I waited until all the subtitles were played, and a paragraph "JAMES BOND WILL RETURN" was typed on the screen, and I was afraid that I would leave a next director and screenwriter to buckle my head.

Overall, Daniel's 5 Bonds, unlike Pierce. Bond in Brosnan was as mercurial as Timothy. Dalton killed as coldly, unlike Roger. Moore's humor and even treasure play, more like a real agent from the newly promoted 00-level agent to the middle-aged late agent growth record, the character image is more three-dimensional, the emotions shown are more comprehensive and real, is my favorite Bond image. As for who the next Bond is, WHO CARE!

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