
Ancient Chinese Word Measurement Secret - The Dream of King Wu's Dian Forehead

author:Strange things

In the Chinese dream culture, there is also a "Wang", that is, the word dream, the so-called word dream, that is, some dreams related to Chinese characters.

According to the "Wu Zuo Guo Tong" record, Wu Wang Sun Quan once had a dream, dreamed of flying to the Heavenly Palace, after seeing the Heavenly Emperor, he prostrated his head in the north, for a long time, and later, he suddenly saw a person coming towards him, this person held a golden pen in his hand, and nodded at his forehead with a golden pen.

After Sun Quan woke up from the dream, he didn't know what this dream really meant, so he invited Xiong Xun, who was knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and asked him to test his dream.

After Xiong Xun heard about this dream, he congratulated Sun Quan and said, "This is a big auspicious dream!" The king will surely ascend to the throne. Why? For the king is the head of all nations, the king's forehead, and above the king, add a little to the "king", is not the "Lord" of the monarch?! ”

There is also a dream of Jiang Wan's bull's head below.

According to the "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi, And Biography of Jiang Huan", one night, Jiang Huan had a dream, he dreamed that a bull's head was outside the door, bleeding a lot.

After waking up from the dream, Jiang Huan thought that this must be an ominous omen, so his heart was very unhappy. So he deliberately called out to Zhao Zhi, who was very spiritual in his dream, and asked him to give this dream a chance. After Zhao Zhi listened to him elaborate on this dream, he said for Jiang Huanzhan: "This is a dream of great luck! Because seeing blood in a dream shows that you do things clearly (blood is red and white, so it is inferred that things are clearly done); the head and horn of the bull are also the symbols of the word "gong" (the "eight" characters above the "gong" are like the two horns of the bull's head; the "ム" character below, the seal text is like a bull's head). Judging from this, your official position will certainly be promoted to gong (the highest official position in ancient times). ”

Zhao Zhi's words were really smart. Shortly thereafter, Jiang Huan was appointed Shifang Ling, and after Zhuge Liang's death, he became Shang Shu Ling and was in the position of "Three Dukes".

This is the dream story related to dreams. Share it with everyone!

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