
Dream Psychology: If you dream about both of these situations, you are a "blessed" person

author:There are deer in Shushan
Dream Psychology: If you dream about both of these situations, you are a "blessed" person


Su Shi once said: "At night, the ghost dream suddenly returns to home, the small window, and is dressing up." There are no words for each other, but there are thousands of tears. ”

After Su Shi's wife died, his heart was like a knife, and he even dreamed of his wife every day and night. In the dream, Su Shi found that his wife dressed up in front of the dresser as usual, as if she had returned to the past.

Dreams can often express a person's daily thoughts and intentions. It seems to be illusory and gives a feeling of untrustworthiness. But in fact, it is the embodiment of human psychological desires.

For the "dream" statement, Chinese is not similar to the Western interpretation. Chinese pay more attention to the "mysterious nature" of dreams, while Westerners pay more attention to the "psychological nature" of dreams.

Thousands of years ago, Chinese there was a saying that "Zhou Gong interpreted dreams". However, whether this "Zhou Gong interprets dreams" statement is correct, in fact, no one knows.

In the Western psychology community, the dream psychologist Freud first proposed the concept of "dream psychology". In Freud's view, dreams are not illusory, but real. More importantly, what happens in our dreams is closely related to human desires.

For the "Zhou Gong dream interpretation" that Chinese often says and the "dream psychology" that Westerners agree with, we may wish to explore.

Dream Psychology: If you dream about both of these situations, you are a "blessed" person


Psychologist Jung once said that dreams are a direct expression of unconscious mental activity.

What is "unconscious"? It's not hard to understand. When we haven't slept yet, we're in a "conscious" state.

Conversely, when we fall into sleep, we are in a state of "unconsciousness." The "unconscious" we have dreams, and this is the truest reaction of the mind.

We often say that when we talk to someone, if we want to know their "truth", we may wish to look into his eyes. A momentary reaction in the eyes can reveal the most authentic side of this person. When a person goes to sleep, if we want to know its "reality", we may as well understand his dreams. Dreams are often not fake.

It is said that before World War II, Jung had a dream, he dreamed of the birth of war and the turmoil of the world. However, when he woke up, he did not take it seriously.

In fact, before Jung had this dream, Jung was exposed to the situation of society. He himself wondered, in what direction would humanity go? What is the relationship between the spiritual situation of man and the development of society?

Everyone found that there is actually a certain relationship between his thinking in reality and the situation in his dream. Moreover, the unconscious mind creates a "bold" and "real" picture.

Dreams are like a picture in a movie. Although we are in this picture, everything is dominated by our will. And this kind of consciousness is precisely the desire and thought in our hearts.

Dream Psychology: If you dream about both of these situations, you are a "blessed" person


There are many ancient Chinese sayings about "dreams.". The most familiar to us should be the "dream" story of Jiang Yan.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was such a literary leader Jiang Yan, who was excellent at writing and had the style of an ancient sage. In the eyes of others, he is a "stunning and brilliant" existence.

It is said that when he was young, he liked to write poetry and had a dream. He dreamed that he had entered an environment he had never seen before. And there, there's an old man.

The old man is not an ordinary person at first glance. He told Jiang Yan that you are a very good talent, and your future achievements are unlimited. So the old man gave him a brush. After Jiang Yan got the brush, countless flowers were born on the pen.

This is the origin of "dream pen raw flower".

After waking up, he found that his literary style became more and more outstanding, and his writing gradually improved. After a period of time, Jiang Yan wrote many beautiful articles and was also appreciated by countless people. Soon, he became a literary leader.

When he reached the end of his life, Jiang Yan found that his writing was not as good as before, and even the articles he wrote tasted like chewing wax, and there was nothing remarkable about it.

One day, he entered a dream. And the old man he saw was the old man who gave him the magic pen decades ago. The old man said, that pen, you should also return it.

After waking up, Jiang Yan's talent gradually declined, and it was not as good as before. In this regard, posterity called it "Jiang Lang Cai Exhausted".

Dream Psychology: If you dream about both of these situations, you are a "blessed" person


In fact, all "dreams" have traces to follow.

Jung's dream of "war" is related to what he thinks about in his time and daily life. The reason why Jiang Yan dreamed of the divine pen and the old man was inseparable from his desires and pursuits.

What a person comes into contact with on a daily basis, and who he sees, is stored in our memories. These memories will gradually appear after the person falls asleep.

It can be said that ordinary people, if they dream of these two situations, it means that you are a "blessed person".

First of all, if the average person dreams about a situation related to their "pursuit", and there are good hints in it, it proves that you are a blessed person.

Because the success or failure of a person's pursuit is often related to the person's personality and desires. People who have no desires and no demands will not dream of their career pursuits. And only ambitious people will bring their careers into dreams.

Just think, how can an ambitious person not succeed?

Dream Psychology: If you dream about both of these situations, you are a "blessed" person

Secondly, if ordinary people dream of a sight they have never seen before, then we may as well tell ourselves that this is a symbol of great luck. Because we have never seen it, we have the confidence and courage to keep exploring.

Dreams, in the words of modern psychologists, are alternative psychological cues. You know how to hint at the positive, and that's a good thing. On the contrary, it is a bad thing.

Dreams, there is no good or bad, there is no fixed pattern, only irregular transformation. That's all.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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