
Efficacy and effect of green fruit Introduction of qingguo heat clearing and detoxification effect

author:People's Daily News

Efficacy and function of green fruit


Where the main effect of clearing pyrolysis of li fever is commonly used to treat li fever, it is called antipyretic medicine.

This kind of drug is cold and cold, settling into it, and the antipyretic medicine can be cleared by different effects such as clearing heat and diarrhea, clearing heat and dryness, clearing heat and detoxification, clearing heat and cooling blood and clearing hypothermia. That is, the "Neijing" "Hot Cold", "Shennong Materia Medica" "healing heat with cold medicine" principle of medication.

Antipyretic drugs are mainly used to treat warm fever, high fever and thirst, lungs, stomach, heart, liver and other organs such as heat evidence, damp and hot diarrhea, damp and hot jaundice, warm poison spots, carbuncle swelling and yin deficiency fever and other heat evidence.

When using antipyretic drugs, the false reality of the thermal evidence should be distinguished.

Most of the medicinal properties of this type of drugs are cold, easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, so the spleen and stomach are weak, and those who eat less and urinate are cautious. Bitter cold drugs are easy to dry and hurt yin, fever injury yin or yin deficiency of the patients with caution. Antipyretic drugs are contraindicated in yin sheng ge yang or true winter and false fever.

According to the differences in the medicinal properties, efficacy and indications of antipyretic drugs, antipyretic drugs can be divided into five categories: antipyretic laxatives, antipyretic and dry wet drugs, antipyretic antidotes, clearing heat and cool blood drugs, and clearing hypothermia drugs.

Antipyretic antidote

This type of drug has a bitter and cold taste, and its main role is to clear heat and detoxify. Indications for the treatment of various heat poison certificates, such as boils, erysipelas, warm poison spots, sore throat, diarrhea, hot poison diarrhea and insect and snake bites, cancer, burns, etc.

This type of drug is cold in medicinal properties, easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, and the disease is stopped, and it should not be taken.

Green fruit

This product is the dried ripe fruit of the olive family olive. Also known as olives. Break when used. The breath is slight, the flesh is astringent, and the chewing is slightly sweet. It is preferable to have thick meat, gray-green, and astringent and then sweet. Raw.

【Medicinal properties】Sweet, acid, flat. Return to the lungs and stomach meridians.

【Effect】Detoxification, throat, raw jin.


1. Sore throat, cough with thick sputum, irritability and thirst

This taste of glycic acid to dissolve yin, flat and cool to clear heat, functional detoxification and detoxification, raw jin li pharynx, slightly combined with the work of phlegm. With the treatment of wind and heat or heat poison condensation and cause sore throat; dry throat, thirst and hoarseness, cough and sputum stickiness, can be taken with fresh boiling cream alone, can also be combined with other drugs.

2. Fish and crab poisoning

This taste is sweet and can solve the poison of fish and crabs. For example, in the "Diet Recipe", it is only drunk with fresh juice or decoction soup for eating puffer fish poisoning.

In addition, this product has a certain decanting effect, "Materia Medica" only uses ten green fruits, decoction soup drinking, used for excessive drinking.

【Dosage】Decoction, 5~10g.

【Attached medicine】Xiqingguo

This product is intended to dry the young fruit of the plant of the family Junzi family. Also known as saffron fruit. The taste is bitter, sour, astringent, flat; it belongs to the lungs and large intestine meridians. Function clears heat and detoxifies. Suitable for vaginal diphtheria. Decoction, 1.5 to 3 g.

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