
Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

author:Ma Ni village man

Changhua chicken blood stone pays attention to a lot, such as first requiring this red to be bright, to be positive, the color is light, not dark brown. Secondly, the blood is required to live, and the red is in the ground of other colors, and it is required to be combined without any boundaries, like "gradual melting", and if it is like a stone, the value will also be reduced. The third is to require the blood color to be flaky, can not be scattered or linear, strip-like, the fourth requires that the chicken blood stone ground be good, the good ground is to be warm and free of impurities, the color is pure and soft, the best is the dark lotus powder, buckwheat ground, or cow horn jelly, such a place not only sets off the chicken blood more gorgeously, but also suitable for raising blood.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

Changhua chicken blood stone is a precious gemstone unique to China, with a bright red color like chicken blood and a natural beauty like jade, and has always been cherished as much as jewel jadeite, and is well-known at home and abroad as a "national treasure". The "Zhejiang Tongzhi" revised by Qianlongnian of the Qing Dynasty once recorded: "Changhua County produces seal stones, red dots such as cinnabar, and there are also bruises and purples such as tortoiseshells, which are good and cute to play, but they are rare nearby."

Changhua chicken blood stone is produced in Yuyan Mountain, the source of the "Zhejiang West Grand Canyon" northwest of Changhua in Lin'an City, Zhejiang Province.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

Changhua chicken blood stone is one of the unique precious stones in China, with a bright red like chicken blood color and bright jade-like luster, known as "national treasure" and well-known at home and abroad, is one of the four famous stones in China.

Changhua chicken bloodstone was formed in the late Jurassic (about 100 million years ago) rhyolite tuff, which is continuously stained by cinnabar (mercury sulfide HgS) between kaolinite (Ko) and ground catalytic stone (Di), with a hardness of 2 to 3, a specific gravity of 2.66 to 2.9, and a composition of AI2(Si4O10)(OH)2. Discovered and mined for more than 1,000 years, it was widely used in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Ming Dynasty Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Handicraft has become a treasure trove of the Imperial Palace and the British Museum. In the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Xuantong and other emperors and concubines chose Changhua chicken blood stone as a jade seal. Modern Chairman Mao Zedong has used and treasured the two large Changhua chicken blood stone seals, and Premier Zhou Enlai once chose the Changhua chicken blood stone as a national gift to former Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka. Guo Moruo, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Pan Tianshou, Qian Juntao, Ye Qianyu and many other cultural celebrities have formed an indissoluble relationship with Changhua Chicken Blood Stone. Nowadays, a Changhua chicken blood stone fever based on collection, collection, research, and exhibition and sales is sweeping the land of China. Changhua chicken blood stone culture and five continents, especially in Japan, South Korea and Singapore, Southeast Asian countries and the world Chinese community is more prestigious.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

The natural beauty of Changhua chicken blood stone stems from the fact that it is a collection of symbiosis of multiple minerals such as Tatsu sand and kaolinite, ground stone, and pyrophyllite. Tatsusha is the main component of "blood", there are bright red, big red, purple red, light red, fast-like, band-like, star-spotted and other kaolinite, ground stone is the main component of the texture, there are white, yellow, red, blue, brown and other colors and translucent, micro-transparent, opaque and other states.

The main quality of Changhua chicken blood stone, one is "chicken blood", the other is the texture, mainly depending on whether the stone is clean and fine. The red is concentrated, large, bright and pure, and deep through the stone, the red is scattered, dotted, and the color is purple or light. The texture is delicate, clean as jade, translucent, with mutton fat jelly as the top, followed by black jelly. The all-red and psychic one is called "Big Red Robe", and the black-and-white and chicken-blood tri-colored one is called "Liu Guanzhang".

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

According to its color, transparency, gloss and hardness, Changhua chicken blood stone is divided into four categories: frozen, soft and rigid, with more than 100 varieties.

Frozen chicken blood stone

The composition of frozen chicken blood stone is a natural collection of tatsu sand, ground stone and kaolinite, with a hardness of 2 to 3 degrees, slightly transparent to transparent, and a strong waxy luster. Frozen chicken blood stone is a famous product in Changhua chicken blood stone, and has always been the main object of mining. The main varieties are: horn jelly, field yellow jelly, meat cake jelly, peach jelly, agate jelly, mutton fat jelly, glass jelly, cinnabar jelly, hibiscus jelly, multicolored jelly, silver ash jelly, bean green jelly and other chicken blood stones. The composition of soft chicken blood stone is tatsu sand and ground stone, kaolinite and a small amount of alum stone, quartz fine grains, has a certain waxy luster, hardness of 3 to 4 degrees, opaque or partially translucent. With colorful soft color stones as the ground, many varieties of blood, blood and rich textures are fused to form a beautiful pattern. Soft-ground chicken blood stone is the most common type of chicken blood stone in Changhua, accounting for about 60% of the production. The main varieties are: black whirlwind, tile ash, peach red, cinnabar, sauce colored, qiaoshi, white jade, topaz, green jade, flower jade, purple cloud, plate pattern and other chicken blood stone.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

Chicken Blood Stone

The composition of gangdi chicken blood stone is a collection of tatsu sand and weak or strong silicified ground quartz, kaolinite, alum stone, siliceous components and fine quartz, which are divided into two categories: soft and rigid. Soft and rigid hardness of 3 to 5.5 degrees, part of the texture is more delicate, jade muscle feeling, opaque, a small amount of micro-transparent, good quality is similar to soft chicken blood stone, but the stone is brittle, easy to break, especially in the case of heat and shock; hard and rigid hardness is greater than 5.5 degrees. Gangdi chicken blood stone is mainly brownish yellow and light red, most of which are not suitable for carving, and are generally processed slightly to enjoy its natural beauty. The main varieties are: just gray, just brown, just white, just pink and other chicken blood stone.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

Hard-ground chicken blood stone

The composition of hard-ground chicken blood stone is composed of tatsu sand and silicified tuff, mainly containing SiO2, hardness of more than 6 degrees, some greater than 7 degrees, opaque, dry and less light, commonly known as "hard goods". The texture color is more monotonous, mostly gray and white, with a small amount of black and multi-color concomitant. Hard-ground chicken blood stone is difficult to carve and is a low-grade product. The main varieties are: hard gray ground, hard yellow ground, hard black ground, hard brown ground and other chicken blood stone. However, among them, the hard surface is accompanied by bright chicken blood, forming a single-sided or double-sided chicken blood thin skin, commonly known as "skin blood", it belongs to the upper or mid-range products, and the harder the texture, the more concentrated the accompanying "chicken blood", the less likely it is to fade, the good quality is the best material for making crafts, and some are only polished by the surface.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

Process value

The craft use of Changhua Chicken Blood Stone is mainly to make seals, carved crafts and rough stone appreciation. Among the many printing stones, Changhua chicken blood stone is one of The Three Treasures of Printing Stone in China, and with its seductive beauty, it has won the reputation of "Queen of Printing Stone", which has made unique contributions to the development of Chinese Indian culture; at the same time, it has created a unique genre of "chicken blood" carving for China's jade carving process, and its works are known for being "magnificent, elegant, exquisite and multi".

In the selection of China's national stones, Changhua chicken blood stone has "four natures": uniqueness - according to the survey of China's geological department and the records of geological documents of various countries, no other countries in the world have yet found such minerals; peculiarity - shape, color is strange, and special, very rare; ornamental - shape, color, texture and texture are beautiful, it is difficult to give up, benefit from it; cultural - there is a place in traditional culture, the emperor loves, cloth cherished.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone has been one of the first choices in the selection of Chinese national stones since 1999. Gemstone experts call Changhua Chicken Blood Stone a "Treasure of China".

Legends of origin

Changhua chicken blood stone is produced in Lin'an City, Zhejiang Province, 50 kilometers west of Changhua Town, Zhejiang Province, the source of the Zhexi Grand Canyon - Yuyan Mountain, which is more than 1300 meters above sea level, belongs to the Tianmu Mountain System, is the northern branch of the Xianxialing Mountain Range, surrounded by mountains, steep mountains stretching, alpine canyons have formed unique climatic conditions, the local folk song is: Banqiao straight through the ridge, wind and rain continue to trace. Cover the quilt in summer and snowflakes flutter in October. In the production area of chicken blood stone, there are many legends about chicken blood stone, one of which is the phoenix locust, and the blood is sprinkled on the Jade Rock Mountain.

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

Legend has it that in ancient times, when a pair of beautiful phoenixes soared in the heavenly court, they heard the sound of mourning from time to time, looked down, and saw that locusts were plagued, plagues were prevalent, crops were not long, their eyes were desolate, and the people were miserable. Seeing this, the good and righteous phoenix decided to use his own strength to eliminate the locust plague, disperse the plague, and help the living beings. Through hard work, the good wishes were fulfilled, and the grateful people asked the phoenix to stay and bathe in morning songs and twilight songs together. The phoenix was touched by the sincerity of the people, and built a phoenix swamp on the top of a mountain - Kangshan Ridge, and soon around the phoenix swamp, all the mountain rocks became white and transparent, like white jade, and the jade rock mountain got its name. Hundreds of birds on Yuyan Mountain sing in unison, and the people under Yuyan Mountain live and work in peace and contentment. But at this moment, a pair of strong birds and lions came from the mountain, and they saw that the phoenix nest lived on such a beautiful mountain, creating such a brilliant performance, and they were jealous of the people's favor, so they decided to drive the phoenix away and occupy the phoenix swamp. One day, just as the female phoenix entered the incubation period, the male phoenix went out to forage, sneaked into the phoenix's nest, attacked the female phoenix, the female phoenix bravely fought with it, and the battle of the phoenix and lion made the wind on Yuyan Mountain sound and the sun and moon were dark. When the male phoenix returned to the nest, the female phoenix was pecked by the bird lion and broke a leg, and the blood spilled on the jade rock mountain, and finally, the phoenix defeated the bird lion with sadness and anger by its own wisdom and strength, and tearfully buried the phoenix egg that had been innocently trampled and flew away.

When the phoenix departed, the people mourned greatly, and they prayed to heaven and asked the gods to bless the righteous phoenix. The sincerity of the people, the cry of the phoenix, touched the heavens and the earth. The Jade Emperor sent the crown prince Xia Fan to inspect the facts, and ordered Jizo Bodhisattva to turn the phoenix blood and phoenix eggs into beautiful Danshi, and gave the Danshi the power to turn each danshi into a fierce ji, drive away evil and promote good, and punish evil and love. Since then, the phoenix blood and phoenix eggs on Yuyan Mountain have been buried for thousands of years, and have become today's rare and precious - chicken blood stone, chicken blood stone should have been called phoenix blood stone, which is the color found by later generations when mining and the freshly slaughtered chicken blood droplets on the jade, before the habit of calling it "chicken blood stone".

Quality discernment

Tasting chicken blood stone, first of all, is the red color of "blood", which is better for its freshness, coagulation and thickness. The fresh ones are red like dripping blood, the coagulants are gathered but not scattered, and the thick ones refer to the thickness and layers that penetrate deep into the stone layers. Second look at its floor. The so-called ground tension is the bright red mercury sulfide crystallization on what kind of stone. The floor of the chicken blood stone is pure, translucent, nailless and the bright red color of the blood, which is the best product.

Due to the good quality and high value of Changhua chicken blood stone, the method of counterfeiting continues:

Changhua Chicken Blood Stone!

1. Mosaic method

Using a better texture of the Chang fossil stamp, select several of its eye-catching places, dig out a small pit of different shades, and then embed it with red mercury sulfide paint, and then polish it after its natural shade is dried, and then polished and waxed. Because the embedded chicken blood (mercury sulfide) has no layers, and the junction between the blood and the Chang fossil is hard in color and there is no transition.

Second, the impregnation method

Take a Fangchang fossil, coat the place where it is needed, dry it and then apply it, then shade it, so that its blood is slightly layered, and then put it in a transparent resin to impregnate it, so that the whole body is immersed, pick it up and dry it, and then use fine water sand to light it, that is. This method is due to the resin is easy to age, the skin will be yellowed over time, and the internal stone color is not in harmony, while the pores of the resin skin are relatively thick, with a magnifying glass to carefully observe its surface has a little bit of small brown eyes, and all this is really Changhua chicken blood stone does not have