
The Tibetan military brigade of youth

author:The sword roared in the west wind

First sight of Gongga

In December 1990, a Boeing 737 landed from the clouds to Gonggar Airport with a roar, sped down the runway for a while and then slowly stopped, from here a group of young Republican soldiers set off on the journey of defending the country, composing a song of youth without regret...

Before sitting in the military column for three days and four nights, all the way to Chengdu with laughter and singing. After half a month of basic military exercises that did not see the sun (Chengdu in winter could hardly see the sun), I came into contact with my brothers from all over the world, heard the tone of the southern dialect and the northern tone, and initially understood what is called "comradeship of war" (what is comradeship of war, the understanding at that time was to distinguish by cotton hats, the southern comrades wore cotton hats more stingy, and the northern comrades issued more atmospheric. They have just stepped into the barracks from society, and the hostility of young people's society has not yet been eliminated, and the unity of military and war friendship has not yet been formed, so the fist has become an important means of communication in the world of young people. Of course, soldiers must be united, and we who are quasi-soldiers certainly understand this truth, but unity must unite with our "comrades", which is also the concept of fellow countrymen handed down by the troops. When we entered Tibet in those years, we comrades-in-arms from Yunnan Guichuan and our comrades-in-arms from Henan, those who wore large cotton hats in the north did not need to ask their fellow villagers, and when we first entered the military camp, we really gave play to the righteousness of the same village and the spirit of unity and mutual assistance of "one person has difficulties, support from all sides", and saw a fight between a person wearing a big cotton hat and a small cotton hat. In this I am also very grateful to a fellow I don't know, at that time I was small in strength, a small cotton hat wanted to find trouble, a big cotton hat fellow just happened to be put on the face of the small cotton hat after two words without saying a punch, a few big cotton hats came seven miles and eight miles to dry the small cotton hat, and now I don't know which comrades-in-arms must invite them to drink a few drinks [Ya Ya]). When I first arrived in Sichuan, when the group was constantly fighting every day, the cadres who received the troops were also headaches, and they often scolded us for being a group of rabble-rousers, but at that time, we did not go through real military training and were indeed a group of rabble-rousers, huh. I think it was an inevitable process to change from a social youth to a qualified soldier, and now that I think about it, I feel that we are very cute at any time.

The Tibetan military brigade of youth

Because of the high-altitude environment in Tibet, the physical requirements for military personnel are correspondingly stricter, and when they come, they can only enlist in the army after passing the re-examination, in order to adapt to the special environment, they must first train in Sichuan for a period of time, even so, and later heard that after two comrades-in-arms got off the plane, they were deprived of their young lives by plateau emphysema because they could not adapt to the special environment...

A general once said: Tibetan soldiers, even if they lie down, is a kind of dedication, and this is not unreasonable.

When the plane arrived at the airport, I first saw the vast yellow sand and the vast airport, when a red Santana car slowly stopped at the airport, a modern girl wearing a red trench coat stepped out of the car, long hair, exquisite trench coat, golden sunshine sprinkled on the airport, the beauty of the car is so harmonious, so beautiful. But she turned her face, right is a turn of the face, I saw, saw a face that will never be forgotten in this life: a black face that is transparent in the black, which kind of black, not Obama's black but the black of the plateau (later I knew which is the plateau red), and the beautiful figure of the beautiful woman is what kind of disharmonious integration (is a fixed impression of strange, at that time the cognitive figure of the beautiful woman, must be equipped with a white face to be called beautiful, now I think of the fact that the beauty I saw is also very beautiful, but rare and strange, She has the unique beauty of highland girls, which is a healthy beauty that mainland girls are far from having). At that time, I thought: the harsh natural ecological environment, the strong ultraviolet rays, the local people may be this skin color. Looking at the social status of the beautiful woman's dress temperament (few people in the nineties can actually see the plane, can go to the airport to pick up people designated to have a certain status) is also definitely a beautiful person with status in the local area. It turned out how correct and great my thinking was! Because later in the also never saw such a remarkable woman...

The Tibetan military brigade of youth

In the sincere blessing of the announcer, we lined up and stepped off the plane, not far away lined up several military vehicles, a group of middle-aged men with black and red faces (even more shabby than the plateau red of the beautiful women just now - forgive me for using this word to describe, what I saw at the time) (forgive me for using the word middle-aged, because the sunshine of Qinghai-Tibet is too capable of destroying people's youth, and later I became them), bearded and bearded, hair was chaotic, shouting at us, as if to say "Welcome brothers" Such popular slogans and some reactionary language (normal emotional venting, understanding does not write specific content). I heard the cadres who led the troops say that they are veterans and want to fly back to the interior on this plane, and we have to take the military vehicle in front of us to our old troops...

The Tibetan military brigade of youth

Their image today may be that of the future...

Friends who wish to understand the life of the frontier military, please pay attention to it, your recognition is the greatest support for me, tomorrow we continue to share unforgettable military life...

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