
The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention

author:Dr. Edward

"Academic Seminar on the New Application of Red Light in Myopia Prevention and Control" was held today in the Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, where many ophthalmologists and industry experts discussed new technologies and new ideas of red light, and shared the miraculous effect of red light in repairing vision. Dr. Edward Baldur's light near-slow lamp products received warm attention from the guests.

The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention

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The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention

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Balder's Light Red Light Eye Protection Lamp attracted the attention of the audience at the Ophthalmology Academic Conference of Sun Yat-sen University, and the scene was hot, and everyone experienced the core technology and magical nursing effect of Edward's new Bardell's Light.

The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention


The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention

At the "Academic Seminar on the New Application of Red Light in Myopia Prevention and Control" held by the Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University and Dr. Edward, dr. Balder's Light Product Experience Area was lively and crowded with people who came to experience it.

The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention
The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention

Doctors and parents were unusually interested in Dr. Edward's Baldur Light products and lined up inside and outside the consultation desk, waiting to meet with Baldur's Light Near Light.

The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention
The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention

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Dr. Edward first applied near-infrared technology to eye care lamps, according to the results of the Institute of Ophthalmology of University College London: "Receiving specific NIR light waves in infrared waves for 3 minutes a day can effectively inhibit and repair the damage and aging of retinal granules, and has a good blocking effect on the occurrence and progression of myopia, especially the damage caused by blue light." The test showed that the participants improved their vision by up to 20%. ”

The "Symposium on the New Application of Red Light in myopia Prevention and Control" was held, and Dr. Edward received wide attention

Dr. Edward

This means that with the application of near-infrared technology in eye care lamps, students' vision protection and care will enter a new stage.

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