
When people reach middle age, calm down, slow down


Hard days

It will also pass slowly


Calm down and slow down

There will be surprises

When people reach middle age, calm down, slow down


People to middle age, there are old and young age, the rhythm of life is more and more compact, the pressure on the shoulders is so heavy that they dare not stop, every day is busy running, with some changes in the environment, many people have more panic, various companies lay off the news, but also make people feel nervous. There are many companies that recruit at an age that also sets an age requirement for under 35 years old, and if there is no certain ability, there is always a risk of unemployment and no income.

In such a situation, do you dare to stop?

Presumably, I don't dare to stop, because such a stop means that my life is affected, and there are more unknowns about my future. Therefore, even if the work is very hard, there are many helplessness and troubles that will not easily leave the job, but choose to be satisfied. I'd rather continue a stable job where there is no prospect than make too many changes.

Choose stability, whether it is right or wrong, no one can say clearly, can only say that everyone has their own choices, have their own considerations, the road is their own choice, whether it is bitter or tired or happy to go forward is their own feelings, this is life.

When people reach middle age, calm down, slow down


However, life is not how you want to be, there will always be some unexpected things, and life will always encounter some difficult things.

When encountering difficulties, at the age when they are not allowed to stop, people will become very flustered and confused, do not know how to go forward, do not know what to do, are overwhelmed by anxiety, and often cannot sleep in the middle of the night because of this matter. But even if I didn't sleep all night, I still didn't come up with a good way, only to become more and more irritable.

Some time ago I saw an article about a master's degree graduate from the well-known 985 university Sun Yat-sen University, kaimo on the hot search, netizens have their own opinions, some people think that he is a waste of youth, and some people think that he can flex and stretch. And he himself said that the driver of the motorcycle is not his career plan, just because his career has encountered some difficulties, he is in a relatively confused stage, and kaimo is a coincidence, but also want to take this opportunity to change a way of life, let yourself calm down and think about how to go in the future.

I also understand his mood, and it is not a shame to do it in the short term or even in the future, everyone should choose a lifestyle that suits them to live. Life is only a few decades, you can't take all of them to fight, you should always give yourself a little leisure time, and occasionally you can be leisurely and relaxed.

When people reach middle age, calm down, slow down


Quiet down, slow down life sometimes to see another true self, really want to understand what you want. Some people are busy making money, every day in their minds in addition to making money there is no other, originally so hard to make life better, but the money is earned, life is a mess, have to doubt their original intentions.

The most important thing in a person's life is to be clear about what they want and what they don't want, and to have the goal of struggle and the interest of life. Life is never set in stone, and there will be adversity after a long time, and adversity will slowly go smoothly after a long time. If you feel that your heart is very tired and your days are very confused, try to make yourself quieter and slower, maybe you will find different discoveries and gains. In a person's life, there are always many things to face, when they should face it, they must face it, they must be calm or calm, I believe that everything will pass, everything will pass...

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