
Chairman Mao and Xiao San met each other

author:Users know tianfu

In the movie "The Battle of Liaoshen in The Great Armageddon", the film is carried out for two hours and 7 minutes, and it is played until Chairman Mao is writing an article.

Chairman Mao and Xiao San met each other

Suddenly someone came to visit, it was a cultural man in his fifties dressed in foreign style! Who is he? Why was he so close to Chairman Mao?

Chairman Mao and Xiao San met each other

It turned out that he was Chairman Mao's classmate Xiao San when he was a teenager!

Xiao San, also spelled Zihui, was born in 1896 in Xiao Jiachong, Xiangxiang County, Hunan Province, three years younger than Chairman Mao. Xiao San's father, Xiao Yueying, was well read of poetry and books, and when he was young, he aspired to obtain the meritorious name of Guangyao Lintel. However, contrary to his wishes, Xiao Yueying repeatedly fell behind, and finally had to commit to a primary school in the county and work as a teacher in the school.

Therefore, Xiao Yueying placed all his expectations on his son and taught them carefully. Coupled with the fact that the Xiao family brothers are talented and diligent and studious since childhood, the Xiao Yueying family is a living reading sign in the local area. Xiao Zisheng (Xiao San's older brother), Xiao Zifeng (Xiao San's younger brother), and Xiao Zisheng (Xiao Zisheng) of the Xiao family were known locally as the "Three Masters of the Xiao Clan".

There is also an interesting story about Chairman Mao's acquaintance with Xiao San, which is time to return to chairman Mao's childhood in the elementary school. One day, Chairman Mao learned that Xiao San had a good book, "The Biography of World Hero Haojie", so he made a request to Xiao San to borrow the book. Xiao San did not know Chairman Mao at that time, so he said to Chairman Mao: "There is a book, but I have always been a little particular about lending books to others."

Chairman Mao replied unashamedly: "I am willing to be taught." ”

Xiao San then said, "There are three kinds of people who don't borrow my books. ”

"Which three?" "Scholars who have no real talent do not borrow, and those who are mediocre and villainous do not borrow, and as for the third well, hehe, that is, I am out of the union and those who cannot answer do not borrow." Xiao San still looked at Chairman Mao triumphantly.

When Mao Zedong heard that he wanted to join the couplet, he had found the right person, so he said, "How about asking Brother Ren to come out of the couplet?" ”

Xiao San saw that Chairman Mao actually deserved this "challenge", and he was not ambiguous, saying: "What I talk about in this book is all heroic Haojie!"

Ah, listen, the uplink goes like this:

The eyes are expensive, and the eyes will not recognize the nobles.

Come on, right! ”

After listening to this, Chairman Mao thought a little about it, and then calmly said: "Then I will take the liberty of making a pair of one leagues, and the lower leagues are like this:

There are talents inside the door, and how can you accept talents behind closed doors! ”

Xiao Thirty Thousand did not expect Mao Zedong to be so neat, and he also satirized himself in the couplet, and immediately felt very ashamed. Therefore, he respectfully apologized to Chairman Mao: "Please forgive the little brother for being rude, the wise brother is a great talent, and he is willing to be a confidant and live a long time!"

The friendship between the two began from this, experienced the friendship of the same window, and experienced the friendship of colleagues, after the founding of New China, the two still maintain a deep friendship, such a friendship, enviable.

Chairman Mao and Xiao San met each other

In this "Biography of the World Hero Haojie", some outstanding talents in the modern history of Europe and the United States are briefly introduced, and Chairman Mao, after getting this book, did not release the volume, read it very carefully, and made a lot of annotations while reading it. When returning the book, Chairman Mao apologetically said to Xiao San: "I'm sorry to get your book dirty." ″

Xiao San took the book from Mao Zedong's hand, opened it, and saw that the dense annotations came into view, and all kinds of annotations and criticisms were almost all over the book. Chairman Mao's seriousness in reading the book shocked Xiao San, and after Xiao San looked at it, his face showed a look of admiration and said: "Brother Run, I hope that in the future I can look forward to the back of junzhi." ”

Chairman Mao smiled and said, "Our country also needs such a figure. We should study the way of rich countries and strong armies so as not to follow the mistakes of Vietnam, North Korea, and India. "You know what? There is a saying in China called the rut of the front car and the lesson of the back car. Every one of us Chinese should work hard, Gu Yanwu said well, 'The world rises and falls, and it is the responsibility of the puppeteer.' China is weak and weak, and it will take a long time to make it rich and strong. But it doesn't matter how long it takes, you see, didn't Washington win the victory and establish the United States after 8 years of hard war? We also have to prepare for a long battle! ”

Chairman Mao and Xiao San met each other

As the chairman said at that time, Chairman Mao and his comrades-in-arms fought for 28 years from 1921 to 1949 with firm faith and the blood of countless martyrs, and created our great People's Republic of China!