
My mom| is the queen's leg insured?

author:Take a look at the news

Check out the news from the Knows reporter Zhu Zhenbo

2021-09-01 14:58

The news comprehensive channel female parent-child development program "My Mother" is about to usher in the "mother-level" player, the queen of synchronized swimming Huang Xuechen.

Huang Xuechen, the "elder of the four dynasties" at the Olympic Games, was the youngest member of the team at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and won the bronze medal in the collective event with her sisters; at the 2012 London Olympics, she won the bronze medal in the double event and the silver medal in the collective event; and at the 2016 Rio Olympics, she ended with two silver medals. At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, together with her partner Sun Wenyan, she won the silver medal for China with a total score of 192.4499 points in the synchronized swimming double free selection final.

Huang Xuechen, who is the tallest in the synchronized swimming team and has long legs, has always been the envy of fans, and Huang Xuechen also sends benefits to everyone on how to practice big legs. No equipment, just find a wall, the back against the wall, the knee bend and the ground at a 90-degree angle to squat, the length of time can be determined according to personal ability, if you want to thin the inner thigh, you can also clip a small ball between the legs, the effect is more obvious.

For more details, please pay attention to the recent female parent-child development program "My Mom" on the News General Channel to make you a better mother.

(Look at the news Knows reporter: Zhu Zhenbo Editor: Liu Yusi)

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