
"Remembering the heroic martyrs" and "this body should be nationalized" - General Tang Huaiyuan said

author:Kunming Jinning release

"It is difficult to sacrifice one's body to go to the country and see death as if it were a sudden return." 80 years ago today (May 12, 1941), in the fierce Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, the famous general of the Dian Army, General Tang Huaiyuan, was martyred in blood.

"Remembering the heroic martyrs" and "this body should be nationalized" - General Tang Huaiyuan said

In order to forever remember the immortal merits of the anti-Japanese heroes, with the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, on September 1, 2014, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China announced the first list of 300 famous anti-Japanese heroes and heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country in the War of Resistance Against Japan. In the list, there are Zhao Yiman, Yang Jingyu, Zuo Quan, Norman Bethune and other well-known heroes and martyrs, as well as groups such as the "Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain" and "Liu Laozhuanglian Eighty-two Martyrs".

General Tang Huaiyuan, who had walked out of Jinning, was also impressively listed.

"Remembering the heroic martyrs" and "this body should be nationalized" - General Tang Huaiyuan said

Tang Huaiyuan (1886-1941), born in Ma Li Yuan, Guanling Village, Jincheng Town (Huale), was one of the senior generals who sacrificed themselves on the anti-Japanese battlefield in China.


Tang Huaiyuan was born into poverty, lost his father at an early age, his mother was lonely and helpless, and there was no tile in the family and no land under the ground. In order to make a living, Tang's mother could only work as a maid at the home of the squire Hou clan in Yuxi Thorn Tongguan, and Tang Huaiyuan was able to accompany Hou's son to study. As a result, the people in the academy did not read well, but the accompanying people outside the academy learned well.

Tang Huaiyuan was diligent and studious, and handled things steadily. In September 1909, he was admitted to the Yunnan Army Lecture Hall, and was friends with Zhu De and others, and his friendship was very strong. After graduating from The Wutang, Tang Huaiyuan, who was influenced by revolutionary ideas, successively participated in the Xinhai Revolution, the "Chongjiu Uprising" in Yunnan, and the Patriotic Movement, entered Sichuan and Guangdong, followed Sun Yat-sen in the revolution, and experienced hundreds of battles. He successively served as battalion commander, regimental commander, brigade commander, education chief of the Nanchang Branch of the Central Army Officer School, deputy commander of the 12th Division of the 3rd Army army, brigade commander of the 35th Brigade, commander of the 12th Division, and commander of the 3rd Army Lieutenant General.

"Remembering the heroic martyrs" and "this body should be nationalized" - General Tang Huaiyuan said

Hard air

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, General Tang Huaiyuan led his troops to participate in the battles of Western Hebei, Eastern Jin, and Southern Jin, and fought in blood in the spirit of defending the country and fighting for every inch of land. He has participated in the Defense of Niangziguan and the Battle of The Zhongtiao Mountain Area, and has made great achievements in battle, and is also a "hard-core" general. How "hard" is it? From the following 3 rhetorical questions, it can be seen:

After the general sacrificed his life for the country, the then Yunnan Daily published an editorial entitled "Mourning the Souls of The Faithful," saying:

"Looking back at the history of the battle in the past five years, how many people can hold out for four years such as Nakajō Mountain?"

"How many people can repeatedly defeat the enemy under conditions of inferior equipment, lack of food, lack of ammunition, and sinister conditions, and carry out anti-'sweeping' several times and succeed?"

"How many high-ranking generals can lead the way, but how many people can kill and become benevolent?"

Asked 3 times in a row: Can someone like General Tang, "who else"! He also said, "The death of a general is a supreme loss to the nation... It's harder to stop crying! ”

"Remembering the heroic martyrs" and "this body should be nationalized" - General Tang Huaiyuan said

Since ancient times, Mount Nakajo has been a place of contention for soldiers, but it is also a place that is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Although the terrain was not conducive to defensive resistance, Tang Huaiyuan's determination to fight the Japanese Kou was unwavering. With the tactical countermeasure of "digging trenches and trenches in the open to cover camouflage to trap enemy vehicles, and building fortifications in the mountains to resist the enemy's attack", he led the strong brigade of the Dian army and built dense trenches and fortifications. He always fought on the most sinister front, and whenever there was a report that the position could not be defended, Tang Huaiyuan's answer was always like this: "You come down, let me lead the military department to pick up your defenses, fight to the death, I will not leave everyone." ”

At Zhongtiao Mountain, the 3rd Army under the command of Tang Huaiyuan exchanged enemy information with the Eighth Route Army led by Zhu De under extremely difficult circumstances, took care of each other, fought jointly on many occasions, and repeatedly defeated the Japanese army. Thirteen large-scale attacks by the Japanese army were thwarted by the Chinese soldiers and civilians guarding The Nakajō Mountains, which had been pinned down for a long time, with three divisions and regiments.


In April 1939, Tang Huaiyuan's mother died of illness. But it was not until the autumn of that year, when the war was slightly slower, that he asked for leave, and Xingyue returned to his hometown where he had been away for more than 20 years to mourn, and after hastily taking care of his mother's affairs, he rushed to the anti-Japanese battlefield. And left such a vow - "I have always been with my mother, so I am worried." Now that the great event has been accomplished, this body should be a national, and vow to coexist and die with Mount Nakajō."

In a letter to his children, the general said: "The funeral of my grandmother is over... Since then, the responsibilities of the family have been fulfilled, and the shame of national disaster has not been lifted... Wangru waited for himself. ”

During his short return to his hometown, the general made a special trip to visit his enlightenment teacher and knelt on the stone road to greet the old gentleman who was more than a year old. Seeing that the elderly teacher's life was miserable, the general immediately presented silver dollars to Zhou Ji.

The general also worked hard to write a book, writing down the heroic poems of the national hero Zhang Jiayu - "The heroic deeds of the shrouded Ma Ge, even death will eventually make the sweat and bamboo incense."

He used Qiu Jin's famous sentence, leaving behind the heroic "fight for 100,000 heads of blood, you must turn The Qiankun force back".


Iron-blooded tenderness and fist patriotism, yin Yin repay the national aspirations are all revealed.

At this time, General Tang Huaiyuan was even more determined to fight with the Japanese Kou to the death, and killed the enemy for the country on the battlefield against the invaders, and was loyal and righteous!

"Remembering the heroic martyrs" and "this body should be nationalized" - General Tang Huaiyuan said

In May 1941, 100,000 Japanese invaded Mount Nakajō. Previously, the theater military conference had erroneously judged the military posture of the enemy and ourselves, and had negated General Tang Huaiyuan's statement that he was on the front line that he attached importance to the defense of Zhongtiao Mountain, "there were only front-line troops and no reserves, no in-depth troop configuration, and once they were attacked by the enemy, the consequences would be unimaginable." From the very beginning, the erroneous military deployment was made, resulting in the gradual defeat and retreat of the troops.

In the face of a well-equipped and strong enemy, surrounded on all sides and exhausted with bullets, Tang Huaiyuan still led his troops to fight repeatedly with the enemy. In the case of many setbacks in the breakthrough, heavy casualties among officers and men, and a broken rear road, the summoned subordinates resolutely said: "The current situation is dangerous, my generation ... The nationality shall be preserved for the sake of the nation, so as to preserve the righteousness of heaven and earth." He also said, "China only has the commanders of the army who have died in battle, not the commanders of the captured army, and the 3rd Army must not start its end." Subsequently, a heroic martyrdom was made.

After the martyrdom of the general, a note was found in his shirt pocket that read: "Look... Clean up the mess of our army, continue to resist the war, and the rest of the death will be blinding." This is the last words and the greatest wish of a bloody Chinese soldier! In desperation, in the midst of great danger, at the last moment of his life, the general still did not forget to "continue the war of resistance." In just a few words, there is only the dignity of the country and the spirit of the nation! Personal life and death have long been ignored.

General Tang Huaiyuan lived a clean and honest life. Although he is a senior general in the army, he has not left any material heritage for future generations, but the iron bones, loyalty, awe-inspiring spirit and grand righteousness are precious spiritual treasures worth cherishing forever.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of General Tang Huaiyuan, in June 1986, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China posthumously recognized Tang Huaiyuan as a revolutionary martyr.

"Remembering the heroic martyrs" and "this body should be nationalized" - General Tang Huaiyuan said

Sincerity is both brave and martial, and in the end it is strong and invincible.

The body is dead and the spirit is the spirit, and the son is the ghost!

- Qu Yuan, "National Martyrdom"

Jinning District Rong Media Center

Jinning District Party History Research Office

Mainstream voice authoritative release

Final Judge: Duan Zhengxiang

Editor: Fang Weilin

Edit: Mao Ming

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