
Inspirational! A takeaway brother in Hubei province scored 623 points in the college entrance examination and is still calmly delivering takeaways

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Zhou Dan

Intern Zhang Qilin

"Did you hear that?" There is a takeaway brother, this year's college entrance examination scored 623 points, too powerful! "In the past two days, this year's college entrance examination has been put on the list, and a takeaway brother in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, has been on fire. At the same time as the heated discussion, he did not stop, and he was still busy delivering takeaways every day.

On June 27, Jimu News reporter contacted this little brother, his name is Wang Wei, this is his second time to take the college entrance examination, once studied at China Agricultural University, dropped out of school after several jobs, "I feel that I still want to have a strong academic qualifications, life will have more choices." He said that until the start of school in September, he will always deliver takeaways.

After entering the university for the first time, it was not smooth

Chinese 114 points, Mathematics 118 points, English 129 points, History 81 points, Chemistry 91 points, Biology 90 points, a total score of 623 points.

Inspirational! A takeaway brother in Hubei province scored 623 points in the college entrance examination and is still calmly delivering takeaways

Screenshot of Wang Wei's college entrance examination results

This is the college entrance examination result of a Meituan takeaway brother in Xiangyang, Hubei Province. His name is Wang Wei and he is 26 years old.

"It was very unexpected, the previous estimate felt that the maximum score was about 600 points, I didn't expect to exceed so much." Wang Wei told Jimu News that at about 1 a.m. on June 25, he was alone in the Internet café to check the score, and after a short period of excitement, he quickly returned to calm, "Sent a message to relatives and friends, they are more excited than me." ”

Why is it so calm?

Wang Wei felt that it was related to his previous experience.

"This is the second time I've taken the gaokao, the first time in 2013." Wang Wei introduced that at the age of 18, he was admitted to China Agricultural University and studied food science and engineering. Leaving home alone to start university life in Beijing, he soon found that he had many discomforts.

"There are many reasons for this." Wang Wei said: "I don't like this major very much, and I am not very accustomed to life in Beijing. When I entered the school, I had a little idea of retreating, but in the end I didn't make up my mind and insisted on it. ”

Introverted, he often went out to work part-time during his school days. In 2017, he opted out of school due to his academic estrangement. Since then, he has worked several jobs: as a tutor for elementary school students, as a porter in a garment factory... What made him feel the most was the experience of delivering takeaways.

Returned to school three months after delivering the takeaway

In the Spring Festival of 2020, he returned to his hometown in Hubei from a field worker. Due to the epidemic, at one time it could only stay in Xiangyang.

"I feel that I can't be so idle, and when I see a lot of takeaway guys on the road, I am very full and busy, so I moved my mind to deliver takeaways." For this job, parents did not object, "they are also ordinary migrant workers, feel that something to do, better than idle at home, and takeaway this line, is indeed a good experience for life." 」 Wang Wei said.

However, delivering takeaways is not as easy as imagined.

Inspirational! A takeaway brother in Hubei province scored 623 points in the college entrance examination and is still calmly delivering takeaways

Wang Wei delivered takeaways

"At first, I really didn't expect that the work of the takeaway brother also had so many tricks." In June 2020, on the first day of work, due to unfamiliar road conditions, it was particularly unsmooth, some meals were not delivered in time and overtime; occasionally encountered customers who were not very good at communicating, and needed to explain patiently...

"This job is different from all the jobs I've done before, dealing with people a lot, and it's a lot of people." Fortunately, Wang Wei quickly adapted to the work rhythm of the takeaway brother, "I can earn more than 5,000 yuan per month, which is not bad in our local area." "He's content.

Why would you think of taking the college entrance examination again?

"After working, I found that knowledge and academic qualifications are still very important to ordinary people." Wang Wei felt that if he insisted on completing his studies, he should have more choices now. Therefore, after more than three months of delivering takeaways, at the end of September 2020, he found Tian Jia Ping Middle School in Xiangzhou District, Xiangyang City, restarted the road of learning, and prepared for the college entrance examination wholeheartedly.

The takeaway platform will give a cash reward of 10,000 yuan

"At that time, when I was renting a house near the school, I was older than my classmates, and I felt that I should work harder." Wang Wei said that after several years of not studying, the beginning was really not smooth, "the teachers have given me a lot of help, have been encouraging me, help me." "I encountered difficulties in learning, think about my work experience, so many difficulties have survived," I believe that I can do it! ”

After the college entrance examination, Wang Wei felt that he did well in the test, but he did not start to relax like most of his classmates, but chose to continue to deliver takeaways.

"I can't stay idle, to be honest, I still like the job of delivering takeaways, the income is good, and I can learn a lot." Wang Wei told reporters that if there is no accident, before reporting to the school in September, he will always deliver takeaways, "after so much tempering, walking into the campus again, I will definitely concentrate on learning, and do things more calmly and meticulously." ”

What school are you going to apply to?

Wang Wei said that he has not yet chosen a specific school to apply for, and will discuss with his family, and he is personally more inclined to choose a teacher training class or a major in finance and economics.

Wang Wei's experience was confirmed by his class teacher, Han Zhifang, a senior (14) teacher at Tianjiabing Middle School in Xiangyang City: "A very diligent child, I hope that his future path will be better and better." ”

The reporter learned from the Takeaway of the Us Group that after Wang Wei receives the university admission letter, he will be provided with a cash reward of 10,000 yuan to help him complete his studies more easily and without worries.

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