
After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

author:The Wang Xingren family

Normally, the golden retriever has a lifespan of 12-15 years, and some stage in your life may be its lifetime. Don't wait until it's gone to regret not cherishing it.

The following content can be said to be a summary of the golden retriever's life, 5 minutes can be read, after reading, I hope that the shoveler can cherish every second with it.

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

A newborn golden retriever

When the little golden retriever was born, the eyes were not opened, there was no hearing, and it was about the 9th to 13th day that the eyes began to open and the ear canal opened. Before that, all they could do was sleep, was to drink milk.

After the little golden retriever has sight and hearing, it is curious about everything around it, and at this time it will grope around (roll around). Taking care of the newborn little golden retriever is not an easy task!

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

Small golden retrievers 1-2 months old

After the little golden retriever is one month old, the owner is ready to wean it and slowly get used to separating itself from the golden retriever mother. After the little golden retriever is weaned, the owner can give it goat milk or feed it with soft puppy food soaked in warm water.

After 45 days of the little golden retriever, in good health, the owner can take it to the hospital for the basic work of deworming and vaccination. Before completing these basic tasks, the owner should not casually take it out to show off.

The two-month-old little golden retriever eats dry food for puppies.

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

Golden Retriever over 3 months old

After 3 months, the golden retriever will develop rapidly, and it may grow up without paying attention.

At 3-4 months, the little golden retriever begins to change its teeth, during which the appetite may be affected, prefer to bite randomly, to avoid it from demolishing the house, the owner is best to prepare a dog bite glue or dog bite stick for it to grind its teeth. By the age of 8 months, the golden retriever has basically changed its teeth.

And 3-6 months is the golden period of training of golden retrievers, fixed point excretion, no screaming, no random fluttering, no random eating, no random bites, shaking hands, waiting in place, etc. Training, the owner can arrange one by one.

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

Golden Retriever over 6 months old

After the golden retriever is 6 months old, it begins to enter puberty, will begin to have the first estrus, sexual maturity, but it is not recommended to let the female dog become pregnant and give birth to a small golden retriever, because the dog's sexual maturity and physical maturity are not synchronized, and their growth and development are not yet complete.

If you plan to let your own golden retriever have pups, it is best to wait until the female dog is one year old to make arrangements. If not, consider sterilization.

In addition, special reminder, dogs in estrus, it is best not to take out of the door! Especially medium and large dogs such as the Golden Retriever!

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

Adult Golden Retriever 1-5 years old

At this stage, the golden retriever will go from naughty to sensible. At this time, their appearance, body shape, personality, and behavior habits have basically been fixed, and there will not be much change after that.

During this period, the master cannot coddle it, and when they do wrong, the punishment still needs to be punished. Also, the Golden Retriever has a great appetite, although at this time it is enough to feed one or two meals a day, but the staple food is best to choose some cost-effective high-quality dog food, just like the following link in this dog food: "Recommended: a cost-effective high-quality dog food"

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

The 6-year-old Golden Retriever began to enter old age

Generally speaking, golden retrievers begin to show obvious aging characteristics at the age of six. The white hairs on his face began to grow, and the hairs on his body were not as smooth and shiny as before. Hearing, vision, digestion and absorption capacity will become worse, calcium loss will be faster, so at this time the owner can feed it some pet calcium tablets, how to choose pet calcium tablets? See here: How to choose pet calcium tablets for your dog? It's full of dry goods!

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

12-15-year-old golden retriever is long-lived

Golden retrievers who live to this age either lie down every day or lie clinging to their masters. If they can still move around at this time, the owner can take them out for a walk and spend more time with them.

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

Conclusion: I hope that every owner can take good care of their golden retriever and not wait for the loss to regret it.

After 5 minutes of watching the golden retriever's life, I hope you can cherish every second of spending time with it

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