
Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Fried coupling, with flour or starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Many people say that the New Year is more and more uninteresting, there is no lively and beautiful fireworks, there is no expectation and desire for food, and there is no need to wait for new clothes, but I still like the New Year, years ago I will slowly prepare some New Year goods, experience the fun, and also make some food to eat in the New Year, such as sausages, fish, meatballs, fried lotus, steamed buns, etc., the family eats fragrant, I am very happy.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Fried coupling, I did not eat when I was a child, because my hometown does not do this to eat, since getting married, I learned that there is fried coupling, when I first ate fried lotus, I fell in love with this delicacy, very delicious.

I remember that I just started to do fried coupling, I didn't know the method, I only knew how to stuff the meat in the lotus slices, and then wrapped in paste and fried, and the result was that the fried coupling was not crisp and delicious. Later, after asking my mother-in-law, I learned that if I want to make a good taste of fried coupling, it is very important to adjust the batter.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

To know that the batter, there are no more than two, either with flour, or with starch, then fried coupling, with flour or with starch? I have tried both of them, and the results are not ideal, have you encountered the same problem?

Share the experience, fry the coupling, use the right powder, don't make a mistake, teach you the right way, the coupling is delicious! You may wish to do it together according to the method, not afraid of soft collapse, not afraid of soft, eat crisp, learn to eat for your family in the New Year, take a look at it.

Fry the coupling method

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious


Step 1 – Prepare the lotus root and prepare the minced meat

Lotus root is not too big, slightly smaller is better, such crisp and delicious, and smaller to make more beautiful.

Meat filling with pork belly is the best, fat meat, do not use pure lean meat, otherwise the taste is not very good, pork belly washed and peeled, chopped into delicate meat filling, remember not to be lazy to buy ready-made, really do not want to chop, with a blender.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Step 2 – Season the minced meat

After the minced meat is placed in a bowl, add salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, white pepper, chicken essence, minced ginger, minced green onion, stir in one direction and stir until it is very sticky.

Then add oil to the minced meat and stir, avoid the water from the minced meat, keep it tender, and then put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration and marinate.

If you want to know how the meat filling tastes, just smell it with your nose, and if the flavor is strong, it means that the taste is OK.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Step 3 – Process the lotus tablets

Lotus roots are easily oxidized and blackened when exposed to the air after peeling, so when doing lotus, do not be too anxious to deal with lotus roots.

First prepare a basin of water, add a little white vinegar to the water, wash and peel the lotus root, cut it into wide lotus slices, cut it well, and then add a knife to the lotus root slice, so that you can add meat filling.

Soak the cut lotus root in vinegared water for a while to prevent the lotus root from oxidizing and blackening.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Step 4 – Adjust the batter

Adjust the batter, with flour or starch? The answer is to use both, but want to be crispy and delicious, the proportion is also very important, remember the proportion of one to one, the equal amount of the mixture into the batter is good, so that the fried coupling is more crisp, crisp.

The flour and starch are proportioned, add a little beer, stir well, and the batter is like strong yogurt.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Step 5 - Do the coupling and fry the coupling

Drain the lotus root and rinse it with running water to control the water, take a lotus slice, stuff a little meat filling in the middle, be careful when putting the meat filling, don't break the lotus piece.

Take a deep pot, add enough cooking oil, heat up the oil to 50%, that is, when the chopsticks are put in and continue to bubble, adjust the heat to a medium-low heat.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Add the meat filling of the lotus slices first put in the dry flour wrapped, shoot off the excess powder, and then put into the batter to wrap it, each place is sticky to the paste, the purpose of wrapping the dry powder is to prevent the paste, and then put into the oil pot, while releasing the coupling, while frying the coupling, the action is continuous, turn the noodles in time, heat evenly, in order to fry out the crispy feeling.

Fry until the two sides of the coupling are golden, the surface of the coupling has a hardness to fish out, the fried coupling bite is very crisp, full of flavor, better than the purchase.

Fried coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way to do it, the lotus is delicious

Conclusion: Fry the coupling, with flour or with starch? Make no mistake, teach you the right way, lotus crispy delicious, have you learned? In fact, there is no difficulty, batter adjustment is the key, flour and starch must be used, don't make a mistake, almost the New Year, your family is also fried and combined? If you can't do it well, why not try it? Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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