
Why can't the Japanese five go out of the world of Truman designed by the Americans

author:Tang Junlong 55398571

The famous American cultural anthropologist Ruth Benedict has been studying the national culture and national character of Romania, Germany, the Netherlands, Thailand and other countries in the Second World War, and she has tried to map out the national culture and human design of the object of her study from the perspective of ethnic psychology, which has a strong war purpose, that is, she used this anti-racial discrimination to fight nazi genocide theory.

Among the many scientific research achievements, Ruth's research works on Japan have a great influence, that is, we are familiar with "Chrysanthemum and Sword", the soft chrysanthemum and the strong Japanese samurai sword can become the representative of the unity of Japanese national culture, the chrysanthemum is the imperial family emblem of the Japanese Emperor, since the Meiji Restoration, the spirit of Japanese Bushido has been formed, the militaristic Japanese military sabers have been displayed with chrysanthemum patterns, and they use the samurai swords to expand the living space for Japan.

In the First World War, the Japanese took the struggle for overseas colonies as the strategic goal, the Germans occupied China's Shandong and Tsarist Russia occupied northeast China as Japan's strategic enemies, the Japanese accumulated national strength in the Russo-Japanese War to defeat Tsarist Russia to obtain the stabilization of the Korean colony and the establishment of a sphere of influence in northeast China, and then Japan joined the Allies in World War I and defeated Germany to win the colonies of Shandong and Taiwan Province of China.

In World War II, Japan launched a war of aggression against China in order to divert the domestic economic crisis, and the scale of the war then expanded to the entire Pacific, Japan fell into a strategic battle between China and the United States, the axis of the anti-fascist alliance war, and Japan became a political and economic colony of the United States.

After World War II, the Tokyo Trial tried Japanese militarist ideology and war criminals, but the Americans released water to Japan out of geopolitical needs to counter soviet communist interests, the Japanese emperor and militarism did not completely liquidate, and Japanese chaebols and militaristic political organizations turned into members of the Usta occupation army maintenance association.

Why can't the Japanese five go out of the world of Truman designed by the Americans
Why can't the Japanese five go out of the world of Truman designed by the Americans
Why can't the Japanese five go out of the world of Truman designed by the Americans

In 1951, Japan established the National Police Force and the Self-Defense Force to maintain domestic law and order and the national security armed forces, according to MacArthur's design, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces lost the right to declare war and the right to send troops overseas. However, with the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States needs Japan to restore the war supply chain to ensure that the United States leads the United Nations army to fight in Korea, the Japanese Toyota Group recovers with the help of the Korean War military vehicle order, the Japanese Mitsubishi Heavy Industries relies on the US military arms aircraft and warship orders and technological upgrades and reborn, and the three-year Korean War allows Japan to return to the pre-World War II economic level.

After the Korean War, the United States launched a new war in Southeast Asia vietnam, Japan without exception became the United States twenty years of Vietnam War logistics military base, in addition to arms orders, the United States and Europe semiconductor industry transferred to Japan and South Korea and other allies to pull it into the middle of the food chain of the post-war economic order dominated by the us dollar.

In order to maintain the competitiveness of the international industry, Japan has spent huge sums of money from Germany and the United States to introduce technology and production lines to digest the industrial system, and after digesting the achievements of the third scientific and technological revolution, Japan opened micro-innovation.

Why can't the Japanese five go out of the world of Truman designed by the Americans
Why can't the Japanese five go out of the world of Truman designed by the Americans

Taking history as a mirror, we can see Japan's dependence on the United States from the process of establishing Japan's economic foundation after the war, the Americans designed a political system for Japan to ensure the control of its domestic and foreign affairs, the Americans transferred the semiconductor industry to Japan in order to upgrade their own industries to maintain the world economic order controlled by the us dollar, and the United States guided the globalization of Japanese capital to pegged to the US dollar to form a US dollar to control the wealth of Japanese society.

Behind the false prosperity of the Japanese economy in the last century is the trap of us dollar capital shorting its economic foundation, the Japanese from the real economy craftsmen to speculate in stocks and houses for the economic pillar of the virtual economy, once the dollar has a cyclical sharp fluctuation will lead to the decline of Japanese social wealth and thus fall into a long-term downturn cycle. Today, japan, which is seriously aging, hopes to design an internal and external cycle to stimulate consumption to enhance the vitality of the Japanese economy, but Japan's real economic system has lagged behind the world, and the capital invested by Japan's global investment has also been affected by unilateralism and anti-economic globalization and has not much room for expansion.

On the whole, Japan is the leek field of the United States, and every US economic crisis will vent its inflation to the US dollar countries such as Japan and South Korea to plunder its social wealth to calm the US economic crisis, and the United States parasitizes the Japanese like an ant.

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