
The artist who came out of the slums - Al Pacino

author:Eat sugar without suffering
The artist who came out of the slums - Al Pacino

A real director can let you experience how attractive the rise and fall of the camera and the advancement are, and a real actor will let you understand what is the performing arts. Al Pacino is like this, he used his life to interpret what makes art, he became the eternal "godfather" in people's hearts in his thirties, starred in the elegant tango steps of "Smelling Women" in his fifties to become a popular classic, and in his seventies he used "The Irishman" to tell everyone that he was always passionate about acting, maybe this is his talent, so that every role he interprets has a different soul.

His life is art

In fact, the main theme of a person's growth process, whether it is happiness or weathered, can be regarded as a kind of wealth, if you live happily in the process of growing up, it may become a cure for your future sadness and pain.

Maybe you were weathered in your childhood, but it is precisely because you have experienced the wind and frost that you have a better understanding of what you want to have, what you have to do, and you may not be afraid of any hardships and hardships on that road...

Al Pacino was one of those people who grew up through hardships, and his innate sensitivity and loneliness accompanied him, which made him one of the greatest performing artists.

He played a street thug in his first film, Poison Sea Mandarin Duck, in which he and his girlfriend play baseball in a neighborhood with messy hair and a beanie, running around the block to catch a baseball, with innocent eyes in their eyes. It felt like he was living in the Brooklyn neighborhood as a teenager.

He grew up in Brooks, New York, and the influence of street life has accompanied him throughout his life.

The artist who came out of the slums - Al Pacino

Al Pacino's eyes are unique, always showing loneliness, the look of the world, but also occasionally showing a childlike innocent look. Maybe people who are born as art will show such a gaze, like Picasso, like Vivien Leigh.

Why is he an artist?

Because he has extraordinary talent, he is fully engrossed in playing every role, he can still not give up acting when he is the poorest, even if he becomes the "godfather" of Hollywood, he will still go to Broadway to perform, he has the persistence and persistence of being an artist, in him you can clearly see that money can buy art, but can not buy artists.

He has really lived, he has enjoyed the sunshine of Brooks block, he has seen the afterglow of the sunset slowly elongate the shadow, he has fought with children in the neighborhood, he has delivered newspapers, he has worked as a restaurant waiter, a porter, he knows what life is, and those who have life can embrace art.

His ex-girlfriend Diane Keaton once said in her autobiography that she liked to listen to Al Pacino read Macbeth for her in the middle of the night, as long as she heard him. Al Pacino loved Shakespeare, he often drank alone while reading Shakespeare to spend the night, some people are destined not to add the backbone of all sentient beings, perhaps Al Pacino is such a person.

Each character is brand new Al Pacino

The audience's familiarity with an actor can be familiar with your walking posture, a habitual action, so a good actor will make the audience feel strange from role to role, which sounds very harsh, but Al Pacino has done it, you can see that he is in different roles, different character backgrounds, even the pace of walking and the demeanor when walking He will make changes.

In other words, no character left a trace on Al Pacino's body. As we all know, In addition to "The Godfather", Al Pacino has played the role of gangster many times, such as Scarface, The Godfather, And The Faithful, but each time it is a completely different character image.

The artist who came out of the slums - Al Pacino

The image of Al Pacino in Scarface is more arrogant, and this arrogance reflects his life background, his desire for material life and the logic of the life of a gangster. When it comes to "The Godfather", the mentality of the second generation of godfather Michael Creon is different in each film, but this mentality is essentially lonely, and this loneliness is gradually rising in Michael's mind, until finally lonely old, Al Pacino will also interpret the hearts of the second generation of godfathers at each stage very well.

As for "Loyal Traitor", in this movie we will always see that Lao Zuo, who is the leader of the gang, always has a lonely look. This kind of lonely look is even more completely different from the lonely godfather who ends up in old age, more like a low-level to middle-aged disappointment in social life, and although the lonely godfather who is lonely and old often feels lonely, he cannot be compared with the old left, because the second generation of godfathers have never experienced the hardships of the people at the bottom, and his loneliness stems from no understanding and no one to accompany. This two completely different kinds of loneliness allows Al Pacino to show in two very different ways of performing, without the slightest trace of imagination and overlap.

The artist who came out of the slums - Al Pacino

In his performance, in addition to seeing the control of details he has done in the small direction, he can also see the changes he has made to the different characters' life experience and mentality in the general direction.

Performance is in the details, in the change, but also in restraint. The outburst of emotions is never only roaring and crying, once again quoting the fragments in "The Godfather 2" and "The Faithful", Al Pacino is extremely disappointed and angry in the face of his brother's betrayal in "The Godfather 2", but the performance we see is extremely restrained, and in this paragraph, Al Pacino's treatment of emotions should be textbook- In "The Loyal Traitor", Lao Zuo guards his son who was admitted to the hospital after relapse, and in this paragraph, Al Pacino seems to take a deep breath every time he says a word, and his heart is endless despair and heartache for his son.

This restrained expression can be anger, can be despair, can be any kind of emotion of the mixture, it can be done to make the audience in front of the camera more moved and bitter, this restrained performance, often one point less, the audience has no feeling, more, and people feel contrived.

Just grow old!

"When I was ninety I was going to play Picasso, if anyone had a script at that time remembered to come to me"

This is what Al Pacino said to the camera when he was in his seventies when he was interviewed. It seems that he will always have endless strength and passion in the face of acting, and he has several segments of public speeches in "The Irishman", in which the body movements and tone of speech he shows are still sonorous and powerful.

So is he really old? Although his film role has shuttled between the elderly and middle-aged people since the nineties, allowing the audience to enter the illusion that he never seems to really grow old, the truth is that he is really old, he is eighty years old, and fortunately we do not lament that he is lonely, because despite wandering for half a life, he finally returned to the family, accompanied, and did not have a lonely person waiting to end like the godfather he played.

The artist who came out of the slums - Al Pacino

Just grow old! Al Pacino will not be forgotten because of his old age, because he has long become a temple in the hearts of countless people.

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