
Mata: It will be unnatural to leave Manchester United in the summer window, and the new season hopes to help the team win the trophy

author:Tiger soccer
{"info":{"title":{"content":"马塔:若夏窗离开曼联会不自然,新赛季希望助球队赢得奖杯","en":"Mata: It will be unnatural to leave Manchester United in the summer window, and the new season hopes to help the team win the trophy"},"description":{"content":"虎扑07月09日讯在上周与曼联续约一年后,胡安-马塔接受了曼联官网的采访。马塔谈到了成为自由球员和续约后的感受,并展望了...","en":"July 9 ,09 -- After renewing his contract with Manchester United for one year last week, Juan Mata was interviewed by Manchester United's official website. Mata spoke about how it felt to be a free agent and a contract extension, and looked ahead to..."}},"items":[]}

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