
The legendary life of Wallis the Shepherd

author:Strive to achieve a minimalist life

#影视杂谈 #

A movie changed my mind———— if you had the money you would donate to whom?

I remember many years ago, my child once asked me a question. She said, Mom, if one day you have money, what will you do for public welfare? Who would you donate to?

I didn't react at the time, who do I want to donate? Because I don't have money, and I can't get rich. So as a fund, no one who donates has ever considered this problem.

At that time, I thought about it for a while, and I said, I think I would donate to the elderly who are blind with cataracts. After all, without light, I think it is the most painful thing for people.

I thought again, I would also donate to the police who fight the trafficking of women and children. I think the cruelest thing in the world is to take a child away from a mom.

However, these ideas were all thought of at the time. It's not something that the heart desires to be able to do.

Until one day, I watched a movie.

The legendary life of Wallis the Shepherd

I immediately remembered the question my child had asked me. If one day, you have money, what will you do for public welfare, and who will you donate to?

I have the answer right away, and I will donate to the girls who have been mutilated by circumcision. I will work to abolish this cruel and immoral human torture!

A girl, when she was three or four years old. They will endure cruel torture and circumcision.

There are many ways to circumcise, but either way, it is to cut off the girl's clitoris, and some also cut off the labia minora. Others are cut off completely, including the clitoris, labia majora, labia minora. Then stitch it up again, leaving only a match-like hole for urination and menstrual blood.

Three-year-old children will have to endure such torture, and they will be indignant at the thought of it!

The legendary life of Wallis the Shepherd

The little girl in the film, Wallis, was femalely circumcised according to Somali custom when she was three years old.

Circumcision is performed on a stone in the desert. Her mother, along with an old woman, controlled three-year-old Wallace.

The old woman was the circumciser, and she used a rusty blade, no disinfection, no anesthetics, and cut it directly. Three-year-old Wallace, crying out in pain.

After the complete cutting, the old woman took local materials and stitched Wallis's lower body with the thorns of a plant in the desert.

The cruel torture made the little girl Wallis faint.

During this circumcision, many girls will get fever and even die. Wallis's two sisters died under this brutal torture.

The legendary life of Wallis the Shepherd

Wallis was lucky to survive, but when she was twelve, her father married Wallis to a sixty-year-old man in order to get five camels.

Without prior communication, one night the father pointed to a disgusting old man. Say to Wallis, tomorrow you're going to marry this man.

Wallis cried and said to her mother, Mom, I don't want to marry him. The mother was also very helpless, just said, there is no way, your father received a lot of gift money from him.

Late at night, Wallis decides to run away, and she is going to her grandmother's house far away. The mother found that Wallis had escaped, but instead of stopping her, she asked her brother to send Wallis a thin blanket.

The legendary life of Wallis the Shepherd

The mother also loves her daughter, and she does not want her daughter to marry the bad old man.

Wallis finally escaped to her grandmother's house in Mogadishu after many hardships.

The grandmother told Wallis that one of her uncles was a staff member at the London Embassy. The family needs a maid. So Wallis had the opportunity to go to London and work as a maid in her aunt's house.

Nine years later, war broke out in Somalia and the old government was overthrown. The embassy was closed, and when her aunt asked her to pack her things and return to Somalia, Wallis decided to stay, but, losing her job, not speaking the language, and had to live on the streets.

By chance, Wallis meets Marilyn, who is stalked by Wallis and agrees to let her live with her, and introduces Wallace to a job at a restaurant.

In the cafeteria where she works, Wallis meets the famous photographer Terry Donaldson. A big photographer taking pictures of Princess Diana.

Eventually, Wallis was trained to become a world supermodel, and she was known as the black pearl of the modeling world.

But childhood experiences affected Wallis's life. She deeply understands that the impact of circumcision on girls is lifelong. Many girls die of infection or from dystocia due to circumcision.

She decided to stand up and expose this inhuman torture and how much circumcision hurt a girl.

The legendary life of Wallis the Shepherd

Wallis became the first person to stand on the podium at United Nations Headquarters to expose the cruelty of circumcision and the destruction of girls.

The purpose of circumcision is to guarantee the virginity of the girl, to guarantee the virginity of the future husband. On the wedding night, the girl's husband has to separate the bride's lower body with a blade before entering the bride's body.

This film tells such a story.

The film is not just about telling the story of a shepherd girl becoming a world supermodel. Rather, it mainly exposes the cruelty of the circumcision system and the harm to girls.

Wallis, single-handedly, influenced the United Nations. UN Secretary-General Annan, appointed Wallis as SPECIAL AMBASSADOR TO THE UN to combat this brutal atrocity!

The legendary life of Wallis the Shepherd

Since then, many countries have officially banned the cutting of female organs and banned female circumcision. The brutal circumcision system was abolished.

But, you know what? Nevertheless, even today, 6,000 girls are circumcised every day.

6,000 girls, 6,000, every day!

The name of the movie is Desert Flower.

Wallis, in the Somali language, means desert flower. A drop of water can live a flower.

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